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B4 - General Topic 2022 #59 (October)

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It seems that the Lilith / Samson saga is working and it will last for some time , unlikely to what Monica did that she very fast stop it .. It seems that Samson - after his big success with the lady he brought in B7 - is trying to get viewership and money for many other tenants ..In my eyes , he has helped Ailey , recently Zabava , Lilith the last week … Despite being a quite entertaining guy and for sure trying to “ satisfy “ the viewers and FOR SURE offering content , he is judged as “ Neanderthal “ .. it seems that many fellow members here have difficulties to swallow that he fucked one of the very  best ever seen in RLC ( Loraine and talking about her beauty and not as her cameras presence which was rather contradicting for the majority  ) , he fucked Ailey and he offered some of the best sex content with the girl who visited him …


Samson is easily making Thor at the moment look like a “ dwarf “ in front of him and his successes ( Thor seems wanting to become a dedicated guy suddenly ..) .

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Tu parles de sa copine de la salle de sport à qui il a payé des vacances tous frais payés et qu'en contre partie il a a baisé tout le temps pour toucher des bonus 

Tu parles de Loraine qui ne voulait que faire monter son compte en banque à elle pour mieux filer après 

Quand à Ailey, tu vois bien le dégout qu'il lui a procuré ! Et dis moi , pourquoi il ne retourne pas baiser Ailey ? tu ne te poses pas la question ?

Je maintiens ce que j'ai dit ce gars est australopithèque et un descendant de l'homme de Neandertal 



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