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US General Domestic Politics (2023) #9 (Starts 3/19/23)

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1 hour ago, Ridgerunner said:

I hope all you CC subscribers enjoy your unending diet of propaganda from German news media and a German lunatic with no rebuttals. :cool:

I can just imagine all the spit and gob all around his computer while he types,ranting and raving just like his little grand father years ago.🤣😂

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8 minutes ago, StnCld316 said:

The vast majority of pro-Trump online groups seemed to shrug off the former President's rallying cry

So much for his supporters helping his cause. Once bitten, twice shy.  😁

They are probably afraid of being arrested by the Biden FBI Gestapo, just like your buddy Justin Trudeau stomped on the rights of Canadian truckers.  Latest poll for the  Republican presidential nomination shows: Ron Desantis 27%, Donald Trump 46%. :cool:

  • Haha 2
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Ron DeSantis is beginning to sound like just another politician, playing the is he or isn't he running game. People are tired of politician double talk. Maybe Desantis is behaving that way because Karl Rove and the Bush family are running his campaign. My advice to DeSantis, if he wants to win the Republican nomination, is get as far away from Karl Rove and the Bushes as possible.

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Just now, StarLight28 said:



Diese Bilder von Trump und Putin sind brandgefährlich



AG Letitia James appeals for the tight to set up concentration camps.


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Der deutsche Raketeningenieur Wernher von Braun leitete im Dritten Reich die Entwicklung der V2-Rakete. Nach Kriegsende leistete er - inzwischen als US-Staatsbürger - entscheidende Beiträge zur...


Ohne Wernher von Braun keine Mondlandung durch Amerika !!  😁


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