mr170 Posted August 5, 2014 Author Posted August 5, 2014 Leora thank you for moving the plant regards mr170
Foamy T. Squirrel Posted August 5, 2014 Posted August 5, 2014 Then we have the right to get rid of them(the (leora and paul), Be careful what you say here. The Leora lovers are a passionate lot, loyal to their queen, as were the Nora lovers. They're lethal. You might wake up extremely smelly, with you attic trashed, your radiator hose chewed into little pieces, and your bird feeder emptied. Right, Pepe?! ;D ;D ;D (And welcome to the zoo newbie, where all the trolls are in cages. Most of the time... :o)
woodworker Posted August 5, 2014 Posted August 5, 2014 Leora thank you for moving the plant regards mr170 Be thankful she hasn't converted over to Islam. It wouldn't be much fun anymore watching her prance around all day in a burka. And as far as that little stunt with the bullshit plant goes,.. She was probably just upset at all the attention that Diana was receiving from everyone lately, and she just wanted to punish all you fickle ingrates for not still worshiping her as you once had done. When Shakespeare had said the world was a stage, she took that as her que, and she'll be damned if she's going to let anyone upstage her, especially this little upstart tart called Diana. The girl can't help it, it's in her genes.
Foamy T. Squirrel Posted August 5, 2014 Posted August 5, 2014 Don't worry. Most of us still worship Nora. We are a dedicated lot. We can't just up and leave Leora alone in that apartment. Scooter is still a puppy and can't handle the responsibility, so we're still necessary. And yes, Diana is highly intriguing. (Just don't tell Leora I said that. You know how jealous these girls get. Tears, tantrums, mischief always follow. )
woodworker Posted August 5, 2014 Posted August 5, 2014 I found it funny how hated that poor plant had become. If I were Leora, I would have rubbed that plant all up and down my pussy, until I ended up squirting all over it with my own special love juices. That would get everyone buzzing over her again. A real encore performance. Sort of like,.. "Take that Diana!"
Guest BurakYilmaz Posted August 5, 2014 Posted August 5, 2014 This is the funniest thread ever, a lot of built up frustration here eh boys!
van the man Posted August 6, 2014 Posted August 6, 2014 A storm in a plant pot!!! Thank goodness she moved it otherwise we might have had to send in Squirrel to push it out of the way! Scooter is not strong enough. Besides he is too busy making sure Paul never has sex again with Leora!
woodworker Posted August 6, 2014 Posted August 6, 2014 I agree with Van. But you do realize of course that there is a great silent rivalry brewing between Leora and Diana. Lets hope for Leora's sake the two never meet, as I have visions of Diana putting Leora in a scissor lock with those muscular legs of hers. I couldn't bear to watch it.
movado Posted August 6, 2014 Posted August 6, 2014 I just came home and saw that the plant was removed, I guess all that bitching i did this morning really worked lol, I am happy again yeahhhh!!!.... And as for that bitch "NIJ" I'm sorry that my sentences aren't perfect for you buddy next time i'll write the sentences on my nuts with whip cream and put the periods on my balls so that you can read a perfect sentence that ends with all the periods you want ok mr. english teacher ,why aren't you teaching class then instead of being on this website critiquing people's writing,we are not here to read perfect sentences as long as everyone on here at least tries their best to let everyone else understand what they are trying to say we are all good. 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) And a side note make sure you clean the chalkboard when you are done reading lmaooo.!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Foamy T. Squirrel Posted August 7, 2014 Posted August 7, 2014 Regarding this thread: 1) @Van: I would not move the plant out of the way. I would push it closer to the camera, so you could not learn my secrets of how to give Leora true pleasure. 2) @Woodworker: The same damn thing happened with Nora when Leora showed up. But Nora still dressed like a Presbyterian minister's daughter. I still love them both, anyway. Let's just say that I'm keeping Diana in mind if Leora gets tired of the RLC lifestyle. 3) @movado: For a newbie, you have big balls to call out Nij. Nij is a legend here. I've seen him stealing lunch money from Chuck Norris. Therefore, I have determined that you show great promise, grasshopper. If you don't like him, give him negative karma every time you can. And if you do actually like one of Nij's comments, give him a negative karma. You two could become great friends, and you would learn much and prosper quickly from this honored master. 4)@Nij & movado: I want to thank you both for keeping this dismal thread alive. -1 to each of you in appreciation for your efforts. ;)
movado Posted August 7, 2014 Posted August 7, 2014 lol you are right about these balls mr. squirrel they are pretty big, but it just bothers me when people a.k.a "NIJ" don't show respect and concern for other peoples concerns and feelings on here, If I wanted to watch a potted plant I would just order one and watch it at my house, We pay for the people that live in those apartments on RLC and even though they are supposed to just go about their daily lives and do things normally,we pay for them to live for free and all we ask is a little entertainment every now and then,but when they start to hide on balconies and block us from seeing them it's a slap in the face for Rlc subscribers, like I said if all the tenants where always hiding or were always blocking the cameras there would be no more rlc and definitely no more CC. 8) 8) 8) 8)
Foamy T. Squirrel Posted August 7, 2014 Posted August 7, 2014 lol you are right about these balls mr. squirrel they are pretty big, but it just bothers me when people a.k.a "NIJ" don't show respect a 8) 8) 8) 8) Never, ever get offended by anything anyone says on CamCaps. They're all cheap bastards. We're not /b, but damn we're fun. Most of us don't even bother to check into RLC anymore. Well, not much. I'm just down to Leora, Maya, and Diana in the free rooms. Welcome to the zoo. If you can handle being around jack-asses, you'll fit into CamCaps nicely. ;D
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