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Masha, Sam - 2022 #5


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at the same time , new couple in Prague and Luna is back …Insane TLC full of events to keep on commenting ..But Sam back , WTF ?

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il y a 2 minutes, ddhm a dit :

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C'est incroyable cette histoire, 

il est peut etre juste de passage quelques jours avant de venir en ESpagne ?

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5 minutes ago, rado07 said:

It will be difficult how Masha manages this constellation.
Her neighborhood fuck partner will probably have quite a problem with this.

Is Sam bi?  Would RLC ever contemplate something like this on their site?  

At best we see a MFM threesome.  At worst ... hmmmmm

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2 minutes ago, JenniferMom said:

Is Sam bi?  Would RLC ever contemplate something like this on their site?  

At best we see a MFM threesome.  At worst ... hmmmmm

Sam isn't bi
but being present in the apartment is certainly difficult or unacceptable for Elvis

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The only history that I can recall is when Eva took Sasha away from Dasha after they had become a couple. Sam had started openly sharing Eva with Baldy and they brought him along on the visit to Masha. Eva and Sasha hit it off under the covers. Sam tried to get Eva out of bed with Sasha after more than a day. Eva refused Sam's demand and stayed with Sasha. Masha was taking all of this in while she was beginning to grieve the loss of Sasha to Dasha. This could be some kind of perverse karma for Masha to take him in at this point. These are the events that make me take back what I said about RLC scripts. You cannot make this kind of shit up.

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