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Leora & Paul - Home Activities (2023) #8

pulo filipe

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Comment certains peuvent ils trouver des excuses et une certaine empathie pour ce genre d'homme qu'est Paul,il faudrait que RLC le vire ou Leora pour incompétence  ,ou que RLC propose a Leora de quitter le site ,ont a connus des appartement sans beaucoup d'actions mais celui ci est le couple gagnant ils sont en fin de courses

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1 hour ago, Anode said:

Comment certains peuvent ils trouver des excuses et une certaine empathie pour ce genre d'homme qu'est Paul, il faudrait que RLC le vire ou Leora pour incompétence ,ou que RLC propose une Leora de quitter le site ,ont a connus des appartement sans beaucoup d'actions mais celui ci est le couple gagnant ils sont en fin de courses

bonjour anode .

je ne c'est pas si elle lit vraiment les messages  car depuis des mois il  ne fond rien pour remonter la pente oh contraire il font  tout pour être en perte de vitesse  je suis comme toi je place cette appartement dans les derniers pour les autres m'intéresse pas a part martina mais c'est pareil il baisse aussi .

pour moi je termine mon abonnement mais je ne pense pas le renouveler ,je n'ai jamais passé prémium car la c'est un peu chère pour une baise de temps en temps .

regarde depuis le 1 premier mars paul n'a pas touché léora  c'est masturbé deux fois et elle ne cherche plus a donnée encore plus  a c'est  abonnées .

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3 minutes ago, RAME said:

hello anode.

I'm not sure if she really reads the messages because for months he hasn't melted anything to go up the slope oh the opposite they do everything to be in decline I'm like you I put this apartment in the last for the other m not interested apart from martina but it's the same he's also falling.

for me, I'm finishing my subscription but I don't think I'll renew it, I've never gone premium because it's a bit expensive for a fuck from time to time.

Look since March 1 Paul has not touched Léora, she has masturbated twice and she is no longer looking to give even more to her subscribers.

I don’t have RLC membership any longer solely because since Paul’s return the dynamics have changed considerably in the apartment which was bound to happen.

Although I am happy for Leora to have her “ family “ together again I didn’t think it was particularly advantageous to most of the Leora viewers, except of course for a devoted few.

The difference between Russia and Prague is that in Russia Paul worked full time out of the apartment 5-6 days each week for a couple of years which gave Leora all the independence she required to “ look after business” for her devotees.In Prague she hasn’t got this luxury, he is always there like a shadow and whenever she does anything it is with his permission which makes it seem contrived. 

Make the best of my videos while you can because the days of Leora being that free to express herself are well and truly gone now. No more prolonged dancing sessions or table tops, wet panties and wild imagination. Venues are limited to the bedrooms and living room.With the summer you may be lucky enough to see a quick balcony session but as for anything else forget about it unless he gets some work outside the apartment.

All good things decline and end eventually, she was to me the best of the best and gave me and others a great deal of pleasure, I would sooner remember her for that. 


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