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B4 - General Topic 2022 # 15 (February)

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12 minutes ago, ddhm said:

Se Vivian non fosse rimasta incinta, cosa che quando si è unita credevo che non ne avesse idea, penso che potrebbe diventare una fantastica inquilina. La gravidanza l'ha colpita per ovvi motivi, da allora, la mossa PRINCIPALE di presentare Ulyana, Olivia, Fiora e l'incredibile Harley è stata la mossa "scacco matto" di RLC e il cielo ha suscitato un interesse sbiadito poiché B2 era con le ragazze che non facevano nulla e B4 stava cercando di trovare di nuovo una miscela. Il tempo può solo dire se le nuove ragazze porteranno ancora una volta un interesse sbiadito (nonostante abbiano un bel cast, l'assegnazione dei letti non aiuta, guarda quanto torturano Fiora e Harley in questo ridicolo appartamento per GOV) o un misto di ripetitori e le nuove ragazze che saranno, diciamo Cecilia o Titti, si avvicinano ed emozionano gli spettatori. 

I have no recollection of seeing Vivian fucking the B4 but I saw Vivian and Nana hanging out with their friends for two days and we paid not to see them. However, not even Nana has ever shown any shows other than masturbating covered with a clit sucker. But maybe I can't see well and I'll need glasses

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2 minutes ago, poncherello said:

Non ricordo di aver visto Vivian scopare con la B4, ma ho visto Vivian e Nana uscire con i loro amici per due giorni e abbiamo pagato per non vederli. Tuttavia, nemmeno Nana ha mai mostrato spettacoli diversi dal masturbarsi coperto da una ventosa del clitoride. Ma forse non riesco a vedere bene e avrò bisogno di occhiali

In a month we were given more pleasure by Cecilia (not paid because she was a friend) and Tweety who somehow bothered someone otherwise would not disappear. If she had been on vacation in Dubai and skiing there would not be all the silence that surrounds her and many things have been said. Long phone calls especially with Radi but also with Holly who was happy and smiling

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10 minutes ago, poncherello said:

I don't understand, when Spaniards and Italians speak I always share information (I'm Italian and I speak French and Spanish) but I don't understand Russian so if the information is shared by the cameras it cannot only belong to one but it must be from all . However do as you want

If the information was known by me and not by a source , I would have shared . Whenever I tune in to watch Masha , if I have the volume on and follow what she speaks in Italian I also try to share . This has to do with money and I prefer to keep it as a general information , it might be revealed in the future though . 

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1 minute ago, ddhm said:

Se l'informazione fosse stata conosciuta da me e non da una fonte, l'avrei condivisa. Ogni volta che mi sintonizzo per guardare Masha, se ho il volume acceso e seguo quello che lei parla in italiano provo anche a condividere. Questo ha a che fare con i soldi e preferisco mantenerlo come informazione generale, potrebbe essere rivelato in futuro però. 

I have the replay, tell me when it happened

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11 minutes ago, poncherello said:

I have no recollection of seeing Vivian fucking the B4 but I saw Vivian and Nana hanging out with their friends for two days and we paid not to see them. However, not even Nana has ever shown any shows other than masturbating covered with a clit sucker. But maybe I can't see well and I'll need glasses

Vivian didn’t fuck but I think , being a friend of Pam and since we saw how Pam had approached her RLC stay , I can’t think why she wouldn’t find a boyfriend in Barcelona as well . I keep on insisting that the leaked video of Tesla and the Brazilian guy kind of “ messed “ Nana’s mind of what she wanted to do in front of cameras . We have / had no other option than accept her desire , the problem is that she was after a certain period without any actual interest in front of cameras , at least the way  I see it . 

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4 minutes ago, poncherello said:


Masha tired me because she is a depraved but if you say something that interests everyone (such as the upcoming holidays in Barcelona) I tell everyone

Rado who watches Masha’s apartment the most , can tell of Masha’s plans , there was a talk that she might be visiting Poland and perhaps the now VH.TV and ex RLC tenants Carlos and Claire . 

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9 hours ago, HappyChappie said:

There's two things I've seen since being here on CC constantly from different posters, some old some new. RLC will not last long since the russian apartments went down and@Alladinocomplaining about GOV.🙂 

Hence this video.🙂 



Good point, well made: comments may come from AI (computer) bot cause it's nearly always the same lines and sometimes doesn't understand the nuances of comments which may need "human" understanding to decode, we are not all William Shakespeare's on here and sometimes struggle a bit to put a point over, although it may seem important at the time ... 😉 one of the bots once attacked me for commenting on a resident in a complimentary tone but thought I'd attacked them (which I hadn't and would never do as I had great respect for this person) tsk tsk tsk 🥱

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