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Leora - Home Activities (2022) #43

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Il y a 18 heures, j’ai lu Filipe a dit :

Leora a conduit au sac avec des vêtements ???

Ou restais à la maison 

Je les pas vus prendre un sac et je vois mal les affaires quelle a pris de la chambre les mettre sur le meuble de l’entrée et ensuite les déposer sur le rebord du canapé léora dois rentré vers 22 h

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21 minutes ago, patou said:

Il y a-t-il une personne qui a des nouvelles de LB est il toujours présent avec elle on ont peu dire que c’est terminé ????????

I haven't heard anything from LB for a long time, but what Leora is doing outside and who she's been on the phone with in the hall of the apartment for a long time, one can only speculate.
I think it's just a friendship with LB, if anything.
The fact that the plans with Paul are getting closer is also a sign for me.
Also, when was Leora gone overnight for a longer period of time?
She spent most of her time at home.
But she said to someone on the phone that Leora doesn't want to be alone forever, I don't know who it was.
But for me it means that leora is putting the focus on paul at the moment.
I hope that it will work out soon for both of them that he will come.
I don't think Leora will consider such an effort again. I also hope that Paul will not disappoint Leora, no real contact for more than 2 years, that's a very long time......

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il y a 22 minutes, The Earl a dit :

Je n'ai pas entendu parler de LB depuis longtemps, mais ce que Leora fait dehors et avec qui elle est au téléphone depuis longtemps dans le hall de l'appartement, on ne peut que spéculer.
Je pense que c'est juste une amitié avec LB, si quelque chose.
Le fait que les plans avec Paul se rapprochent est aussi un signe pour moi.
De plus, quand Leora est-elle partie du jour au lendemain pendant une longue période de temps ?
Elle passait la plupart de son temps à la maison.
Mais elle a dit à quelqu'un au téléphone que Leora ne voulait pas être seule pour toujours, je ne sais pas qui c'était.
Mais pour moi, cela signifie que Leora met l'accent sur Paul en ce moment.
J'espère que ça marchera bientôt pour eux deux qu'il viendra.
Je ne pense pas que Leora envisagera à nouveau un tel effort. J'espère aussi que Paul ne décevra pas Leora, pas de vrai contact depuis plus de 2 ans, c'est très long......

Merci le comte pour l’on analyse

Je pense aussi que maintenant on sait que Paul doit venir et qu’elle a déjà eu beaucoup de problème sur la venue d’Eva et Paul

Je ne la vois pas se mettre dans une autre situation

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38 minutes ago, The Earl said :

I haven't heard anything from LB for a long time, but what Leora is doing outside and who she's been on the phone with in the hall of the apartment for a long time, one can only speculate.
I think it's just a friendship with LB, if anything.
The fact that the plans with Paul are getting closer is also a sign for me.
Also, when was Leora gone overnight for a longer period of time?
She spent most of her time at home.
But she said to someone on the phone that Leora doesn't want to be alone forever, I don't know who it was.
But for me it means that leora is putting the focus on paul at the moment.
I hope that it will work out soon for both of them that he will come.
I don't think Leora will consider such an effort again. I also hope that Paul will not disappear Leora, no real contact for more than 2 years, that's a very long time......

I think in essence Paul and Leora have had more contact over the last two plus years than many people have with each other when living together.

With a couple of small exceptions they have spoken on a daily basis for possibly a total in excess of two hours each day.

Admittedly they have had arguments sometimes but after several years together they are “Soul mates”, they understand each other's moods and preferences in life and if anything the absence has probably made them realize just how much they do need each other.

They both have had opportunities to take other partners but both don’t seem that interested in forming a lasting loving relationship with anyone else, and as the old saying goes “Better the devil you know“

However long it takes, I believe sooner and later they will be back together permanently again ...... It’s what they both need !

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il y a 8 minutes, pulo filipe a dit :

♥️ Paul et Eva ♥️ arrivent

À venir

Le jour ou Paul et Eva quitteras Krasnoïarsk là on sera sûr de son arrivé pour l’instant on ne le sait pas mais il ne faut pas qu’il attend trop longtemps car la situation peut vite changé


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And when will it be that the family is reunited? Who knows, because it seems to change regular, not surprising when you consider Europe is changing all the time. Let's not forget, a war is still ongoing, and this has affected things massively. But it's closer now than ever, and recently she has on several occasions made it very clear to him just how much she is looking forward to it.

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