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23 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

Still would be better than senile, corrupt Joe Biden and "word salad" Kamala Harris.


Eine total zerstrittene und gespaltene Republikaner-Partei kann einen Kandidaten aufstellen wen sie will - und lobpreisen und hochjubeln. Der nächste Präsident wird wieder von der Demokratischen Partei gestellt werden !



This is not US Politics, but just proves whenever the left is in power, the country, city, or town falls apart and gets worse.

Trudeau, the left wing prime minister of Canada:


The nation, widely known and admired for its tolerance and kindness, is fraying thread by thread.


2 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


A totally fractious and divided Republican party can nominate whoever it wants - and praise and cheer. The next president will again be from the Democratic Party!


Only if the American people enjoy misery. 41% of Americans say that they are worse off economically now than they were before Biden became president.:sad:

14 minutes ago, happyone said:

This is not US Politics, but just proves whenever the left is in power, the country, city, or town falls apart and gets worse.

Trudeau, the left wing prime minister of Canada:


The nation, widely known and admired for its tolerance and kindness, is fraying thread by thread.



Das ist völlig einseitig gesehen. "Linke" gibt es nicht - das ist in jedem Land anders. Besser  progressiv vs. konservativ = reaktionär. Linke als Kommunisten zu diffamieren ist ebenso Unsinn. "Linke"-Parteien treten traditionell im Verein mit Gewerkschaften für elementare Rechte von den Schwächsten in der Gesellschaft ein, Arbeiter, Angestellte, in den USA auch für Sklaven und Indianer und ihre Nachkommen - und der Schwarzen Bevölkerung. Rechte Parteien, wie diese Republikaner in den USA stehen für Mammon, Gewinn-Maximierung und Erhaltung der Macht von Reichen für Steuergeschenke ........ Rambo-Republik !

Weit weg von einem menschenwürdigen "Sozialstaat", hin zu Kanibalismus vor 100 Jahren - von Neuzeit keine Ahnung, träumen vom Cowboy-Staat alter Western. Gewalt (durch Waffen) ersetzt das Gesetz. 😁

Sieht so ein zivilisierter Staat im 21. Jahrhundert aus ??????


14 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

Nur wenn das amerikanische Volk das Elend genießt.


Das "Elend"  das ein großes Land durch wahnwitzige Vorschläge von Corona-Looser Trump erdulden musste und 100.000 tote US-Amerikaner völlig unnötig erlitten hat. NIE wieder Trump-Versager und seine Nachfolger an der US-Macht.

Ok, Joe Biden ist alt - aber in Summa ein geradliniger, zupackender , echter US-Präsident nach dem Hobby-Politik-Versager von Trampel. Mieser Präsident, mieser Golfspieler, mieser Verwalter vom Vermögen seiner deutschen Vorfahren - ein Looser auf allen Ebenen. Deutsche schämen sich für dieses Weich-Ei und lachen. Biden ist alt, aber ein ernst zu nehmender Profi-Politiker - der USA würdig !!! Nachfolge bitte genau so gut - und keinen Rep-Versager, der diese USA wieder ins 19. Jahrhundert zurück bringt. Wäre sehr Schade !! Wenn Amerikaner dann noch englisch lernen würden, das wäre toll. Ich liebe intelligente Amerikaner.


1 hour ago, StarLight28 said:


That is completely one-sided. "Lefts" don't exist - it's different in every country. Better progressive vs. conservative = reactionary. Defaming leftists as communists is also nonsense. "Left" parties traditionally work in association with unions for the basic rights of the weakest in society, workers, employees, in the USA also for slaves and Indians and their descendants - and the black population. Right-wing parties like these Republicans in the USA stand for Mammon, maximizing profits and maintaining the power of the rich for tax gifts ........ Rambo Republic!

Far away from a decent "welfare state", towards canibalism 100 years ago - no idea about modern times, dreaming of the cowboy state of old westerns. Violence (by arms) replaces the law. 😁

Is this what a civilized state looks like in the 21st century ??????



The suspects, Brandon Russell and Sarah Clendaniel, took steps to shoot multiple electrical...


2 hours ago, happyone said:

This is not US Politics, but just proves whenever the left is in power, the country, city, or town falls apart and gets worse.

Trudeau, the left wing prime minister of Canada:


The nation, widely known and admired for its tolerance and kindness, is fraying thread by thread.


Trudeau is supposed to be left wing but he's definitely on the far right.  

8 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


The "misery" that a large country had to endure due to insane proposals from Corona-Looser Trump and suffered 100,000 dead Americans completely unnecessarily. NEVER again Trump failures and his successors in US power.

Ok, Joe Biden is old - but all in all a straightforward, hands-on, real US President after Trampel's hobby-political failure. Lousy President, lousy golfer, lousy manager of the assets of his German ancestors - a loser on all levels. Germans are ashamed of this wimp and laugh. Biden is old, but a serious professional politician - worthy of the USA !!! Follow-up, please, just as well - and no rep failure that brings this USA back to the 19th century. It would be a shame!! If Americans would then learn English, that would be great. I love intelligent Americans.


Professional politicians are one of the worst things that has happened to the civilized world. People become professional politicians because they have no ability to do anything else. The only thing professional politicians are good at is lying. Again, you demonstrate that you know nothing about America nor the American people.

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