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US General Domestic Politics (2023) #8 (Starts 3/07/23)

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1 hour ago, StarLight28 said:


Always the same statement. If you're honest, you know that's not true. Joe Biden is a friendly man but just as tough when it comes to pushing through US interests. Read the article more carefully. Biden knows the US and Europe must work together against China and others. The USA can only win there, because neither Europe nor your USA can be completely self-sufficient - from an economic point of view alone.


"Always same statement" because it's the truth.

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1 minute ago, Ridgerunner said:

"Always same statement" because it's the truth.


Nein Du bist falsch. Trump hat "Hauklotz-Politik" betrieben und sich zwischen alle Stühle gesetzt und der USA sehr geschadet. Kurzfristige Politik ist dumme Politik. Gute Politik ist längerfristige Strategie. Biden wird der USA und der "Arbeiterklasse" längerfristig mehr Nutzen bringen.

Biden nun steigende Preise für Energie und alles in die Schuhe zu schieben ist unredlich. Corona und der Ukraine-Überfall haben alles verändert in der Welt - unser Scholz spricht von "Zeitenwende", und genau das trifft zu. Wenn "der Westen" seine Ziele von Freiheit und Demokratie (ich weiß daß da noch nichts ideal ist !!) erhalten will dann müssen alle freien Länder nun zusammen halten und eben leider auch Opfer bringen. Deutschland nach 1945 ist pazifistisch ausgelegt, ich auch. Zeitenwende erfordert umdenken damit Aggressor Putin sein Vorhaben nicht erreicht, Ukraine "heim ins (russische) Reich zu holen". Das Volk nördlich vom Schwarzen Meer hatte schon immer eigene Kultur und Sprache, war nur zeitweise von Russen besetzt.

USA, Deutschland und EU leiden alle unter diesem Terrorakt von Putin. Alles wird teurer, der Lebensstandard sinkt für alle, wir müssen ALLE Opfer bringen. Biden ist ein harter Brocken, der mit US-Abschottungs-Bestimmungen der EU und besonders der EU-Automobilindustrie große Restriktionen auferlegt. Nicht viel anders als Trump - nur intelligenter.

Und wenn Trump öffentlich Garantie abgibt, das er in einem Tag den krieg beendet und den 3. Weltkrieg vermeidet so ist das nur ein Stück Überheblichkeit und Dummheit. Trump ist so schwach, der zerreißt doch keine nasse Zeitung. 😁


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36 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


Steht im Bericht. Das ist unsere EU-Kommissions-Präsidentin Ursula von der Leyen.


I already know And the woman of interest rates  And the president of the european union who gives money to everyone And get the money with interest 

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13 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


No you are wrong. Trump has pursued "Hauklotz policy" and put himself between all stools and caused great damage to the USA. Short-term politics is stupid politics. Good policy is a long-term strategy. Biden will bring more benefits to the US and the "working class" in the longer term.

Biden now blaming rising energy prices and everything is dishonest. Corona and the Ukraine attack have changed everything in the world - our Scholz speaks of a "turn of the era", and that is exactly the case. If "the West" wants to maintain its goals of freedom and democracy (I know that nothing is ideal !!) then all free countries must now stick together and unfortunately also make sacrifices. Germany after 1945 is designed to be pacifist, me too. Changing times require rethinking so that aggressor Putin does not achieve his plan to "bring Ukraine home to the (Russian) empire". The people north of the Black Sea have always had their own culture and language, and were only temporarily occupied by Russians.

USA, Germany and EU are all suffering from this terrorist act by Putin. Everything is getting more expensive, everyone's standard of living is falling, we ALL have to make sacrifices. Biden is a tough guy who, with US lockdown regulations, is imposing major restrictions on the EU and especially on the EU auto industry. Not much different from Trump - just smarter.

And when Trump publicly guarantees that he will end the war in one day and avoid World War 3, that is just a piece of arrogance and stupidity. Trump is so weak he won't tear up a wet newspaper. 😁


Sorry, but the U.S. government printing and spending money is not a sound economic policy.  It's a policy that will lead to disaster for my country.

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24 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

Sorry, but the U.S. government printing and spending money is not a sound economic policy.  It's a policy that will lead to disaster for my country.


Wenn das so wäre, ok.  Das ist aber nicht so. Diese Inflation ist wieder rückläufig. Auch wir haben entgegen der Planung wegen höherer Rüstungsausgaben Kredite aufnehmen müssen, welcher aber bei steigender Produktivität und dann höheren Steuereinnahmen mittelfristig beherrschbar sind.


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10 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


If so, fine. But that's not the case. This inflation is declining again. Contrary to planning, we also had to take out loans due to higher armaments expenditure, which, however, can be managed in the medium term given increasing productivity and then higher tax revenues.


You are dreaming.  Yesterday the second largest bank failure in the history of the U.S. took place. The banking industry in the U.S. is holding a lot of low yield U.S. Treasury securities that they were pressured into buying by the Biden Administration in order to finance the government's big spending programs. As interest rates increase those government securities lose value because of their low yields, so banks must either sell the securities at a loss to raise cash or hold them and watch their values decline. But if the government discontinues it's policy of raising interest rates, inflation will continue and maybe worsen; so the banks and the U..S. economy are caught in a damn if you do and damn if you don't situation.  If the government raises interest rates, existing U.S, bonds lose value; and if the government does nothing about interest rates or lowers them inflation will continue and maybe worsen.   Reckless monetary policy by the government has set up an unstable house of cards, and I fear the economic and social consequences of those policies will not be pretty when that house collapses.:cry:

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