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Rand Paul: We Created 'Jihadist Wonderland' In Iraq


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A few points to consider:

1) Yes, we gave Iraq the materials they needed to make weapons to fight Iran; a war we and the UK precipitated because the Ayatollah wanted to nationalize the Anglo-Iranian Oil companies (now called BP) and that couldn't be tolerated. We supplied arms to both sides though. If you remember the Iran-Contra scandals, that is what it was all about; we had to do that covertly, obviously. We also gave Iraq THE bomb tech and that pissed off Israel. However, Iraq knew we would come after them next because they were using old Russian SCUDS to deliver some of the gas we gave them. Some they used on the Kurds and the rest was moved to Syria. We made such a hullabaloo about the WMDs that Iraq had more than enough time to get rid of it. Funny thing is, because weapons-grade fissionable material is so hot it can be tracked from space; we knew exactly where it was and where it was going.

2) Israel attacked the USS Liberty during the six day war with Egypt because we were following them and sending back real time intel. First they bombed it then they strafed the sailors while they were in the water. A lot of US sailors were killed that day by deliberate attack, not an accident of identification. Don't RELY Israel as an ally we can count on; they have their own agenda.

3) Everywhere we have meddled in the world has left a vacuum filled with all the wrong sort. Most of South America has been screwed by our choices. The middle East has had many US supplanted psychopaths.

Here is something interesting to read. http://www.zompist.com/latam.html . Keep in mind that this a brief. You should find out more about each item before forming an opinion. I do know that we were supporting the contras with laundered money that came from drugs brought from Laos and Cambodia. Let's not forget CIA trained Manuel Noriega of Panama who wasn't mentioned in this list but was an active participant in the problems.

you sad very good , Israel Co 3 months ago they were selling Boeing Parts to Iran they got cote in Cyprus and Iron Dome Defense Missiles Seized by Finland, Labeled “Fireworks 69 Newest Patriot Missiles Bound For Redsthey get from us and they sell to Enemy  they got cot 


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Face the fact: the World is very big, and filled with fucking hell-holes.

Humans love, dance, build stuff, destroy stuff, kill each other. It's not going to change anytime soon.

And welcome to a remake of 1938, coming to a street near you. Really soon.

Have a nice fucking day.

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  • 1 month later...

Well, it took me a while to get to this 'Random Discussion'. Fortunately I was enjoying a nice smooth scotch. Just as well, a couple of beers wouldn't have cut it.

Only three pages, but I had to go back to read it all twice. Plus the video clips.

One thing people have to realise though, this is not like other wars. Previous wars we were fighting there were countries and boundaries, like Germany and Japan. This war isn't about countries or nationalities. This is a war against an ideology, a faith, a culture, a religion. There are no boundaries. You can argue and debate all you like about who caused the war, who benefits, whose to blame, but the genie is out now and nothing we do is going to put it back.

If you think you are safe in your cosy little homes, you are wrong. Australia has been spared events like 9/11, or the bombings in London and other parts of Europe. Sadly, we are about to lose our innocence, the war is coming to our island. Hopefully it won't be too severe, but enough to give us the wake up call we so desperately need. If you are not part of the solution you are the problem.

Read somewhere on this site someone suggesting we nuke the lot and turn the place to a sheet of glass. Maybe the call to arms by ISIS might get all the extremists in one place long enough to do it.

On a different note, some of the posts about pollies reminded me of one of our former Labour Prime Ministers, Gough Whitlam. Kentucky Fried Chicken brought out a limited edition meal to celebrate his election called the Gough Box. Didn't sell too well, it was full of left wings and arseholes.

And MWD, in some instances it stands for Words of Mass Delusion.

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Van had laid out a very accurate history of these devil worshiping Muslims.  Now, I must add my own two cents.  Not a history so much as a commentary.

Believe it or not for a few hundred years the people of the middle east were Christians, and were for the most part a peace loving bunch.  They were also a brilliant race of people.  They had invented many great things, including the triangular sail, so that boats could travel better on water regardless of which way the wind was blowing, and they had given us our very number system as well.  Many, many words such as Algebra, Arithmetic, Astronomy, and so forth are Arabic words. 

But the Arabs and the Jews never really took to one another, and so along comes this prick Muhammad who besides being jealous of the fame and notoriety of Jesus, said, "Hey, I'll not only ascend to heaven as he did, but I'll do it on my horse as well."    But his so called ascent, much like everything else, was a lie, and never really happened.  Even the nine year old little girl he was fucking back then, (TRUE) could see he was an enslaver, and a hater.  A despicable piece of shit, that had the audacity to wrap himself up as if he were Holy.  Jesus once said, "You will know them by their works."    And Muhammad was very much an instrument of the devil,.. a deceiver that had turn those people into the shit they now are. 

I fear that Van is right.  That we may never have anyone brave enough to ever truly do what is necessary to finally destroy these bastards, once and for all.    Not so long as the liberal media, and the 'Who gives a fuck' world view is so in favor of seeing their own western civilization being destroyed instead.



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If the whole concept of free speech and the truth are still valued in this country, I will tell you a short but true story.

It was not more than about a month after 911 when I was then at that time selling cars at a Chrysler dealership in Plano Texas.

Business was extremely slow, as the country was still reeling from the shocking effects of the deaths and the destruction brought about by those bastards upon the World Trade center. 

It almost didn't make any sense to even bother getting dressed for work back then, as there were no customers and the lot itself was pretty much like a dessert at the time.

But then out of nowhere, in struts a Muslim man into the showroom not looking at all unhappy by the look upon his face but instead seemed somewhat emboldened by the affects of recent events.

At first, as I sat in my office just watching him as he looked around, I half laughed, as no one really cared to wait upon him.  But then the fucker spotted me, and just strolled into my office under the pretense of maybe wanting to buy a Jeep.  But I could tell it was just a rouse on his part, and while I was extremely cold towards him, he nevertheless had tried to get chummy with me. 

Then he pulled out of a black satchel he was carrying around with him a paper back volume of the Koran and had placed it on the corner of my desk, as he then tapped on it twice with his two boney fingers and said to me in that heavily accented manner of theirs,.. "You know Woody, (as he spoke my real name instead)..  you really ought to try this."    And at first I was stunned by this move, but then I replied,.. "You know, I have tried it, but I found Charmin to be much softer."

Well that did it!  It was like he had gotten hit in the face with a brick.  And he left in a huff all the while muttering something or other in his own fucking language while I nearly fell out of my chair laughing. 

True story.   

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Well, it took me a while to get to this 'Random Discussion'. Fortunately I was enjoying a nice smooth scotch. Just as well, a couple of beers wouldn't have cut it.

Only three pages, but I had to go back to read it all twice. Plus the video clips.

One thing people have to realise though, this is not like other wars. Previous wars we were fighting there were countries and boundaries, like Germany and Japan. This war isn't about countries or nationalities. This is a war against an ideology, a faith, a culture, a religion. There are no boundaries. You can argue and debate all you like about who caused the war, who benefits, whose to blame, but the genie is out now and nothing we do is going to put it back.

If you think you are safe in your cosy little homes, you are wrong. Australia has been spared events like 9/11, or the bombings in London and other parts of Europe. Sadly, we are about to lose our innocence, the war is coming to our island. Hopefully it won't be too severe, but enough to give us the wake up call we so desperately need. If you are not part of the solution you are the problem.

Read somewhere on this site someone suggesting we nuke the lot and turn the place to a sheet of glass. Maybe the call to arms by ISIS might get all the extremists in one place long enough to do it.

On a different note, some of the posts about pollies reminded me of one of our former Labour Prime Ministers, Gough Whitlam. Kentucky Fried Chicken brought out a limited edition meal to celebrate his election called the Gough Box. Didn't sell too well, it was full of left wings and arseholes.

And MWD, in some instances it stands for Words of Mass Delusion.

Ozi when you right you right way to go man but not to much beer :-) Ok If you have to much beer don't drive call me I drive you safe

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Regarding the clash of cultures, here are the goals of the Obama foreign policy. Sorry, I don't have the North American map (La Raza and the American Communist Party haven't released it yet), and maybe Ozi can dig up the map of the Chinese Co-Prosperity Sphere.

http://filepost.com/files/4241mfmm/North_Africa_Europe_2016.gif/ (This for non-paid members.)


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A few points to consider:

1) Yes, we gave Iraq the materials they needed to make weapons to fight Iran; a war we and the UK precipitated because the Ayatollah wanted to nationalize the Anglo-Iranian Oil companies (now called BP) and that couldn't be tolerated. We supplied arms to both sides though. If you remember the Iran-Contra scandals, that is what it was all about; we had to do that covertly, obviously. We also gave Iraq THE bomb tech and that pissed off Israel. However, Iraq knew we would come after them next because they were using old Russian SCUDS to deliver some of the gas we gave them. Some they used on the Kurds and the rest was moved to Syria. We made such a hullabaloo about the WMDs that Iraq had more than enough time to get rid of it. Funny thing is, because weapons-grade fissionable material is so hot it can be tracked from space; we knew exactly where it was and where it was going.

2) Israel attacked the USS Liberty during the six day war with Egypt because we were following them and sending back real time intel. First they bombed it then they strafed the sailors while they were in the water. A lot of US sailors were killed that day by deliberate attack, not an accident of identification. Don't RELY Israel as an ally we can count on; they have their own agenda.

3) Everywhere we have meddled in the world has left a vacuum filled with all the wrong sort. Most of South America has been screwed by our choices. The middle East has had many US supplanted psychopaths.

Here is something interesting to read. http://www.zompist.com/latam.html . Keep in mind that this a brief. You should find out more about each item before forming an opinion. I do know that we were supporting the contras with laundered money that came from drugs brought from Laos and Cambodia. Let's not forget CIA trained Manuel Noriega of Panama who wasn't mentioned in this list but was an active participant in the problems.

you sad very good , Israel Co 3 months ago they were selling Boeing Parts to Iran they got cote in Cyprus and Iron Dome Defense Missiles Seized by Finland, Labeled “Fireworks 69 Newest Patriot Missiles Bound For Redsthey get from us and they sell to Enemy  they got cot 


How come no one in this form likes the truth LOL no one gave thumbs up on this one I think you all are scared from AIPAC

President Bush's decision to attack was to help Israel. With support from Israel and America's Jewish-Zionist lobby, and prodded by Jewish "neo-conservatives" holding high-level positions in his administration, President Bush - who was already fervently committed to Israel - resolved to invade and subdue one of Israel's chief regional enemies.

This is so widely understood in Washington that US Senator Ernest Hollings was moved in May 2004 to acknowledge that the US invaded Iraq "to secure Israel," and "everybody" knows it. He also identified three of the influential pro-Israel Jews in Washington who played an important role in prodding the US into war: Richard Perle, chair of the Pentagon's Defense Policy Board; Paul Wolfowitz, Deputy Defense Secretary; and Charles Krauthammer, columnist and author.

Hollings referred to the cowardly reluctance of his Congressional colleagues to acknowledge this truth openly, saying that "nobody is willing to stand up and say what is going on." Due to "the pressures we get politically," he added, members of Congress uncritically support Israel and its policies.

Some months before the invasion, retired four-star US Army General and former NATO Supreme Allied Commander Wesley Clark acknowledged in an interview: "Those who favor this attack [by the US against Iraq] now will tell you candidly, and privately, that it is probably true that Saddam Hussein is no threat to the United States. But they are afraid at some point he might decide if he had a nuclear weapon to use it against Israel."

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