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Leora - Home Activities (2022) #28

Slipper Guyquad

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à l’instant, Brokk! a dit :

De la façon dont elle nettoie la salle de bain ou elle prendra un bain plus tard pendant que Zena dort (et peut-être se masturbe) ou elle ne veut tout simplement rien faire pour aujourd'hui.

Les deux probabilités sont possible

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1 hour ago, Slipper Guyquad said:

Sorry to sound all cynical, but what was it Leora herself said out loud more than once?

Can't wait to get my apartment back all to myself. Feel restricted when guests are there. Can't be myself. Can't wait to have freedom back.

And less than 6 months later?...

Yeah, ok.

One more proof that anything Leora says shouldn’t be taken serious or whatever she says publicly to Paul or whoever is not to be believed at least till it is proved on cameras ..Leora has all under control the way she wants it and in my opinion she has her life in such a way to distract anyone observing even the smallest details concerning her life .It is clear that she doesn’t care for anything but herself and she won’t hesitate for anything just to see her goal(s) being achieved by any means necessary . She removed Malia as she wanted , she stayed by herself and when she either saw that people started complaining and most of all the loneliness in the apartment started consuming her in a very restless range , she suddenly introduced a visitor/guest , possible future roomate in my opinion .


My condolences for the difficult year you keep on experiencing .

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Just now, Brokk! said:

Unless the girls go out together tonight. It seems strange to me but not unlikely. If not, why Zena is sleeping?

She might have been working , came home , tired …normal a short nap or something ..from what we have seen also , she’s not of any special energy person …

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