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US General Domestic Politics (2023) #8 (Starts 3/07/23)

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Vor 59 Minuten sagte Ridgerunner:

Private Kontrolle über Nachrichtenmedien ist viel besser als staatliche Kontrolle.


DU verstehst nichts!!! Es geht nicht um STAATLICHE Kontrolle, das gibt es hier nicht. "Öffentlich rechtlich" ist unabhängig vom Staat, kontrolliert von Gremien von Kirchen, Gewerkschaften, Sozialverbänden, Parteien und mehr.

Private TV-Sender haben wir auch, diese find ich Scheisse und sehe ich nur selten.- weil schwachsinnig.


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10 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


I'm not a "democratic" (stupid US politician) but also a critical video specialist with practical experience. I'm not rejecting everything, but I do warn of the dangers and possibilities of cheating. Videos, 2 years later, released from scratch, need to be checked carefully. Anyone who doesn't is just an IDIOT.


And anyone who doesn't check the "evidence" presented by the biased Jan. 6 Committee is also an IDIOT.  Why didn't you question the Jan.6 Committees' presentation and editing of the videos? The Jan.6 Committee also brought in a Hollywood producer to choreograph committee hearings for tv. 

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13 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:

 Incorrect. People are manipulated with videos - videos can be manipulated at will. If something like this appears 2 years later, the risk of manipulation is very high !!! And all videos - peacefully pro Trump  🤣 🤣 🤣

Turn on your brain!!!!


I know people are manipulated with videos. I saw the Jan.6 Committee do it. Why are you so quick to question the authenticity of these new videos but accepted without question the Jan.6 Committees'  presentation of the videos? 

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Vor 28 Minuten sagte SPYING 1:

Wer von diesen Typen bist du starlight28??



KEINER, Ich weiß nur das DU ein widerliches Trump-US-NAZI-Arschloch bist, der täglich im Blick der Hakenkreuz-Fahne onaniert - perverses US-NAZI-Schwein. Ich kotze auf Dich widerliche US-NAZI-Ratte.


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3 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

Ich weiß, dass Menschen mit Videos manipuliert werden. Ich habe gesehen, wie das Komitee vom 6. Januar es getan hat. Warum stellen Sie die Authentizität dieser neuen Videos so schnell in Frage, akzeptieren aber ohne Frage die Präsentation der Videos durch die Komitees vom 6. Januar? 


Falsch. Ich stelle nichts in Frage. Ich lasse alle ehrlichen Videos zu - ich bin für Ermittlung der WAHRHEIT. Und Trump seine Rede ist Anstachelung zu Gewalt, wer das nicht erkennt ist ohne Verstand. Alle Original-Videos zeigen brachiale Gewalt mit Körperverletzung gegen Staatsbeamte. "Neue Videos" Aufnahmen von "Tag der offenen Tür" mit Ton vom 06.01. - Fake. Ich warte auf neue glaubwürdige "private" Videos.


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4 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


Incorrect. I don't question anything. I allow all honest videos - I am for finding the TRUTH . And Trump's speech is incitement to violence, anyone who doesn't recognize that is out of their mind. All of the original videos show brute force assaults against state officials. "New Videos" Recordings from "Open Day" with sound from 06.01. - Fake. I'm waiting for new credible "private" videos.


All the videos are from the same source, Capitol Building security cameras. The Jan.6 Committee only showed video that supported their claims of a violent insurgency. You are the only person I have even heard saying the "new videos" are not authentic. The videos were released to Fox News by the current Speaker of the House. You just can't accept facts that don't support what you want to believe. If all politicians in Germany are as dishonest as you, I feel sorry for the German people.                                                                                                    And I don't need you to tell me what Trump said in his Jan.6 speech because I watched the speech. I also saw the video where the Jan.6 Committee edited out the part of Trump's speech where he told his supporters to march to the Capitol Building to "lawfully and peacefully" make their voices heard.        

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3 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


Falsch. Ich stelle nichts in Frage. Ich lasse alle ehrlichen Videos zu - ich bin für Ermittlung der WAHRHEIT. Und Trump seine Rede ist Anstachelung zu Gewalt, wer das nicht erkennt ist ohne Verstand. Alle Original-Videos zeigen brachiale Gewalt mit Körperverletzung gegen Staatsbeamte. "Neue Videos" Aufnahmen von "Tag der offenen Tür" mit Ton vom 06.01. - Fake. Ich warte auf neue glaubwürdige "private" Videos.


      The difference is, is that you are an obviously kraut indoctrinated piece of shit propagandist who chooses to post nothing more than propagandist bullshit. Also, your likeness of a baboons ass that you have been revealing in a number of your most recent posts, is quite revealing of your so called education, intelligence, and mindset since the likeness is the kind of kraut asshole you are, since there are no such things as social democrats asshole. Only those who attempt to make others believe otherwise. Similar to how fascists in the country where you are from believed in such bullshit leading up to and during the second world war, a socialist is a socialist and is more in lined with ideologies of so called leftist marxism, and a believer in marxism, is more in line with beliefs of so called leftist ideologies of communism you kraut indoctrinated asshole. Obviously, those with such mentalities as the one you possess, should be institutionalized and subjected to labotomies sooner than later. Tell the fucking truth for a change and admit to why your sorry ass despises Americans and Jews, and that it is because of who you are and what you actually are which is why the country where you are from was nearly annialated because of the American involvement in the second world war.

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1 hour ago, SPYING 1 said:

"I am thrilled that this ruling recognizes our rights and our humanity and hopefully opens...

men against women

I'm glad this is happening.  Eventually, such actions will cause real women to rebel against these "woke" authoritarians. A lot of Americans theoretically support transgender rights until ridiculous actions like this begin to personally impact their lives.

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Time might have run out for Novak Djokovic to be admitted US entry to play at Indian Wells...

So he can't enter the USA unless he takes the covid-19 vaccine but joe biden has let over 6 millions illegal immigrants enter without taking the covid-19 vaccine 

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