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B4 - General Topic 2022 #62 (November)

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I don't think Elettra is long for the project.  The other girls don't seem to be happy about having to entertain him in the kitchen 12 hours after Elettra wanders off to make some money.  Did she hide his passport?  Elettra seems to have not told him she was leaving, for replay shows him looking for her in every bedroom, including Monica's.


From replay, during the spa event, Taylor briefly rubbed Kristy's breasts, and Kristy's nipples responded, and Taylor's hand got perilously close to Kristy's pussy.

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4 hours ago, maxfactor said:

Bastante obvio que RLC emplea cómplices en CC para promover eventos y participantes. Estos cómplices vienen y gp... es una señal de que un barco se dirige al fondo.  

Me uni a RLC en 2014, y desde entonces siempre han habido infiltrados de RLC en este foro. 

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Il y a 5 heures, maxfactor a dit :

Pretty obvious that RLC employs shills on CC to promote events and participants.  These shills come and gp...its a sign of a ship heading to the bottom.  

You referring to a certain moderator on this same said forum too?

He is probably the biggest RLC pawn pretending to moderate.

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Elettra is a silly nut case, I think Taylor got a few 'shocks' out of her antics 😄 when they were in the bathtub last night.

But imo this project needs someone like her I guess, B4 is a dead place and Monica is looking too stale for my liking 😐.

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19 hours ago, Mark Thompson said:

I just got here but I saw 4 hot young ladies NAKED in a fun tub, I read Ice in pussy, handcuffs ... I'm sorry if I dont buy your "worthless "statement ??????

She's a tease that never goes further. Worthless in my opinion! End of story!

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5 hours ago, moules said:

I don't think Elettra is long for the project.  The other girls don't seem to be happy about having to entertain him in the kitchen 12 hours after Elettra wanders off to make some money.  Did she hide his passport?  Elettra seems to have not told him she was leaving, for replay shows him looking for her in every bedroom, including Monica's.


From replay, during the spa event, Taylor briefly rubbed Kristy's breasts, and Kristy's nipples responded, and Taylor's hand got perilously close to Kristy's pussy.

My guess is that Taylor has like 1% chance of doing a Alana strawberry move on Kristy.

Because Alana was her good friend, Taylor is not.

Taylor is way to offensive as a predator, so it's very difficult for her.

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