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US General Domestic Politics (2022) #2 Begins 02/01/22.

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15 hours ago, StnCld316 said:

NEW YORK (AP) — Former President Donald Trump must answer questions under oath in New York state’s civil investigation into his...

Time to bring the Orange Mussolini to justice. 

I think you Canadian fools had better watch out for your own "Black Face" Mussolini.  

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15 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

And you supported the man who is doing it. 

At the moment I have no support towards any politician. They're all rogue.  

Even in Canada Trudeau enables the War Measures Act to get rid of some Truckers which is pathetic for peaceful protesting. Trudeau only has a minority government which means he needs to take the War Measures Act to a vote on the floor which he has failed to do. It was done against the will of the people.  Justin Trudeau is Canada's Adolph Hitler. He ran and hid from everything and then come up with lame excuse he was quarantining claiming he had covid which is a complete lie.  

Ottawa and it's surrounding suburbs will pay the price very soon.  The citizens will suffer in the days and months ahead when truckers deliver no goods to their area leaving their shelves empty. The fun is just getting started for Trudeau. 

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1 minute ago, SPYING 1 said:

Some charities have urged local families - who are sick of seeing the homeless crisis on their...

why can't we send the homeless to Canada 

We have our share of homeless in the streets.  During the bitter cold winter months they always find a few cold stiffs once the snow begins to melt.  Governments give all the housing to the immigrants they bring in from the third world rather than looking after their own citizens.

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1 hour ago, Ridgerunner said:

According to Mao in his "little red book" socialism is just a stepping stone to communism. Sorry, but you just admitted that you have limited freedom in Germany. Europeans relinquished freedom to government bureaucrats and politicians so many decades ago that they have no idea what real freedom is anymore. 

Die angebliche "Freiheit der Bürger" in den USA ist defacto Anarchie mit Faustrecht des Stärkeren und keine intelligente Demokratie. USA lebt doch immer noch im wilden Westen mit Colt oder Revolver und Amok-Tätern - nur das die "Cowboys" heute Anzug mit Nadelstreifen und feinen Zwirn tragen.

Mir waren Indianer schon immer lieber als die stinkenden Cowboys.


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5 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:

The alleged "freedom of the citizens" in the USA is de facto anarchy with the rule of thumb of the strongest and not an intelligent democracy. USA still lives in the wild west with Colt or revolver and amok criminals - only that the "cowboys" today wear suits with pinstripes and fine thread.

I've always preferred Indians to smelly cowboys.


You don't even know any Indians, you phony. The freedom of the American citizens will rid the U.S. of a bunch of Democrat politicians in November, 2022.:tongue:

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2 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

And how much housing do you supply for people, you brain dead socialist/Marxist fool who behaves like a tyrannical Nazi?  

Du weißt nichts von Deutschland und reißt nur Dein dreckiges Maul auf. Ich würde mich schämen Bürger der Anarchie-USA zu sein. Die USA rühmt sich die älteste  "Demokratie" der Welt zu sein. Leider sind die USA vor 200 Jahren stehen geblieben und haben diese alte Demokratie nicht weiterentwickelt. Der Un-Wahl-Mist mit Mehrheitswahl und Wahlmännern ist "einzigartiger Schrott" und völlig undemokratisch - deshalb auch die beschissene Politik der USA seit über 100 Jahren, die nur Gewalt in aller Welt tragen.

US-Waffen-Lobbyisten und US-Präsident und viele andere Figuren sind doch heiß darauf in Europa Krieg zu führen und geben täglich neue Daten bekannt wann Putin in die Ukraine einfällt. Viele Tonnen Alter US-Waffenschrott wurden inzwischen in die Ukraine geflogen, da die Waffenlager in den USA überquellen und neue Waffen produziert werden sollen. Und die USA will als Sanktion Nordstream 2 killen damit Europa von dem dreckigen und teuren US-Fracking-Gas abhängig werden soll. Das durchschaut jeder intelligente Mensch hier in Europa und Deutschland.

Ami go home !



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58 minutes ago, StnCld316 said:

At the moment I have no support towards any politician. They're all rogue.  

Even in Canada Trudeau enables the War Measures Act to get rid of some Truckers which is pathetic for peaceful protesting. Trudeau only has a minority government which means he needs to take the War Measures Act to a vote on the floor which he has failed to do. It was done against the will of the people.  Justin Trudeau is Canada's Adolph Hitler. He ran and hid from everything and then come up with lame excuse he was quarantining claiming he had covid which is a complete lie.  

Ottawa and it's surrounding suburbs will pay the price very soon.  The citizens will suffer in the days and months ahead when truckers deliver no goods to their area leaving their shelves empty. The fun is just getting started for Trudeau. 

Biden told him to "crush" the protests. You didn't learn anything about the news media from this? The American news media supported Trudeau and called the truckers insurrectionists.  One reporter on CNN said Canadians should slash the tires of the protesters' trucks.:dodgy:

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8 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:

You know nothing about Germany and just open your dirty mouth. I would be ashamed to be a citizen of anarchy USA. The US boasts the oldest "democracy" in the world. Unfortunately, the USA stopped 200 years ago and did not develop this old democracy further. The non-election crap with majority voting and electors is "unique rubbish" and completely undemocratic - that's why the crappy policy of the USA for over 100 years, which only carries violence all over the world.

US arms lobbyists and US President and many other figures are keen on waging war in Europe and are posting new dates every day when Putin will invade Ukraine. Many tons of old US weapons scrap have now been flown to Ukraine, as the US arms warehouses are overflowing and new weapons are to be produced. And the USA wants to kill Nord Stream 2 as a sanction so that Europe should become dependent on the dirty and expensive US fracking gas. Every intelligent person here in Europe and Germany sees through that.

Ami go home!



I am home. Maybe you need to get out of the "U.S. General Domestic Politics" thread since what happens in the U.S. is none of your business.

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11 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

Du kennst nicht mal Indianer, du Schwindler. Die Freiheit der amerikanischen Bürger wird die USA im November 2022 von einem Haufen demokratischer Politiker befreien.:Zunge:

Und Du redest schon wieder am Thema vorbei. Du hast meinen Beitrag vom Inhalt offensichtlich nicht verstanden. Es geht nicht darum ob die Demokraten oder Republikaner "durch undemokratische Un-Wahlen"an die Macht kommen. 

Das ganze alte "undemokratische Wahlsystem" der USA ist total ungerecht und stinkt zum Himmel. Die USA braucht eine tiefgreifende Reform des Wahlsystems, um endlich eine ernst zu nehmende moderne Demokratie zu werden - bisher ist die USA nur eine unfähige Bananenrepublik.


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