StarLight28 Posted March 13, 2023 Posted March 13, 2023 59 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said: Independent courts to determine what? You are the only one questioning the authenticity of the newly released videos. Those in the U.S. opposed to the videos being shown to the public don't question the authenticity of the videos, they just oppose the videos being made public. Ich bin dafür ALLE als echt und plausibel geprüften Videos zu veröffentlichen. Ich bin ganz sicher NICHT der Einzige in der medialen Welt, der weiß wie leicht Bilder und Videos manipuliert werden können. Das wäre furchtbar, ich als einzig sehender unter Blinden. Nicht nur bei FoxNews, überall werden täglich weltweit Fake-News, Fake-Videos verbreitet, warum soll ein intelligenter Mensch hier blind vertrauen. Ich glaube nicht alles was ich lese oder sehe - Glauben heißt nicht wissen. Ich bin Wissenschaftler und halte mich an Fakten, welche beweisbar sind. Gewaltvideos, zertrümmerte Scheiben und Türen, 160 verletzte Polizisten welche den rasenden Mob aufhalten wollten wurden live in alle Welt verbreitet. Zusammen mit der Trump-Rede zur angeblichen "gestohlenen Wahl"-Lüge und Aufforderung zu demonstrieren ergibt Anfangsverdacht einer kriminellen Handlung, welche Ermittlungsbehörden aufrufen ihre Arbeit zu machen. In einem Rechtsstaat wie Deutschland wäre das so. Bei von Trump Rep-infizierter-Justiz in den USA laufen Uhren offenbar anders. Um das Capitol herum gibt es eine Bann-Meile, wie um jeden Regierungssitz, der von Dritten nicht betreten werden darf - wer das tut begeht Hausfriedensbruch, auch wenn er sonst nichts anstellt, hier wurde jedoch blanke Gewalt ausgeübt. Mir ist nicht bekannt das am 06.01. ein Tag der offenen Tür angeboten wurde. Deshalb sind Videos mit friedlichen Passante mit Polizisten als Geleit für den Tag unplausibel und unglaubwürdig - also der Verdacht auf FAKE sehr groß. Warum sollen FAKE-Videos veröffentlicht werden - nach 2 Jahren (Arbeit) ??? 🤣🤣😁
SPYING 1 Posted March 14, 2023 Posted March 14, 2023 US banks sitting on unrealized losses of $620 billion | CNN Business WWW.CNN.COM Silicon Valley Bank's collapse last week sent tingles of panic down investors' spines as it...
Ridgerunner Posted March 14, 2023 Posted March 14, 2023 6 hours ago, StarLight28 said: I am in favor of publishing ALL videos that have been checked as real and plausible. I'm definitely NOT the only one in the media world who knows how easily images and videos can be manipulated. That would be terrible, I am the only one who can see among the blind. Not only on FoxNews, fake news and fake videos are being spread all over the world every day, why should an intelligent person trust blindly here. I don't believe everything I read or see - believing is not knowing. I'm a scientist and I stick to facts that can be proven. Videos of violence, smashed windows and doors, 160 injured police officers who wanted to stop the frenzied mob were broadcast live all over the world. Demonstrating together with Trump's speech about the alleged "stolen election" lie and the request to demonstrate gives initial suspicion of criminal activity, which investigative authorities call on to do their work. That would be the case in a constitutional state like Germany. In the case of the Trump Rep-infected judiciary in the USA, clocks apparently run differently. Around the Capitol there is a ban mile, as around every seat of government, which third parties may not enter - anyone who does so commits trespassing, even if they do nothing else, but here sheer violence was exercised. I am not aware that on 06.01. an open day was offered. That's why videos with peaceful passers-by with police officers as escorts for the day are implausible and implausible - so the suspicion of FAKE is very high. Why should FAKE videos be published - after 2 years (work) ??? 🤣 🤣 😁 You claim to be so brilliant, but your mind is so closed to any facts that do not fit your political agenda that it is impossible for you to be truly intelligent. The videos shown by the Jan.6 Committee and those shown by Fox News are both real and are from the same source (the Capitol Police). Fox News is just showing parts of the videos that the Jan.6 Committee should have also shown if they were truly wanting to present the whole story of what happened on Jan.6. But the Committee's purpose was to condemn Trump and all of his supporters, so they showed only violent rioters and left out video of peaceful protesters. A truly unbiased investigation would have shown both.
Ridgerunner Posted March 14, 2023 Posted March 14, 2023 18 hours ago, TBG 150 said: Who gives a shit about these overpaid crybabies? If they all died today, I wouldn't care. Just like sports idiots. This has nothing to do with politics anyway. That's why no one watches the Oscars anymore, these mental midgets (actors) insist on bringing politics into the movies and the Academy Awards Program. People want to be entertained by actors, not to be preached to by actors.
SPYING 1 Posted March 14, 2023 Posted March 14, 2023 Biden washing machine rule would make Americans dirtier and stinkier — and raise prices: manufacturers WWW.FOXNEWS.COM President Biden's Department of Energy proposed new efficiency standards for washing...
pulo filipe Posted March 14, 2023 Posted March 14, 2023 Biden accidentally reveals Jimmy Carter asked him to deliver his... NYPOST.COM Biden, 80, made the apparent gaffe during a Democratic Party fundraiser in Rancho Santa Fe...
TBG 150 Posted March 14, 2023 Posted March 14, 2023 Everything that decrepit old bastard does is to make this country a 3rd world shithole. A well placed bullet in his head and that stupid bitch he calls a VP, would solve a lot of this nation's and the world's problems. I'm not sure McCarthy would be any better, but this old, senile idiot is going to screw this country up so bad, it'll never be able to be turned around again.
StarLight28 Posted March 14, 2023 Posted March 14, 2023 Joe Biden genehmigt umstrittenes Öl-Projekt in Alaska WWW.DW.COM Grünes Licht für die Förderung von rund 600 Millionen Barrel Öl - obwohl Biden im Wahlkampf versprochen hatte, keine weiteren Bohrungen zuzulassen. Dementsprechend groß ist das Entsetzen bei...
SPYING 1 Posted March 14, 2023 Posted March 14, 2023 Canadian Catholic student arrested, charged after saying men, women are different: 'Embarrassing' WWW.FOXNEWS.COM Canadian Catholic high school student Josh Alexander spoke out on "Tucker Carlson Tonight"... 1
StarLight28 Posted March 14, 2023 Posted March 14, 2023 Zum Jubiläum des Karfreitagsabkommens: US-Präsident Biden plant Reise nach Nordirland WWW.MSN.COM Vor 25 Jahren beendete der Friedensschluss den jahrzehntelangen Bürgerkrieg in dem britischen Landesteil. Für Biden wäre der Besuch auch privat ein besonderer Anlass.
Ridgerunner Posted March 14, 2023 Posted March 14, 2023 5 hours ago, StarLight28 said: Joe Biden approves controversial Alaskan oil project WWW.DW.COM Green light for the production of around 600 million barrels of oil - although Biden had promised during the election campaign not to allow any further drilling. Accordingly great is the dismay at... Biden preparing for the 2024 election. Trying to make voters believe he is a "moderate" after he has been ruling like Bernie Sanders for over two years. Wonder how many people will fall for this scam? 1
Ridgerunner Posted March 14, 2023 Posted March 14, 2023 The "brilliant"(LMAO) financial guru Jim Cramer at CNBC recently recommended investing in both Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank. Previously, he also compared Sam Bankman-Fried to J.P. Morgan. 1
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