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I'm not sure I buy the whole studio theory.  Just imagine the costs.  As far as time zones are concerned, it probably has to do with logistics...

As it appears today (and this is just my assumption), RLC may find it a lot more cost effective to have all the couples in one or two time zones.  So, it will not surprise me whenever the next new couple appears on RLC in the +4 or +8 time zone.  Most likely, we will see them in the +4 time zone, which will lead me to believe that RLC in moving to have all couples in one area/region.  Having couples in multiple time zones may be convenient for members to catch desirable live action, but may not justify the costs for RLC.  As small as RLC is right now and without any other competing site(s) like RLC, it would make more financial sense to operate and manage in one location and still generate equal or more profit.

No proof of this.  Just my observation and thoughts.

this is for you Hollywood enjoy, you good man you teach me voyour LOL


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I can offer you this some do enjoy being watched its called being an exhibitionist.

RLC is blocked where they are so there family and friends will not see them.

That's true, but - although I don't know any exhibitionists - the people on RLC don't seem like genuine exhibitionists to me. I imagine a true exhibitionist would stand in front of the camera and tease their audience, make eye contact with the camera etc. and it would be obvious that they find pleasure in behaving this way. Nothing like what I see on RLC - the people there never make eye contact with the camera and when naked, they go about their usual stuff - they don't seem to be thinking, "god, this is so exciting, the whole world's watching me, I think I'm gonna cum".

How do you know that RLC is blocked where the tennants are? (not saying it isn't so, just asking how you know that). Alexa.com does indeed show no traffic from Russia, but it also shows no traffic from the country where I watch from, so that doesn't necessarily mean RLC is blocked in Russia (or Spain).

The concept of studio is maybe good for a movie like The Truman show (never saw it until today, thanks for a good tip, Dth), but too far-fetched for a real world. So they would be all together in one place and you would make three artificial sunrises and sunsets for them every day, pretending they're in different time zones? :-)

I can't see how RLC may find it a lot more cost effective to have all the couples in different time zones, like hollywoodmogul21 says, but then, I know virtually nothing about running a business, so I can't really judge. Anyone any thoughts on this?

To Foamy T. Squirrel:

"Spain has laws forbidding the filming of performances" - you lost me here, I know nothing about this, will you explain?

"and Barcelona is a desirable place to live. Hence, RLC set up shop there." Wouldn't e.g. Paris be an even more desirable place to live? Why aren't there any cameras there? And wouldn't London be an equally desirable place to live, with the huge benefit of having a couple that speaks English, and can therefore attract way more subsribers from all over the world, unlike some couples from somewhere in Russia, who can please your eye for a moment, but other than that, it's like watching a silent movie?


To Foamy T. Squirrel:

"Spain has laws forbidding the filming of performances" - you lost me here, I know nothing about this, will you explain?

"and Barcelona is a desirable place to live. Hence, RLC set up shop there." Wouldn't e.g. Paris be an even more desirable place to live? Why aren't there any cameras there? And wouldn't London be an equally desirable place to live, with the huge benefit of having a couple that speaks English, and can therefore attract way more subsribers from all over the world, unlike some couples from somewhere in Russia, who can please your eye for a moment, but other than that, it's like watching a silent movie?

Let me rephrase: "Spain has laws forbidding the filming of performances without explicit permission of the copyright holder." My Spanish contacts have expressed that these rights are usually reserved and enforced. The laws are similar to those found in the US, but the US has a "fair-use" law, which allows snippets of works to be quoted or used for comments. The copyright laws of Spain apply not only to performers in a public venue, but also images recorded on security cameras.

A quick study of Spanish copyright laws (yeah, just google it) is fraught with drama, especially since Hollywood has been politically involved with the Spanish legislators. Generally speaking, copyright laws in Spain are more tightly enforced domestically; but still tend to be lax with copying and private distribution of imported works. That may have changed. You'll see a big stink about this if you cruise the Internet.

Suffice to say, RLC retains its copyrights, and they are working under international copyright laws, especially the DMCA.

As for Paris or London, Spain's cheaper, and it has loads of unemployed young people. RLC's money comes from richer nations, and the currency conversion is a better deal. Check out this site: http://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/compare_cities.jsp?country1=Spain&city1=Barcelona&country2=United+Kingdom&city2=London

Personally, I haven't figured out why RLC doesn't consider Prague. You could lease an entire apartment complex for the price of one New York penthouse.


To Foamy T. Squirrel:

"Spain has laws forbidding the filming of performances" - you lost me here, I know nothing about this, will you explain?

"and Barcelona is a desirable place to live. Hence, RLC set up shop there." Wouldn't e.g. Paris be an even more desirable place to live? Why aren't there any cameras there? And wouldn't London be an equally desirable place to live, with the huge benefit of having a couple that speaks English, and can therefore attract way more subsribers from all over the world, unlike some couples from somewhere in Russia, who can please your eye for a moment, but other than that, it's like watching a silent movie?

Let me rephrase: "Spain has laws forbidding the filming of performances without explicit permission of the copyright holder." My Spanish contacts have expressed that these rights are usually reserved and enforced. The laws are similar to those found in the US, but the US has a "fair-use" law, which allows snippets of works to be quoted or used for comments. The copyright laws of Spain apply not only to performers in a public venue, but also images recorded on security cameras.

A quick study of Spanish copyright laws (yeah, just google it) is fraught with drama, especially since Hollywood has been politically involved with the Spanish legislators. Generally speaking, copyright laws in Spain are more tightly enforced domestically; but still tend to be lax with copying and private distribution of imported works. That may have changed. You'll see a big stink about this if you cruise the Internet.

Suffice to say, RLC retains its copyrights, and they are working under international copyright laws, especially the DMCA.

As for Paris or London, Spain's cheaper, and it has loads of unemployed young people. RLC's money comes from richer nations, and the currency conversion is a better deal. Check out this site: http://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/compare_cities.jsp?country1=Spain&city1=Barcelona&country2=United+Kingdom&city2=London

Personally, I haven't figured out why RLC doesn't consider Prague. You could lease an entire apartment complex for the price of one New York penthouse.

pueden explicarme , pr que paris o londres son mejores que barcelona para vivir , aparte de la situacion laboral , yo no cambio mi barcelona , con mar y montaña , los pirineos muy cerca con nieve y la comida , mujeres guapas con poca ropa en verano y en invierno solo tenemos un par de meses de frio . el caracter mediterraneo , gente abierta y con ganas de divertirse , yo frecuento muchos campings en verano y muchas veces mis vecinos son franceses o ingleses , a las 6 de la tarde ya estan cenando y l as 10 en la cama , no los escucho ni reirse , CON TODOS MIS RESPETOS  no cambio mi mar brava por su calma .



I'm not comfortable in big huge cities, except for an occasional visit.

Barcelona looks a bit more my style for day-to-day life.

No me siento cómodo en las grandes ciudades enormes, a excepción de una visita ocasional.

Barcelona, ​​se ve un poco más a mi estilo de vida del día a día.


It's a fact, although I can't divulge how or why I know this, but all the RLC participants not only know of each other, but have also agreed between themselves how this whole charade is played out.

I would not be surprised, if a) chillifingers turned out to be... what was his name... that scumbag behind Lost... oh, yeah, Damon Lindelof, or b) if Damon Lindelof himself was behind the whole RLC idea. In which case I wouldn't be surprised if one day RLC just vanished, without any explanation whatsoever, goodbye, all you're left with for the rest of your lives are your theories.

What I can't wrap my head around is, why are the appartments in 3 different time zones? And not even adjacent ones? I mean, if you decided to set up a big brother company, wouldn't you just have it all in your one time zone, for the sake of convenience in cases like maintenance needed etc.? Why go to UTC+2, then UTC+4 and then UTC+8?

Also, I think someone mentioned here on the forum, that when they have friends over, they have to let them know about the cameras. I don't know about you, but do you normally go visit a friend and take a shower, and you're OK with the fact that maybe thousands of people are watching you, maybe even your brothers or sisters, or your close friends, and you get naked in front of them, or even fuck someone? What kind of people are these tenants and their friends? Does it turn them on to be watched or what? How come they're so cool about it? A couple of years ago I watched bits and pieces from big brother in UK, and man, they were really trying hard to hide themselves jerking off or fucking on camera. How come it doesn't bother these people?

if some of you had more curiosity, they would know that these are real couples and their friends too! we, in the West, in a society of intense pornographic consumption. Do you know that 70% of the world using the internet is for porn!! people who agree to be flimés naked and have sex on camera, you can find millions! russia and eastern countries are released for this, as hungary, or after school, 3 generations of young women, were sacrificed on the altar of porn, since the late 1980s. russia is a country where thousands of young women are getting each month in porn. This did not seem to affect their future career as a lawyer or doctor! not like in France, or the girl who makes porn is "grilled" for life! so there is no need to enclose deficient in infrastructure as trumann show. you place an ad and candidates jostle! especially when you are unemployed or students, and that it offers you the rent and electricity!


A true exhibitonist doesn't necessarily have to perform to the cameras to be an exhibitionist.  A true exhibitionsit "loves" to be watch...no more, no less.  It's not that complicated.

An exhibitionsit may leave the blinds or the curtains open, they may do it in public where there is a great chance that they can be seen (without getting into trouble with the law), and they may even live with cameras in their apartment so we all can see them.

This is not to say that all the couples in RLC are true exhibitionists.  Surely, their reasons for living with cameras in their apartments may all be different...or part of a mysterious plot or conspiracy - Muwhahaha!  But, it's way too obvious to simply see that Alina & Anton, Isabel & Marcelo, (Alma & Stefan too when they were there) and Diana & Efim don't give two shits about living and fuicking in front of the cameras.  If you're looking for exhibitionists, then start looking there.


I personally enjoy the "lost" reference, can't wait till the BIG smoke monster arrives, or John Locke arrives to fix their computers.

Better yet when all the clocks are synchronized to read 4,8,15,16,23,42 in some order.

I'll even be willing to entertain the notion that the owner of RLC is in fact Jacob.  ??? 


I'll even be willing to entertain the notion that the owner of RLC is in fact Jacob.  ???

Well, dammit newbie, you let the cat out of the bag.

Within 24 hours, CamCaps members will find Jacob's FaceBook or VK, and start posting pictures of him jacking off while watching RLC!


yo creo que todo el mundo es voyeur , lo que pasa es que unos lo hacen disimulando y otros estamos un peldaño mas arriba , otros pasamos a la accion y salimos a la calle con camaras , pero todos en un momento dado les produce morbo lo desconocido , lo diferente , yo he estado con una chica normal 100% con hijos una mujer normal en la playa a plena luz del dia dentro del agua la playa llena de gente y follamos alli delante de todos dentro del agua , segun ella nunca lo olvidara , tubo un orgasmo alli mismo no por que yo sea un super macho si no por la situacion el morbo del momento pudo mas que la verguenza . igual les pasa a los amigos de los inquilinos les llama la atencion lo raro , y cuando visitan quieren participar , no quieren ser menos , hay estudios que una de las mayores fantasias de una mujer es ser violada , no quiere decir que lo quiera pero la imaginacion a veces juega malas pasadas . pasa igual gente normal en su dia a dia en una situacion donde la mayoria hace algo ellos tambien , ustedes creen que por ejem todos los nazis soldados en los campos de exterminio harian esas cosas en su vida normal , pero alli era lo que tocaba y lo hacian , todos los jefes nazis buscados tenian vidas normales excelentes padres y hermanos .


Lo siento, pero yo no lo entiendo.

It translates to English as if it was written by Nick on meth.  :D

LMAO no frozen Chicken  :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

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