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Martina & Alberto - 2022 #13


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18 hours ago, kris66 said:

So many crazy speculations here and none knows the truth.  It must be a sad life to sit and speculate how other peoples relationships/lives are. And the wild accusations. Drugs, betrayal, cuckolding etc.  LMAO.

Lots to unpack here.   Yes there are a lot of speculations.  That is the nature of this.  We see what we see and we speculate to fill in the gaps.  Are the speculations wild?  Yes some are perhaps.  What is wild to one person may not be wild to another.

I will stipulate Kris that yes it sad to sit here and pay $45 and blather on about of this.   It's not a healthy habit.  But of all the unhealthy and unsafe habits I could have, this one has been fun.  I should probably quit and some day I will.   All I will say is that I am dumbfounded when people come on here and basically accuse the rest of us of having a sad life.  Kind of like the pot calling the ketttle black.

You say the accusations are wild.   Really?  There is a lot of evidence of drug use in virtually all of the apartments.  Honestly I think the claims of drug usage are overblown and I don't care for the faux outrage over drugs, but I don't think it is a "wild accusation" to bring up drug usage in RLC.   Betrayal?  This whole Martina/Nelly saga is about how these girls are betraying their significant others.  Or not.  Betrayal can't be a  wild accusation.   Cuckholding?   What other explanation  can their be for why Alberto accepts this?  I am not fond of the cuckhold explanation because to me I would want Alberto to  actually WATCH Martina fuck someone ... but I accept the idea of Alberto being a cuck and I don't think it is a wild accusation at all.  It fits Alberto quite well actually.

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16 hours ago, Deepdave said:

If I were a betting man, I would say that Martina is bringing Taco to a dog training course twice a week and it takes about 4 to 5 hours per session.

OMG another wild speculation!    

🙂 🙂 🙂 🤣

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18 hours ago, yelt said:

What are we to do if Martina stops her Weekend Overnight activities and Alberto is working? 

Are you saying instead of seeing the apartment on weekends with just Alberto playing video games, we  would now see the apartment with just Martina?     

Alberto can't get a job  because of the dogs.

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2 hours ago, JenniferMom said:

Are you saying instead of seeing the apartment on weekends with just Alberto playing video games, we  would now see the apartment with just Martina?     

Alberto can't get a job  because of the dogs.

Martina and Candela could help with the dogs...

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2 hours ago, JenniferMom said:

Are you saying instead of seeing the apartment on weekends with just Alberto playing video games, we  would now see the apartment with just Martina?     

Alberto can't get a job  because of the dogs.

Alberto and the dogs is the most silly excuse that he could ever create … no matter what and even not  being a pets expert , there’s no way that it is “ Alberto and the dogs “… let’s be honest and truth here … so , we put the life surviving and job opportunities secondary than prioritizing it because of dogs .. ok .. either I live in another world or I have lost contact of what’s going on in real life .. 

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5 minutes ago, Moosecini said:

The way Martina is acting about Blackie... it sounds like it may just be ONE dog soon. 😞

Alberto better get home soon and check on Blackie...

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3 minutes ago, Moosecini said:

Honestly, when my last pet died, that was it for me.  I can't take the pain of watching pets die over and over.

They are family.. It's cruel dogs have such a short life...

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57 minutes ago, ddhm said:

Alberto and the dogs is the most silly excuse that he could ever create … no matter what and even not  being a pets expert , there’s no way that it is “ Alberto and the dogs “… let’s be honest and truth here … so , we put the life surviving and job opportunities secondary than prioritizing it because of dogs .. ok .. either I live in another world or I have lost contact of what’s going on in real life .. 

I completely agree.  To be clear, my comment was sarcasm.  I'm not that good at it but I try.

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parece que black esta en las ultimas , estan decidiendo si lo duermen para siempre , por que no tienen mas dinero para tratamientos , he pasado varias veces por eso , y es duro .

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