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B4 - General Topic 2023 #15 (February)

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Molester Miron has zero to do with RLC. He is related to Bogdan or Nelly in some way hence why he is allowed to visit. If he was something to do with RLC or living in Barcelona prior he would have been seen before. Reason for everyone still accepting him is he isnt mentally mature so I think they worry for his mental health. No one of sane mind would have done what he did in front of cameras and expect no one to see it. He is a danger to any female and watching him today act like nothing has happened is a sign that he has no idea of any wrong doing due to being a couple of cans short of a six pack. His crying when he recieved his marching orders text shows he still acts like a child. On another note who the fuck told Anthong he could sing. Take that microphone away sharpish.

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19 minutes ago, corvette84 said:

At least I'm not the only one that noticed. She would probably look pretty if she didn't blow up her lips.

I  was expecting to you say another smart guy on the forum   lol    well in a way I guess you are .

I have seen worse lip jobs ... she doesn't scare me 

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4 minutes ago, Mark D said:

Il molestatore Miron non ha nulla a che fare con RLC. È in qualche modo imparentato con Bogdan o Nelly, motivo per cui gli è permesso di visitare. Se aveva qualcosa a che fare con RLC o viveva a Barcellona prima, sarebbe stato visto prima. Il motivo per cui tutti lo accettano ancora è che non è mentalmente maturo, quindi penso che si preoccupino per la sua salute mentale. Nessuno sano di mente avrebbe fatto quello che ha fatto davanti alle telecamere e si sarebbe aspettato che nessuno lo vedesse. È un pericolo per qualsiasi donna e guardarlo oggi comportarsi come se nulla fosse accaduto è un segno che non ha idea di alcuna azione sbagliata a causa di un paio di lattine in meno di una confezione da sei. Il suo pianto quando ha ricevuto il testo degli ordini di marcia mostra che si comporta ancora come un bambino. In un'altra nota chi cazzo ha detto ad Anthong che sapeva cantare. Porta via quel microfono in modo deciso.

Sure why not? Eat and drink and we pay a pervert depraved pork. If there were mental problems then we also hunt Bogdan and Nelly who have not shown him and now defend him

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5 minutes ago, moules said:

No they haven't.  I found the servers in Moscow, next to a school for delinquent children.


Conspiracy theorist adds another irrelevent point.  Children?  WTF?  Of course they HAD servers in Russia.. they had apartments there FFS.  Now they dont.  They always had servers in the west and continue to.

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2 minutes ago, Mark Thompson said:

I  was expecting to you say another smart guy on the forum   lol    well in a way I guess you are .

I have seen worse lip jobs ... she doesn't scare me 

She also has the extra set(s) of eyelashes that Radi favored. 

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6 minutes ago, Mark D said:

Molester Miron has zero to do with RLC. He is related to Bogdan or Nelly in some way hence why he is allowed to visit. If he was something to do with RLC or living in Barcelona prior he would have been seen before. Reason for everyone still accepting him is he isnt mentally mature so I think they worry for his mental health. No one of sane mind would have done what he did in front of cameras and expect no one to see it. He is a danger to any female and watching him today act like nothing has happened is a sign that he has no idea of any wrong doing due to being a couple of cans short of a six pack. His crying when he recieved his marching orders text shows he still acts like a child. On another note who the fuck told Anthong he could sing. Take that microphone away sharpish.

I must say you make some  good points. I certainly have given this shit pile way too much credit ...  

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