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A woman with guts and brains.


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She has faced many death threats in speaking out,.. But still she tells the truth about it all.

And yet you have the liberals at the 'Young Turks', who labeled her as a 'Right Wing Lunatic'.

These filthy liberals are the most despicable liars, and deceivers, and traitors to the people of this country, as well as with all the other countries of the civilized world.   


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I thought the way she expressed the point that the 75% of peaceful people in various societies do not matter.

She is absolutely right. It is always the activists that matter most. They are the ones who lead the agenda. They put pressure on the silent majority. They threaten and instil fear into the silent majority.

Islam had now reached a whole new level of hate towards non Muslims and has turned Muslim against Muslim. ISIS have to be stopped. They have to be wiped off the face of the earth and returned to Hell and their leader the devil.

Unfortunately only the US has the firepower and weapons to do this. That is why Obama (that well known Muslim - he did admit it didn't he?) must actually become a leader and lead the Western world. A third Iraq war would finally have a legitimate reason for the west to attack (the second one was totally illegal and lacked any moral leadership).

Is Obama a man? Does he have s spine? God help us if not!!!

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They look like cockroaches.

Then leave, if you don't like it!    Can't you see you have taken all the charm out of France, and are hurting tourism over there!

And please note how the liberal reporter just has to side with the Muslims.  Pure poison, that's all that liberalism is.

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If I were a young bank robber, I couldn't think of a better disguise.

Can you imagine the Fed's reviewing the surveillance cameras.    WTF?

Or how about them questioning some of the witnesses there.

FBI:  "Did you get a good look at them?"

Cashier:    "What can I tell you, they just sort of drifted on in like so many little black clouds."  "I don't even know if they were entirely human, because they kept making these weird sounds like a high pitched outboard motor or something."  "Brerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr"  "Something like that."  "Very annoying."   

FBI:  "Yeah, we could hear that on the tape." "We thought it might have been an alarm bell going off."       


In NSW, we went through all of this 4 years ago when Carnita Matthews, used the fact that her face and identity was obscured by her burqa to dodge 6-months in gaol for lying to police. She'd played the "you can't see my face because of my religion" card with a Highway Patrol officer and then accused him of being racist when he tried to enforce the law.

Then the court found that no-one could be sure she was actually the person who committed the offence and had been charged - all because she didn't have to co-operate and show her face - so they dismissed the case.

The law has since been changed in favour of the common good and police can demand burqas be removed.

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It kills me how the liberals play patty-cake with these fuckers.  To the ruin and destruction of their own national identity.

Oh well, so long as you have stupid people voting these gutless traitors in, I suppose they get what they deserve.

I'm sorry.  But I am so fucking fed up with it all.  I was no more than sixteen years old when the FBI had referred to me as being the hub to the most highly organized, most sophisticated gang in Detroit.

And that is the absolute truth!  Even the mob boys sat up and took notice of me, and frankly paid me a lot of respect.

The fed's had tried to get us tried as adults.  But I was always ten steps ahead of them.  With an IQ that is snow capped, all I can say is that Alexander wasn't the only one who knows how to cut through a knot!

And yet I have to watch all these bungling, inept, and incompetent politicians make fools out of themselves when it comes to being able to handle certain things.   

It irritates the fucking hell out of me to have to sit back and watch this sort of spectacle go on.

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A good man.

Have you ever noticed how the Democrats always try to deceive the people in the way that they frame the bill or legislation that the voters are to vote upon.

In other words if your in favor of something then you have to vote against it.  And if your opposed to something then you have to vote for it.

That's so they can place ads, asking you to support a bill that will ultimately take away your rights or enslave you by asking you to vote against it.  And by trickery they hope that while you think your voting this proposition down, you are actually voting for it.  Dishonest as hell.  But that's the Democrats for ya.

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The problem being is the Lamestream Media is all comprised of Dumbocrats and Liberals. They've done such a great job of brainwashing Joe Average and his family, that we're totally fucked now.

If only the real Americans could think their way out of a wet paper bag, they could start letting the average family that's out busting ass to make ends meet what the Liberals are really trying to do.

But just like a general election, all we get are morons like Limbaugh, Hannity and the rest of them. They're small potatoes compared with the big 3 media conglomerates

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Yes, I know full well what the liberal media has done to the average Joe in this country.  That is why I had produced a number of recorded covert nursery rhymes that are encased in a cute little plastic sound box that the parents can then hang over the side of their infants crib.

They seem innocent enough at first, but have subliminal messages intertwined within them, such as,.. "Mary had a little lamb, a little lamb, a little lamb, Mary had a,.. The Democrats are scum that want to kill you and your mommy. 

Things of that nature in order to counter all of what the liberal media and our public schools have done.

You have to fight fire with fire.

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