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Rand Paul: We Created 'Jihadist Wonderland' In Iraq


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Just imagine how these past 7 years would have turned out if John McCain had won the presidency...or Hillary Clinton for that matter.

Think of all the events that has happened (i.e. Benghazi, IRS, North Korea, Iran, Iraq War, Afgan War, Russia entering Crimea, Libya, Egypt, The Conflict in the Middle East, The NSA & Edward Snowden, Metadata, Gas Prices, The Economy, Unemployment, Border Control, Illegal Immigration, handing over the internet to the rest of the world, and anything else you can remember that made headlines).

Think of how things would have been handled differently and imagine where we would be today.  I'm being rhetorical, but this could lead to some interesting discussions.

It's also fun to do this with the 2000 Presidental election too.  Think of where things would be today if Al Gore would have won instead of Bush.

I am republican I vote McCain and Bush I am sorry I did for Bush  If AL Gore have won I don't think 911 would happened I believe something smells bad about 911 , if there was no 911 did we go Afghanistan or Iraq, what Afghanistan did to us? what Sadam  Husain and the rest did to us, I think we are fighting for one country I don't want to give the name , who controls our Congress, I think American people are waking up I see there votes, in RICHMOND, Va. Eric Cantor lost big time why?

Nick just so you know I am not attacking you just curious why you think it was Bush's fault for 911?

Not saying he (Bush) was a great choice but old Al would have gotten us were  we are now a lot faster.

Just so you know I am conservative. Both parties right now are no better than the other and the President we have now has done nothing but divide the country.

I have a question for you pepe  , who benefit from 911 , if there was no 911 did we went to Afghanistan and Iraq? and why did we go there? go look in Internet about 911 you see so many evidence that 911 was conspiracy 

I am not going to try to change your mind believe as you will.

If it is on the interwebs it must be true.

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911 was masterminded by Dick Cheney. It gave the big eared dumbo Bush all the excuse he needed to go into the Middle East.

Who benefited? The entire Military Complex and it's global investors benefited, You don't need to the Internet to figure that out.

Every scientist and structural Engineer that spoke out against the 'IMPLOSION' of the WTC has been put on ice. Research that if you are bored. Jet-A1 doesn't burn hot enough to melt structural steel. And explosion blows out, not in. The WTC Towers were felled straight down. Their structural base was taken out by strategically placed charges.

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911 was masterminded by Dick Cheney. It gave the big eared dumbo Bush all the excuse he needed to go into the Middle East.

Who benefited? The entire Military Complex and it's global investors benefited, You don't need to the Internet to figure that out.

Every scientist and structural Engineer that spoke out against the 'IMPLOSION' of the WTC has been put on ice. Research that if you are bored. Jet-A1 doesn't burn hot enough to melt structural steel. And explosion blows out, not in. The WTC Towers were felled straight down. Their structural base was taken out by strategically placed charges.

tbg150 you said it better then me my man , I wish I cane write as good as you guys that I cane explain what I am trying to say

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Technically speaking, with proper construction, you can melt metal with charcoal. That's how our ancient ancestors learned to make castings from lead, then copper & tin, and yes, even from iron.

yes you right..... but not all the twin towers lol, lead, copper & tin you don't need much temperature, but steel yes you need lots of temperature  2800 F Jet fuel burns at 800º to 1500ºF, not hot enough to melt steel (2750ºF). However, experts agree that for the towers to collapse, their steel frames didn't need to melt, they just had to lose some of their structural strength--and that required exposure to much less heat. "I have never seen melted steel in a building fire," says retired New York deputy fire chief Vincent Dunn, author of The Collapse Of Burning Buildings: A Guide To Fireground Safety. "But I've seen a lot of twisted, warped, bent and sagging steel. What happens is that the steel tries to expand at both ends, but when it can no longer expand, it sags and the surrounding concrete cracks."

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Yes, it didn't need to melt. It merely needed to lose its structural integrity. Jet Fuel A + an onrush of oxygen + a suitable vessel would be enough to make the building collapse upon itself. Which is exactly what happened.

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I've been away for a few days. Did some people completely lose their minds while I was gone? Are some people [with a straight face] actually suggesting that 911 was a conspiracy? And their proof is because they saw it on the internet? Along with Big Foot, Obama not being born in the USA, the Loch Ness monster, Joseph Smith finding golden tablets, Roswell alien landings and the Knicks hanging on to Carmelo Anthony? I also can find a site that says that Pamela Anderson's breasts are real. I'm not buying any of it. And there's lots more, but I've offended enough people for one day. I have to go now and read more about Oswald being in cahoots with LBJ.

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I've been away for a few days. Did some people completely lose their minds while I was gone? Are some people [with a straight face] actually suggesting that 911 was a conspiracy? And their proof is because they saw it on the internet? Along with Big Foot, Obama not being born in the USA, the Loch Ness monster, Joseph Smith finding golden tablets, Roswell alien landings and the Knicks hanging on to Carmelo Anthony? I also can find a site that says that Pamela Anderson's breasts are real. I'm not buying any of it. And there's lots more, but I've offended enough people for one day. I have to go now and read more about Oswald being in cahoots with LBJ.

you mean you tell me all this people are stupid and you tell me there is no truth in there story 3 buildings came down with 2 plains , and by the way I don't think  Bin laden he was that smart to plan something like that if he put truck load of bomb I understand 

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Guest ww_watcher

I'm not a conspiracy theorist but I have always wondered how the buildings could have fallen that easily. All of those buildings had helipads on them and were built for the extra load. Maybe not as much as an airliner but certainly at least two helicopters. Also they had to be designed for a catastrophic failure of the aircraft. The other point was that in order for a building like that to fall there had to explosives placed in key spots throughout the entire height of the building. I can imagine several floors sagging but not the whole building collapsing. Next point is that the sprinkler system would have cooled the jet fuel to the point that it would have snuffed itself. Jet fuels (JPwhatever #) which is glorified kerosene, are specialized formulas requires a certain temperature and pressure to ignite and it has additives (catalyzing agents) that, among other things, cause the fuel to burn evenly without the explosiveness or it would destroy the jet engine; that's why they don't use gasoline.

One other thing for those of you who have blamed Bush for this. Bush was only in office since February of the same year. Not enough time for him to have planned this and trained the pilots. This had to have been started during the Clinton years. He did inherit a hornets nest though. If you really want to place blame somewhere look to the leaders of the Federal Reserve. They are the folks who would profit most from this.

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I'm not a conspiracy theorist but I have always wondered how the buildings could have fallen that easily. All of those buildings had helipads on them and were built for the extra load. Maybe not as much as an airliner but certainly at least two helicopters. Also they had to be designed for a catastrophic failure of the aircraft. The other point was that in order for a building like that to fall there had to explosives placed in key spots throughout the entire height of the building. I can imagine several floors sagging but not the whole building collapsing. Next point is that the sprinkler system would have cooled the jet fuel to the point that it would have snuffed itself. Jet fuels (JPwhatever #) which is glorified kerosene, are specialized formulas requires a certain temperature and pressure to ignite and it has additives (catalyzing agents) that, among other things, cause the fuel to burn evenly without the explosiveness or it would destroy the jet engine; that's why they don't use gasoline.

One other thing for those of you who have blamed Bush for this. Bush was only in office since February of the same year. Not enough time for him to have planned this and trained the pilots. This had to have been started during the Clinton years. He did inherit a hornets nest though. If you really want to place blame somewhere look to the leaders of the Federal Reserve. They are the folks who would profit most from this.

wow you know you might be right about  Federal Reserve. I think Alan Greenspan was then secretary treasury

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I've been away for a few days. Did some people completely lose their minds while I was gone? Are some people [with a straight face] actually suggesting that 911 was a conspiracy? And their proof is because they saw it on the internet? Along with Big Foot, Obama not being born in the USA, the Loch Ness monster, Joseph Smith finding golden tablets, Roswell alien landings and the Knicks hanging on to Carmelo Anthony? I also can find a site that says that Pamela Anderson's breasts are real. I'm not buying any of it. And there's lots more, but I've offended enough people for one day. I have to go now and read more about Oswald being in cahoots with LBJ.

Obviously, you don't hang out in the forest with us squirrels, or you would know that Big Foot not only exists, but that he dutifully uses a pay toilet.

This guy too --- watch out, he's everywhere:

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