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Barcelona Apt. #2 - General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos (Nov. 2016) #2

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Beginning to look as though My Belle may be out for some time yet. I don't know what Sia does outside the apartment - she is gone most of the time - but maybe it's connected and she's left My Belle :heart: wherever she goes. It could have been a modeling assignment because then they would not need to wear anything special as clothes would be provided. 

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9 minutes ago, BBsq69 said:

Comenzando a parecer como si mi Belle puede estar fuera durante algún tiempo todavía. No sé lo que hace Sia fuera de la vivienda - ella se ha ido la mayor parte del tiempo - pero tal vez está conectado y ha dejado mi Belle  :heart: donde quiera que va. Podría haber sido un trabajo de modelaje porque entonces no tendrían que llevar nada especial como se proporcionarían ropa. 

The models, when working on the catwalk, usually start very early ... does not seem to be the work of Sia.

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Graphics card went again. Can anything else go wrong in My Belle's final period. Nothing was going on so this crash was more worrying. I assume it was the graphics card but could conceivably be the memory - good job I've got all my RLC stuff backed up.

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