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B7 - General Topic 2022 #8 (July)

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6 hours ago, StnCld316 said:

A girl completely just wasting her life away.  Someday she'll lay down and never wake to see the light of the next day.

Nelly is simply a “ non possible “ to watch anymore tenant since and mostly after her first year of staying in Barcelona .A woman that her life is empty as she has no actual job , she has - to put it plain and simple words - not a purpose in life .What is it ? To buy a house ? She has no financial problems .To find a guy 
 She’s already married . To fuck in lesbian ways ? She caused the biggest of dramas when she repeatedly cheated her husband with Martina .


All in all , a life without a purpose at the age of 30 , no real friends ( except of girls who met at her work - Gina / Martina can be considered so , where are her friends from Russia , Masha who she ruined the friendship with since school times )  and just the company of a dog so as not to feel lonely and a guy that LOVES her to the maximum and she is giving him so many reasons to abandon her but he stays by her side no matter what …What is this Nelly doing as an RLC participant except living free and taking advantages as her husband has an RLC role who seems to like ? Pff ,whatever ..

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6 hours ago, Pete1960 said:

No it's not

and i suppose the next thing you're going to tell me is this charade that is going on with tim in b7 is not being done for the camera's.  or the thor and holly show in b5 is not being done for the camera's.  or the nelly and lilith love affair is not being done for the camera's.  or bogdan staying with a woman he really doesn't want to be with is not for the camera's.  i could go on but i think you get the jest of what i'm saying.

by the way, tim is an asshole and he treated ilona like crap when they were in their make believe relationship that was also for the camera's.

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19 minutes ago, ddhm said:

Nelly is simply a “ non possible “ to watch anymore tenant since and mostly after her first year of staying in Barcelona .A woman that her life is empty as she has no actual job , she has - to put it plain and simple words - not a purpose in life .What is it ? To buy a house ? She has no financial problems .To find a guy 
 She’s already married . To fuck in lesbian ways ? She caused the biggest of dramas when she repeatedly cheated her husband with Martina .


All in all , a life without a purpose at the age of 30 , no real friends ( except of girls who met at her work - Gina / Martina can be considered so , where are her friends from Russia , Masha who she ruined the friendship with since school times )  and just the company of a dog so as not to feel lonely and a guy that LOVES her to the maximum and she is giving him so many reasons to abandon her but he stays by her side no matter what …What is this Nelly doing as an RLC participant except living free and taking advantages as her husband has an RLC role who seems to like ? Pff ,whatever ..

great post and might i add that if bogdan wasn't getting pussy somewhere else i think he and nelly's relationship would be over.  can you say lilith in the fitness room on the inclined bench under maintenance lmao.

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51 minutes ago, ddhm said:

Nelly is simply a “ non possible “ to watch anymore tenant since and mostly after her first year of staying in Barcelona .A woman that her life is empty as she has no actual job , she has - to put it plain and simple words - not a purpose in life .What is it ? To buy a house ? She has no financial problems .To find a guy 
 She’s already married . To fuck in lesbian ways ? She caused the biggest of dramas when she repeatedly cheated her husband with Martina .


All in all , a life without a purpose at the age of 30 , no real friends ( except of girls who met at her work - Gina / Martina can be considered so , where are her friends from Russia , Masha who she ruined the friendship with since school times )  and just the company of a dog so as not to feel lonely and a guy that LOVES her to the maximum and she is giving him so many reasons to abandon her but he stays by her side no matter what …What is this Nelly doing as an RLC participant except living free and taking advantages as her husband has an RLC role who seems to like ? Pff ,whatever ..

You can fuck off with your pathetic post, I wanna watch crazy Nelly, she give great content.

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24 minutes ago, FrankZabba said:

Toller Beitrag und darf ich hinzufügen, dass, wenn Bogdan nicht woanders Muschi bekommen würde, ich denke, er und Nellys Beziehung wären vorbei. kannst du sagen lilith im fitnessraum auf der schrägbank unter wartung lmao.

ich habe das schon einmal gepostet: Nelly ist hochgradig alkoholkrank ! Und die sich häufenden Totalausfälle zeigen eine ganz schlimme Entwicklung. Ich bin kein Fachmann , mußte mich aber früher aus beruflichen Gründen mit diesem Thema eingehend beschäftigen . Außerdem hatte ich in der Verwandschaft einen solchen Fall. Der Mensch zeigte die gleichen Symptome und Verhaltensweisen wie Nelly. Leider hat sie eine ziemlich ungünstige Prognose, selbst wenn sie , was ich bezweifle , aus eigenem Willen von dieser furchtbaren Sucht los kommen wollte. Ich ziehe vor Bogdan in dieser Beziehung den Hut dass er trotz aller Eskapaden von Nelly anscheinend zu ihr hält. Er ist ihr letzter Halt vor dem endgültigem Absturz. Es ist jedenfalls sehr traurig so ein menschliches Wrack zu sehen. RLC sollte einen Weg finden sie nicht mehr in den Kameras zu präsentieren.

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6 minutes ago, Gerald Knauft said:

I've posted this before: Nelly is highly alcoholic! And the accumulating total failures show a very bad development. I'm not an expert, but I used to have to deal with this topic in detail for professional reasons. In addition, I had such a case in the relatives. The human exhibited the same symptoms and behavior as Nelly. Unfortunately, her prognosis is pretty poor, even if, which I doubt, she wanted to break free from this terrible addiction of her own free will. I take my hat off to Bogdan in this regard for apparently standing by her despite all of Nelly's antics. It is their last stop before the final crash. In any case, it is very sad to see such a human wreck. RLC should find a way to get them out of the cameras.

i agree with you and do hope that rlc will wake up sooner rather than later and finally break all tithes they have with nelly and bogdan.

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15 minutes ago, rafan said:

You can fuck off with your pathetic post, I wanna watch crazy Nelly, she give great content.

Thank you for the nice words and wish , I will try later 😇… I have no problems watching Gina the whole day being crazy , drinking , doing her things but Gina is attractive , she tries to make whatever  with Bruno , she’s traveling , modeling , she has a life in Barcelona whatever that life is … And crazy Nelly as you say , if you are attracted by a woman who ruined her body with the bad boobs implants , her becoming skinnier than ever , her ridiculous alcohol consumption which has caused so many times problems with Bogdan , Martina and I speak for the ones on cameras , imagine off cameras her life . So , enjoy her , everyone has his favorites but you can’t prevent me , even if you sending me your wishes , from expressing my opinion about Nelly and how much of a different woman , person and individual she currently is than the fantastic Nelly we were watching in Russia who we not only enjoyed watching but she even had her loyal fan club ..

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46 minutes ago, ddhm said:

Thank you for the nice words and wish , I will try later 😇… I have no problems watching Gina the whole day being crazy , drinking , doing her things but Gina is attractive , she tries to make whatever  with Bruno , she’s traveling , modeling , she has a life in Barcelona whatever that life is … And crazy Nelly as you say , if you are attracted by a woman who ruined her body with the bad boobs implants , her becoming skinnier than ever , her ridiculous alcohol consumption which has caused so many times problems with Bogdan , Martina and I speak for the ones on cameras , imagine off cameras her life . So , enjoy her , everyone has his favorites but you can’t prevent me , even if you sending me your wishes , from expressing my opinion about Nelly and how much of a different woman , person and individual she currently is than the fantastic Nelly we were watching in Russia who we not only enjoyed watching but she even had her loyal fan club ..

OMG like Im reading Jane Austin, so much pussy feelings in your posts. Chill out dude we are not Alcoholics Anonymous group. I just  wat to watch interesting content ant that is not holding hands and singing campfire songs in front of pool. 

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4 minutes ago, rafan said:

OMG like Im reading Jane Austin, so much pussy feelings in your posts. Chill out dude we are not Alcoholics Anonymous group. I just  wat to watch interesting content ant that is not holding hands and singing campfire songs in front of pool. 

i got to admit, that's some good humor you got there!

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40 minutes ago, rafan said:

OMG like Im reading Jane Austin, so much pussy feelings in your posts. Chill out dude we are not Alcoholics Anonymous group. I just  wat to watch interesting content ant that is not holding hands and singing campfire songs in front of pool. 

I am completely chilled , I don’t consider Nelly interesting content , you do , we simply disagree … There are women who can take the breath away watching , if you think Nelly and her craziness is one of those , enjoy it but respect the opinion of others , speaking to you in a chill mode .

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