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Barcelona Apt. #2 - General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos (Nov. 2016) #2

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2 minutes ago, Billybob said:

Beardy and Lola. That's who needs to come back to make this shit happening again.  Belle obviously can't do it on her own.

Can I just remind everyone that My Belle was out until 1 o'clock, came in hadn't been drinking chatted to Candy an only then was persuaded by Michelle to come out. Last night she came out ready to party but Jasmin just would not dance. Maybe she should have tried to engage Sia more. Tonight she did take the dancing to a level it had not been without her. I have said when it got to half an hour that I think My Belle and Michelle have been rude to Sia, but they are both equally to blame.
Regarding Lola she had drugs to make things happy, My Belle does not have that luxury and has been living with someone even Lola could not get to party.

Finally there is such a thing as a back catalogue and in terms of what she's done here it's as long as your arm.It's like if you say The Stones don't rock just because of recent albums - you know that rocked harder than almost any band ever, they have nothing to prove.

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1 minute ago, corboblanc said:

The dances of michellex and belle lasted only a few minutes, only sia danced all the night !!! Obviously, we can not force girls to party if they do not want to, and it is their right not to feel like it tonight. But they could have made an effort to at least stay with sia, instead of leaving her alone for most of the night.:dodgy:

I definitely agree with you. Maybe tonight My Belle should have left it to Michelle but she did put in a performance nevertheless. What they did afterwards was rude.

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8 minutes ago, DES7469 said:

Well the girls are down.

I'd love to stick around and keep reading all the intelligent happy comments. But I need a beer and a shower. Plus tomorrow is turkey day and I have to make something in the kitchen to take to dinner.:cool::biggrin:

I'll look in later.

me to I just hit the shower and am on my 5th scotch lol

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Just now, corboblanc said:

The dances of michellex and belle lasted only a few minutes, only sia danced all the night !!! Obviously, we can not force girls to party if they do not want to, and it is their right not to feel like it tonight. But they could have made an effort to at least stay with sia, instead of leaving her alone for most of the night.:dodgy:

But it wasn't most of the night, Sia and Michelle danced off and on for nearly 2 hours. There's simply no point in getting so worked up (not you corbo but others) at these girls because we have no way to know the circumstance. They could have been like hey Sia come hang with us outside and Sia said no thanks I'm going to keep dancing. I mean who knows, my guess is they will be all smiles in the morning and this will be a positive start for Michelle and Sia. 

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1 minute ago, corboblanc said:

Los bailes de michellex y Belle duró sólo unos minutos, sólo se sia bailado toda la noche !!! Obviamente, no podemos obligar a las niñas a la fiesta si no quieren, y es su derecho a no sentirse como si esta noche. Pero podrían haber hecho un esfuerzo para al menos quedarse con sia, en lugar de dejarla sola durante casi toda la noche.:dodgy:

Two things, Do not do parties ... (because they are paid?) And do not tell me to be there and do what you want, I will respond, that is a big lie that you do not believe it, but of course I am the fool. By the way, they had a party, nobody told them to do it. Second, what gives me courage, is the two hours looking at the armchairs, because we all had the hope (by the way, the same one that had Sia), that the party would work again. But come on I see that people do not care about these situations ... and then I wonder, they have nothing better to do? That's called despising the customer, it's you and me.

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1 minute ago, denizenkane said:

But it wasn't most of the night, Sia and Michelle danced off and on for nearly 2 hours. There's simply no point in getting so worked up (not you corbo but others) at these girls because we have no way to know the circumstance. They could have been like hey Sia come hang with us outside and Sia said no thanks I'm going to keep dancing. I mean who knows, my guess is they will be all smiles in the morning and this will be a positive start for Michelle and Sia. 

denizen you often get stick from people but here you speak the truth. Tonight was a good night marred by the abandonment of Sia maybe but nevertheless a damn sight better than last 3 days. If this had happened pre-drugs people would be loving it. Tequila Night was relatively short because of Belle's drinking but they did so much in such a short time.


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9 minutes ago, BBsq69 said:

Puedo recordar a todos que mi Belle estaba fuera hasta el 1 de la tarde, entré no había estado bebiendo conversó con un caramelo sólo entonces fue persuadido por Michelle a salir. La noche anterior se salió listo para la fiesta, pero Jasmin no bailaba. Tal vez debería haber intentado participar Sia más. Esta noche lo hizo tomar la danza a un nivel que no había sido sin ella. He dicho cuando llegó a la media hora que creo que mi Belle y Michelle han sido grosero con Sia, pero ambos son igualmente culpables.
En cuanto a Lola tenía drogas para hacer felices a las cosas, Mi Belle no tiene ese lujo y ha estado viviendo con alguien, incluso Lola no pudo llegar a la fiesta.

Por último, existe una cosa tal como un catálogo y en términos de lo que ha hecho aquí es el tiempo que sus arm.It Es como si usted dice que los Stones no mueva sólo por los últimos discos - usted sabe que sacudió duro que casi cualquier banda nunca, no tienen nada que demostrar.

Just because of what you say, after all the problems of the house, how bad she has been (although I have my doubts), after all that, you spend two hours on the balcony? Look at that attitude is totally reprehensible. But I've said it more times and I will not get tired, someone from RLC, tonight has covered shit. With a simple call, this would not have happened. Even if they had gotten into the living room and sat down ... but do not have me for two hours looking at chairs ... that's about being a son of a bitch. The girls bad, very bad, but RLC, much worse.

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BTW I presume all these less frequent posters came out of the woodwork because some excitement was going on. I would just ask them, don't be disappointed and don't lose faith. My Belle (just about the major player in those parties as no-one was engaged in more sexual acts) and new firecracker Michelle really worked well on Sia. I've said enough times the last 90 minutes was bad but tonight was a very promising sign and when Candy joins in who knows. These are Belle's friends, they are here because of her and they will keep you entertained.

But orgies - come on now - you all know there is little, but not no, chance of those happening. The drugs have gone thanks to Milena's party. 

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12 minutes ago, denizenkane said:

Pero no fue casi toda la noche, Sia y Michelle bailaron vez en cuando durante casi 2 horas. Simplemente no hay punto en conseguir tan nervioso (no se Corbo pero otros) a estas chicas porque no tenemos manera de saber la circunstancia. Podrían haber sido como Hey Sia vienen colgar con nosotros fuera y Sia dicho no gracias voy a seguir bailando. Me refiero a que sabe, yo creo que será todo sonrisas en la mañana y esto será un comienzo positivo para Michelle y Sia. 

I assume, of course, as I understand her words, that Sia is stupid, because she was hopeful that the girls would return soon ... Or because she looked favorably at the girls across the balcony, and at first she smiled at them, of course after more than an hour she was not smiling any more. Or by wanting to party with Mich, when she's been persuading him to remove the concealer, or Mich posing provocative in front of the camera, or showing her breasts without shame ... or not letting him go by the wrist While they began to dance ... all those saddles that Mich sent to Sia, were not real, only Sia and I saw them, I mean, we are fools ... And of course if, they in the morning, of course there will be good vibes, they will not be angry, in the end they are strange, and they do not give a shit. The only thing that matters is to charge a very succulent money, of course taken out of our pockets. Obviously because I do not like having two hours looking at armchairs, because they give us hope that the party will continue. Or maybe you knew that the party was over and they would not dance again? Because I, and I think 99.99% of the viewers (all paid) if we had that hope, of course is that we are all very stupid.

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12 minutes ago, BBsq69 said:

Por cierto, supongo que todos estos carteles de menos frecuentes, salieron de la nada, porque algo de emoción estaba pasando. Yo sólo les pido, no se desilusione y no pierdo la fe. Mi Belle (casi el actor principal en esas partes ya que nadie estaba comprometido en actos sexuales más) y el nuevo petardo Michelle realmente funcionó bien en Sia. Lo he dicho suficientes veces en los últimos 90 minutos era malo pero esta noche fue una señal muy prometedora y cuando Candy se une a que sabe. Estos son los amigos de Belle, que están aquí por ella y que te mantendrá entretenido.

Pero orgías - Vamos ahora - todos ustedes saben no es poco, pero no hay, el azar de los que suceda. Las drogas han ido gracias a la fiesta de Milena. 

He acknowledges that Belle took over the party. And she recognizes, that it will be difficult for Sia, if she is a woman and has what she has to have, she will not lend herself to being thrown again, that is my impression. Which means, that he will return to his computer, he has to make his exits and when he returns and it is the hour, he will go to bed. We will complain, we will say she does not participate, we will not know what the hell she is doing here ... and things like that. Or as it happens in B1, that every girl gets into her room, and they talk just and because they are educated, but they do the same life in common, like me and an Australian ... that is, nothing at all.

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