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Leora & Paul - Home Activities (2022) #15


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il y a 25 minutes, RAME a dit :

aller 2 coup de pied sur le koala pour le déplacer c'est leora qui lui dit de le ramasser .

je suis bien content il a repasser un t-shirt sa devait être trop long a attendre

Il faut que cela monte au cerveau pour prendre une décision pareil

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4 hours ago, Howard said:

That's koala can't get it up anymore.  Time for Eva to have a baby brother she can assault.

Seriously though, having one dog is like a couple having only one child.  Yes, it's a blessing. But a lonely upbringing if you can't have some life experiences with a sibling.

Ah, the 50s and the Leave It To Beaver/Ozzie and Harriett families people today don't have any idea of.

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