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Jack the Ripper


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A while back I made an inference in a post about Jack the Ripper.

But now it's time to take a serious look at this legendary killer.

Sure, I've heard all the theories, from the Queen's henchmen to protect some high born prince from having a child born out of wedlock from a prostitute, to the authorities later thinking to blame the ghastly crime on an American doctor.

But upon a closer inspection of it all you will clearly see that it bears all the markings of it being the work of an irate Muslim.    Yes,.. You heard me,.. A Muslim.

Why?, We may never know.  Perhaps it was because those women refused to wear a burka.  Or perhaps because he couldn't resist secretly wanting to fuck them, and took his hatred out on them for that of his own inner weakness.  Or perhaps it's just because he felt that he was entitled to a freebee and the women there just laughed in his face.    Or perhaps one of them gave him a case of the Clap.

We can only speculate as to why?  But at the end of the day I'm pretty sure that you will come to same conclusion as I have in that Jack the Ripper was probably in all likelihood the great, great, grandfather of either Omar Shit Mohamed, or perhaps even that of Osama Bin Laden.    It just makes sense to me.   


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And have you ever thought of what the night sky would look like if we ever got around to nuking that region of the world with all of that sand turning into glass?

It would be like a wonderful strobe light as the sun's rays reflected off of it.  And while it's night time here for us, it would be like a beacon of sorts, just shining off into space. 

Kind of pretty when you think of it.

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Thanks to EU, UN and US foreign policy, we won't need to nuke them. They will soon be able to nuke themselves. After they get rid of that "troublesome democracy" in Israel, of course.

Then probably NY, London & Paris, too, will also just be mere collateral damage along the way. The Caliphate has already taken North Africa and most of the Moslem world. They're have spirit; they won't stop.

Obama will create a committee to discuss the issue while Putin moves in and controls the situation. He's a grown-up. He's the only powerful world leader who is a grown-up. Then, of course, the Chinese will move in. They need the oil, and they hate Russians more than they hate Euros and Americans.

Europeans will burn their furniture to stay warm in the winter. Aussies will be shuddering, waiting for their mineral wealth to be taken by force of arms.

That's the way it works when the leading powers of civilization gets weak.

Have a nice fucking day.  :)

It's gonna be ugly, kids.

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Wow, Woody, you seem to be pretty frustrated.

That's OK. I understand. Because I'm really pissed off myself. Let me just take a moment to refine the nature of our concerns so that people don't misunderstand your actual message.

Because the problems in the US, and in the world, have nothing to do with race, creed, color or national origin. Of all the nations of the world, the United States has been the most tolerant and not the evil beast that they would wish us to believe.

I have had thousands of customers, and hundred of vendors, and plenty of employees. The customers paid on time, the vendors provided great services and products. Some of them were black, some were white, some were in-between; some were gay, some were lesbian; I didn't fucking care. We worked to build our businesses so we could feed ourselves and our families. They were honest in their business dealings, we worked as free-enterprise people to build our businesses together, and we did pretty well down here in the lower-middle class level until November 2006.

Granted, Obama is mixed race. Fine. I'm white as hell and have to watch for skin cancer. Fine. Both he and I have something in common: our ancestors were from Africa.

My frustration with the current political situation is not one of racism, religion, or even daily plolitics: it's strictly regarding the war between Authoritarianism and Individual Liberty. The race baiting is just a ruse to divert attention from this simple fact. Hitler and Stalin both used this race and religion crap to divide their populace in order to get total control.

I have serious doubts that the ascendency of China's navy and Russia's cunning will lead to a better world than that which was won by the British Empire or the Federal Democratic Republic of the United States of America.

It's never been a matter of race, creed, culture, or national origin here in the US. It's a matter of individual liberty. Period.

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Fuck it.  I suppose what I had to say was a little too honest or gutsy for some.

So how about a nice chorus of "We are the World" instead.

Another twenty years or so, if we continue on in this way, and America ought to be ripe for the picking.

I can just see it now.

"If you've got only one vote left to cast, why not make a difference."

      "Vote for Ma Ying Jeou Jr.  A Democrat with a difference." 

It couldn't be any worse than the shit we've got now.    At least he would believe in industry.

Or how bout a vote for Hugo Chavez son, for our Spanish speaking friends.

Either way.  The Democrat party is the party of change.  Now where did I hear that before?

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The United States will be totalitarianist 2 days after they take away the ability of citizens to defend themselves.

At the current rate of human stupidity, I doubt this will take 10 years. I give 'em 'til 2016, and if they bag the Whitehouse again it's game-over for good.

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Yeah, Your probably right.


Look,.. I've got no kids, or grand kids to worry about.  And I guess I could just say fuck it, what do I care anymore.  But for some reason I still do.

Maybe it's because of the great respect that I have always had for the founding fathers of this country, or maybe it's because of all those brave young men that fought during the second world war.  I don't know. But sometimes when you watch an old time movie, and you see the way that this country used to be, it just sickens me to no end to see what the Democrats have done to it over the past fifty or sixty years.

They are no longer the party of Truman.  They're more in line with the socialist, communist, party than anything else.  And it irritates me to see them sometimes at certain events wrapped in the American flag as if they were somehow true patriots of this country, when in truth they're nothing more than lying, deceitful, treasonous pigs, with nothing other than contempt for the so called little people. 

I fucking despise them!

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