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US General Domestic Politics (2023) #7 (Starts 2/25/23)

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4 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


What's that supposed to be propaganda? It's a fact that without his father Fred, little Donald would have been an even bigger loser. The foundation of wealth comes from dad. And now Bubi is about to burn the family's money. Donald is a miserable businessman with no dad to back him up. Do you want to doubt these figures presented? I understand truth hurts. It collapses the beautiful pink dream house. It's about to get worse for this criminal, believe me. man in orange!!!


Trump can buy a failed politician like you with just his pocket change. 

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1 hour ago, Ridgerunner said:

Trump can buy a failed politician like you with just his pocket change. 


Theoretisch sicher, doch praktisch nicht. ICH bin politisch nicht zu kaufen.

Das hatte vor über 40 Jahren bereits ein Stadtratskollege von einer anderen Partei vergeblich versucht - Möbelhaus-Besitzer und Immobilienhai mit gut 10 Millionen € Vermögen. Kleine Tischler-Werkstatt von Papa geerbt, Frau aus Landwirtschaft mit viele Wiesen geheiratet, in der Politik dafür geworben das diese sauren Wiesen Bauland werden, Planung beeinflusst, Hochhäuser mit Krediten gebaut, mit Gewinn verkauft, neu gebaut, Möbelhaus gebaut, erweitert bis zum größten Möbelhaus in Süddeutschland. Top-Karriere ? Nicht ganz, seine attraktive Frau ist sehr früh an Krebs gestorben - und jetzt sitzt er, ebenfalls krank, alleine da mit seinem ganze Vermögen und ist todunglücklich.


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Lange galt Donald Trump als unangefochtener Anführer der Republikaner. Für die Wahl 2024 hat er schon seine Kandidatur festgestellt. Doch in seiner Partei bröckelt die Zustimmung. Selbst treu...


Trump ist so gut wie fertig, politisch und finanziell. 😁


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6 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


You don't understand anything again. It's not about lying, any speeches, Trump's specialty, but about inciting to overthrow by force of arms, assault and much more. This speech was spoken in "testimony language". "Demonstrate peacefully" "No violence" - that's supposed to mean the exact opposite in the job reference. If a bank clerk's report says "he was always honest", it means "he reached into his till and stole". It goes without saying that a bank employee is honest. You are not an employer, you may not know that - labor law and testimonial language is my specialty as a former member of a national union.

You'll see what's coming. I bet.



You are so full of bullshit that it is coming out the top of your head. If the cops sue Trump it is a civil lawsuit so the only parties involved would be Trump and his lawyers, the cops and their lawyers, and the court. The DOJ would have absolutely no part in the trial.  That statement issued by the DOJ was just the opinion of a Trump hating lawyer inside the DOJ. The opinion means absolutely nothing legally. A court judge will make the determination as to whether or not the cops can sue President Trump, not anyone at the DOJ. Since the DOJ wants the cops to sue Trump, that tells me the DOJ knows it does not have the evidence to justify indicting Trump for the crime of inciting a riot.

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