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US General Domestic Politics (2023) #5 (Starts 2/10/23)

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7 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


"Publish plagiarism" without own opinion. There's a lot of rubbish that just takes up space here - pointless, just hate speech against Biden.


But you never ever posted any hate speech against President Trump, right? You are such a hypocrite. Typical "professional politician." 

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4 hours ago, StarLight28 said:



The US President makes it clear: his country has no interest in a Cold War with the communist dictatorship. The salvage of the suspected Chinese spy balloon is now...


Sorry, but the Chinese communist dictatorship is already actively engaged in a Cold War with the U.S., and if Biden can't recognize that than he is a totally incompetent fool. Or maybe he is grateful to China because he knows that without their help he would not be president. Had China not infected the U.S. with covid Biden would have lost the 2020 election in a landslide defeat.

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3 hours ago, StarLight28 said:



According to his doctor, US President Joe Biden is in good health and fully capable of taking office. He said he "remains a healthy, vigorous 80-year-old male capable of successfully...


:biggrin::tongue::biggrin::tongue::biggrin:     I thought you were opposed to posting propaganda articles.

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6 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

:biggrin::tongue::biggrin::tongue::biggrin:     I thought you were opposed to posting propaganda articles.


Propaganda ?? Wo ist hier Propaganda ? Eine sachlich korrekte Nachricht, das der Präsident der USA nach ärztlicher Untersuchung gesund ist -mehr nicht. Viele Menschen in den USA sind für die Nachricht dankbar !

Anti-Biden-Hetzer mit Hakenkreuz im Kopf natürlich nicht. 😁😁😁


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6 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

But you never ever posted any hate speech against President Trump, right? You are such a hypocrite. Typical "professional politician." 


Ich habe "Hass" gegen den den Mann geübt der 4 Jahre lang den US-Präsidenten "gespielt" hat ??? Sicher nicht. Hass gegen Trump wäre zu viel "Lob" für ihn.

Es ist Fakt, das dieser Herr ein Polit-Neuling , ein Tölpel ist, der viel politisches Porzellan zerschlagen hat - kurz, einfach nur ein Versager ist. So etwas "hasse" ich nicht, mit dem Rambo-Kerl habe ich nur MITLEID !!!! 😁😁


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