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RLC is getting serious about violating their terms & conditions

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I just tried to understand the link that Foamy posted.  Is Google the long arm of the law, the gestapo do they own the internet or what.  How do they fit in.  If I do not like a web site I complain the them and they somehow disappear like Jimmy Hoffa? Please keep your answers simple. 

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I just tried to understand the link that Foamy posted.  Is Google the long arm of the law, the gestapo do they own the internet or what.  How do they fit in.  If I do not like a web site I complain the them and they somehow disappear like Jimmy Hoffa? Please keep your answers simple.

Actually, Google is acting like the free press by publishing the complaints. It also serves notice to other web sites that they are hosting copyrighted material without permission.

Most of Europe is getting very strict, and this explains how the DMCA works as it applies to servers and sites in the US: http://www.ehow.com/info_8335872_consequences-dmca-violation.html

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it now seems that even "motherless" is undergone a thorough cleaning! reallifecam group ended, and no videos available! rlc seeks to meet Fort Knox, safety!

Yeah i noticed that today also i was a member of that group. It had become my last resort to catch anything i missed on RLC. Im wondering if i become a paid member here is there new videos and pics available? Or is RLC going after everything now days?
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As rlc has not had the foresight to create its own forum and archive, I have used this site and those like motherless to enhance the paid member experience. Now that rlc is stamping all over these services I have ended my subscription with them. Feel free to hit them where it hurts too, if you wish.

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it now seems that even "motherless" is undergone a thorough cleaning! reallifecam group ended, and no videos available! rlc seeks to meet Fort Knox, safety!

Yeah i noticed that today also i was a member of that group. It had become my last resort to catch anything i missed on RLC. Im wondering if i become a paid member here is there new videos and pics available? Or is RLC going after everything now days?

Unfortunately, the strict policy of rlc has intensified in recent weeks, and post videos on cc is now very risky! some photos from time to time, but no more! most DC members who were posting videos have been banned from rlc, like me! and this is the case for all the websites posting rlc videos. Yet it was their sacred free advertising! This is the video sharing are more discreetly, E-mail E-mail .....

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RLC no longer considers Motherless.com useful to them. They have dumped it as a honey pot.

Definition #4:

honey pot

In the world of espionage, it is the code word for a woman who is supposed to seduce a man in order to pump secrets from him, steal things from him, etc.

That honey pot stole the comrade's military codes while he slept.

Definition #5:

honey pot

A sting operation that involves one going undercover to seduce an (usually high profile) individual into a compromising position for future extortion purposes.

Well there's false flags, dead drops, drop outs, cut outs, active doubles, passive doubles, dangled moles. The often under appreciated honeypot. One of my favorites.

Definition #6:

honey pot

A honey pot is a computer system on the 'net which is set up to attract and trap people (script kiddies, crackers, etc) who attempt to penetrate other people's computer systems.

the web hosting company set up a server with a vulnerability that allowed script kiddies to gain access to it, so they could catch them in the act.

Source for newbies: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=honey+pot

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Perhaps little Squirrel is paranoid about this huge change in the nature of the Internet.

But he isn't.

Post carefully. Even if you are not a subscriber to RLC, crop out the ID number and look carefully for the Braille code, and that might help. Still, the Braille is not the end of it. Simple manipulation of pixels can transfer enough information to build a detonator for a nuclear bomb to an intended terrorist recipient. Intelligence services have known this for years.

But perhaps little Squirrel is paranoid.

But he isn't.

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Perhaps little Squirrel is paranoid about this huge change in the nature of the Internet.

But he isn't.

Post carefully. Even if you are not a subscriber to RLC, crop out the ID number and look carefully for the Braille code, and that might help. Still, the Braille is not the end of it. Simple manipulation of pixels can transfer enough information to build a detonator for a nuclear bomb to an intended terrorist recipient. Intelligence services have known this for years.

But perhaps little Squirrel is paranoid.

But he isn't.

Manipulation of pixels? Not sure what you mean...  ???

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