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Jack the Ripper


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No political party has "got it right" here in the U.S. 

I thought the Republican machine would go on in perpetuity, but an overly conservative social plank on woman's rights and gays brought them down.  They had the fiscal part right; work and succeed.  They just don't sell well because the leaders are white and older men.

The Democratic administrations have coddled the "do nothings", who only get up off the couch to grab their unemployment checks.  They spend to satisfy the masses and get re-elected.  Don't get me started on the health care system that didn't deliver what the President promised.  The people were compelled  to give their money to a third party that didn't deliver a product worth buying.

It's funny that in America we say that we won the Cold War, but it looks like both have similarly become the U.S.S.A. 

A Socialist domestic policy has become the norm in the U.S.A. and Western capitalism created the current society in Russia.

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I'm not picking on you,.. Your entitled to your own opinion.  But don't you think your comment about the conservatives or Republicans don't sell well because they are "Old white men" is pretty stupid?

Albert Einstein was an old white man, for one.  And so was John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Monroe, and lets not forget Benjamin Franklin.  Should we not give a listen to those great men, just because your prejudice against "Old white men"?

Is it now a situation due to idiot television, that people are now prone to vote for certain candidates in the same way they would for someone on American Idol?

"Oh I think he should be our next president.  Sure he's dumber than shit, but he's soooo cute."

God help us!


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The Republican Party is just emerging from stereotyping.  With more women and blacks getting involved, it should have a larger following going forward. 

Sometimes it is difficult to tell the two major parties apart.  They both sort of gravitated to the middle.  Like my comment about the Soviets and the U.S. becoming a blend of each other.

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As far as the Soviets and the United States becoming a blend of each other.  Just what party do you think is most responsible for that?

How can you say there is very little difference between the parties, when none of the Republicans voted for Obama care.  And when it was the Republicans who were trying to lower the taxes on the middle class, or do away with the death tax, (A form of picking a dead man's pockets) all the while the Democrats were yelling and screaming, Hell No!, We need to raise taxes even higher.  We need to drive big business out of this country in order to help weaken the economy and our own growth here.  Our real purpose here is to dismantle this country and turn it into a socialist state controlled by us Democrats.  Actually they're not that honest to just come out and speak that way, but that is their true intent.

The Democrats don't give a damn about the Constitution, or your rights.  And have been working hard to do away with it by bits and pieces.  "What nerve!,.. You say you want the right to protect your own wife and family?"  "Who said you have our permission to do so?"

The Democrats are for a weak and depleted military, the Republicans the exact opposite.

And on pretty much every issue you can think of they are at odds with each other, or else you wouldn't have such in-fighting going on between them.    And there wouldn't be such a need to spend millions on trying to get your own party members elected in order to take control of the house and senate if they were so similar.

You hear some imbecile say something like that, and then you hear another just parrot it without even really thinking somehow, because to a non-thinker it just sounds good.

Yes, It's true a lot of the Republicans are afraid to be as conservative as say Ronald Reagan once was, because of the liberal bias in the media, and the effect that they might have over certain uneducated, ill informed voters.

But even so, the difference between the two parties is like night and day.

Hell, Just ask any ten or eleven year old girl who tries to open up a lemon-aide stand anymore if there is a difference between the two parties. 

Or how about all those kids now at school, who are being told that they have to eat this slop that even Michele (Fuck your parents!  We're your new parents now) Obama wouldn't touch.  They can't even have their own mothers fix them a lunch anymore!  (Rights,.. What rights?)

Fucking Democrats,.. I detest them all!

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No political party has "got it right" here in the U.S. 

Yep. I'm a Goldwater Conservative, and therefore a registered Libertarian. I want all these rich Fed political jack-offs out of my bedroom and out of my house. And my fridge. And I don't want them in my business, either -- I built it; they didn't.

In fact, we built the Federal Government. Maybe we should start hiring people who will understand the Constitution and why it was written the way it was.

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There is a huge difference between the two parties, but Demcraps have one thing on republicans they stick to there views.  You have a lot of wishy washy republicans who only vote for stuff if it benefits them not their constituents.  I have spent a lot of time looking at the repub party and I can see it.  Truthfully I mostly align myself with the same views as the Tea Party.  Let every person run their own lives, secure the borders and let people immigrate the right way, and Peace through Strength when it comes to the military.  I won't speak to much on politics because I am still on active duty, but I can tell you this, with what the current administration is doing, there will be no military left to defend this once great nation.  With the policies that are in place, there will be no businesses left in this country to build the economy.  With the way this country (currently) treats its populace with taxes there will be no small farmers left to feed the world.  I have a small cattle operation back home, and if I leave it to my kids when I die they will have to sell most of it off just to pay the inheritance tax.  For those of you in cities or on the coasts and do not understand farming, our farmers on average feed more people in more countries and anywhere on the planet.  That's why you always here repubs preaching about the farm bill, granted it does need cleaned up (a lot of waste spending)  it is important.  I always hear you don't need any leeway you always have like new vehicles.  Small farmers on average are close to a million in debt.  Between the cost of seed, equipment, and feed, it doesn't leave a lot of room.  Most of your farmers by new stuff to get a tax ride off for a few years.  My friend just had to pay over 100,000 in taxes just because he had to show a profit for banking needs.  that was over half of his profit.  plus he still had all his costs.  it is ridiculas.  Our country is in shambles we have more people on welfare than populations of some countries.  Welfare is way to abused.  We have people on Social Security who have never put in one dime to it.  I recently fired one of my hired hands because I found out he was illegal.  He gave me one I.D. Social security number, and birth certificate that he bought, all the while drawing welfare with another.  He was arrested and was he deported? No he was just released with another court date to which he never showed.  Alright I am stepping away, damn blood pressure lol

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I an enjoying the debate by you good Americans! Just to put in my British thoughts. You guys have seen nothing yet when it comes to the erosion of individual liberty and the growing power of the state over the individual.

The UK has sadly been dragged along a European Super State pathway. Despite never being given a single vote in the last 40 years, the UK has joined a club that secretly (at first) declared the need for 'ever closer union'. Led by a totally undemocratic political elite (think Soviet Union) based in Brussels who have simply decided to eliminate nationhood in the belief that taking away everyone's identity will remove the desire to go to war with each other!!!

500 million people are allowed to travel to any country regardless of education or suitability to work. They can claim benefits virtually as soon as they arrive. Over the last 10 years the UK population has grown by millions as immigrants from every nation fold into the country. They can use our National Health Service (free medical cover for any and every illness), they can claim child benefit even if the children being claimed for don't actually live in the UK. We Brits are currently sending millions of pounds of benefits to Poland to pay for the children of the over one million Poles who have come to live in the UK!!!  Anyone who tries to suggest that something is wrong with this is labelled a racist.

Our British government is this week rushing through new laws to allow the secret services to monitor every single email and telephone call of every citizen and these are kept on record for at least 18 months (forever more like!).

Taxes are huge and getting bigger. God forbid if our Socialist Labour Party win the next election. We will become like France and have 75% tax rates on the rich. This will send the wealthy job creators rushing for the exit, taking their wealth and knowledge with them. Still this will be balanced by the arrival of Romanian gypsies who can wonder over to bring their educational skills and wealth creation ideas that consist of one idea - rob others and claim benefits whilst living in caravans moving across the country leaving filthy devastation!!! Sorry a bit of a rant and stereotyping but it helps paint a picture!!

25 million people across Europe are unemployed thanks to socialist policies. The Euro has virtually wrecked every economy in the Eurozone although Germany are loving the advantages it gives them! (they make great cars as well as being great at football!)

God help us and God help America if you continue to follow the European socialist policies. America will become a second rate nation. The Federal government will go bankrupt causing financial meltdown. China will continue to grow in strength by using totalitarian capitalism (never give a damn about your people, simply bulldoze over them and build a mighty industrial machine that eats every resource the world has and along the way pollute the world. By the way the UK contributes 2% of the worlds carbon emissions and yet has introduced huge costly taxes to lower our carbon production by half! At a cost of billions to the UK population we will have reduced the worlds carbon by 1%. In the meantime China is building a new coal fired power station at the rate of one per week!!! Socialism (totalitarian capitalism)wins. The West loses again!

I will not even bother to mention Religion again. God help the world if Islam is allowed to continue spreading. Another thread might allow us to debate that one!!!

American MUST wake up and stop their government moving further and further along the European Socialist model. Obama is dangerous simply because he is a dreamer. Whilst he dreams of a Utopian world the bad guys around the world continue to spread their hatred of all things American. America withdraws in on itself and turns against its own people. It destroys the greatest wealth creating machine ever created and replaces it with a 'Rights' culture. The right to not work, the right to free welfare. The right to sit on your every fatter ass and do nothing in the belief that someone else will do it for you!!!!

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I often wondered over the stupidity of France raising the tax rate to 75% on the productive job creators.

But as the more conservative job creators all run for the door, it leaves that country with no one left to even fight or contest the liberal bastards anymore, as they continue to devour and to destroy all of what others have built before them, kind of like termites. 

So I suppose they're not so stupid after all, just very devious.

Gentlemen,.. I propose we kill them all.

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Obama is dangerous simply because he is a dreamer.


I agree with everything you say in your statement except for this sentence.

Obama is not a dreamer. He is a full-blooded Marxist operative, programmed and trained by an older generation, who were themselves taught by the Ghost of the Third Communist International.

The fall of Soviet totalitarianism was a great victory, for which much credit must go to Reagan and Thatcher's knowledge that Socialism leads to bankruptcy, but unfortunately, the Soviets had already fed the Western World a poison pill that is now taking full affect.

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Here is one of Obama's little friends.  Little Kimmy.    If he dreams at all, this is what he dreams of.

"Look at me Mommy,.. I ride on big boat."

That's right, hold on tight little Kimmy, we wouldn't want you to slip into the drink. 

You repugnant mother fucker.

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