Gerald Knauft Posted April 18, 2023 Posted April 18, 2023 7 hours ago, happyman88 said: Als ich Ulyana gestern Abend zusah, sah ich, dass sie nichts von ihrem Charme verloren hat und immer noch ganz oben in den Top-Rängen aller Größen steht, genau wie Harley, aber obwohl Harley meiner Ansicht nach eine sehr schöne Frau ist, erstaunt es mich, wie sie solchen Schlacken zulässt die Kerle, die sie erlaubt, in ihren Körper einzudringen. Sie hat Besseres verdient! Es gab mal einen Schriftsteller oder Maler der gesagt oder geschrieben haben soll : " Nur das Hässliche ist wirklich schön ! " Manche Frauen , aber auch Männer, scheinen ihre Sexpartner bzw.- innen nach diesem Motto immer wieder auszusuchen. Aber auch hierbei gilt: die Kategorien " Schönheit " und " Häßlichkeit " liegen immer noch im Auge des Betrachters.
Gerald Knauft Posted April 18, 2023 Posted April 18, 2023 47 minutes ago, Fritzhonka said: Ich habe Ulyana für ihren Busenjob bevorzugt Ich hatte zu Fiora aus verschiedenen Gründen ein gespaltenes Verhältnis, vor allem wenn sie sich von einem mir nicht angenehmen Herren bumsen hat lassen. Aber jetzt fehlt sie mir als Gespielin von Ulyana sehr. Die Aktionen der beiden Akteurinnen beim Baden und auf dem Bett gehörten zu dem Besten und Ansehnlichsten was RLC für ihre Abonnenten bieten konnte. Aber wer weiß: vielleicht ist das RLC auch bewußt. Ich weiß nicht wo Fiora jetzt ist aber eine mehrtägige Gastrolle wäre schon schön.
ddhm Posted April 18, 2023 Posted April 18, 2023 6 hours ago, cupid30 said: As she rightfully should,she was always my favorite masterbator! leora who?? lol Ulyana has another big advantage but many “ grew “ with RLC and Leora because Leora has always “ been alone “ .. there has never been any Paul so as people not watching her because of him and being one more bored couple after a certain period . Leora was the company at nights and days because she has always been alone and I think these are the people who are her “ bigger “ followers . Mostly older people , tired of married life or divorced or widowed and Leora was in a way “‘their company “ as Leora was always seemed and felt alone . Ulyana joined RLC nearly being 18-19 years old , she would fuck as A CHAMPION , she would do anal sex , her masturbations were an incredible combination of passion , show off and pure pleasure , she has always been social , we saw her being around others , different sex partners or ONS through the years , whatever girl/girl shows , variety , exclusivity .. Leora has been monotonous , repetitious but her fan base is incredible due to the fact that in my humble opinion the RLC viewers are the people that I mentioned in my first paragraph . Even the posts and comments regarding these two girls can show the target group they are addressing their fans. Ulyana has just been unlucky with her RLC choices and management towards her because despite being an RLC soldier ( like Leora is ) , she wanted also to live her life and experience / learn the world while Leora has absolutely no idea what it is traveling , having friends , socializing , participating in evenings with friends , SHARING .. a tour at her social media can show what she has experienced in life while Leora apart from one period that i believed she tried to change her life ( without though sharing it with the viewers ) , she has no idea what the real world looks like . She had a chance to become more European and adjust to a different life than the monotonous and boring life she has but this was the difficult thing to do and she quit , choosing to continue the easy , money making and no strict obligations life with Paul . Leora is RLC’s past despite still gathering and having her audience but Ulyana represents the future and the pure real life in all of the fields . 1
ddhm Posted April 18, 2023 Posted April 18, 2023 5 hours ago, Gerald Knauft said: Leora hat ihre beste Zeit schon lange hinter sich. Nach Malias plötzlichem Ausscheiden konnte sie sich nicht weiterentwickeln und etwas Neues und ungewöhnliches entwickeln. Das wurde dann schnell langweilig und uninteressant. Ihr Stern konnte nur so hell strahlen mit einer schwächeren Partnerin die aber selbst auch nicht langweilig war. Wie oft hat Malia die Situation gerettet wenn Leora mal wieder tage-und nächtelang verschwunden war oder wenn sie mal wieder über die stundenlangen Telefongespräche mit Paul vergessen hatte wozu sie eigentlich bei RLC war. Und wie hat sie das Malia gedankt ? Mir bricht es heute noch das Herz. Sie hat dann versucht die Situation mit der erneuten Hereinname von Paul zu retten. Aber ob das gelungen ist sei jedem Abonnenten frei gestellt zu beurteilen. Dazu kommt noch daß auch bei ihr das Alter immer deutlichere Spuren hinterläßt. Manchmal sieht sie schon ziemlich alt aus. Irgendwann wird auch mal das schönste Obst überlagert. Only big 👏👏 for your post , thugs that so many people wish to say but they stay away from the toxic and worshiping topic of her’s where such opinions should be posted and shared / heard .
ddhm Posted April 18, 2023 Posted April 18, 2023 3 hours ago, Brokk! said: Or maybe Harley isn't all that great if a naked Leora has almost the same visualizations as a Harley bate... Harley is so many more than the boring day in and day out life of Leora . She has people visiting in the apartment and she’s not shy showing her private life . She has - as the majority of the girls of her age - a variety of sex partners and experiencing life traveling and doing things than a woman who is and isn’t at the same time in one of the most beautiful European capitals . Harley will not open her legs towards the cameras to “ invite “ people to watch her but she will try and satisfy herself while being horny during the morning when she wakes up , the afternoon after eating or late at night before sleeping . It is always a choice wanting to watch variety or the “ variety “ of changing rooms to masturbate so as people still follow the apartment.
thinga69 Posted April 19, 2023 Posted April 19, 2023 Harley must be careful when she opens the curtain in her room because it can easily cover the cam 10.
NOT MYSELF Posted April 19, 2023 Posted April 19, 2023 19 hours ago, Fritzhonka said: I preferred Ulyana before her boob job she hasn't changed, just her tits but I liked her cute natural tits more than these generic ones she is all Dolled up going out so fucking Hot
NOT MYSELF Posted April 19, 2023 Posted April 19, 2023 and a classic Ulyana bate going on oh I wish I was at the end of that bed she has had some of the best bates in RLC history her couch shows in her original apt... classic push the pussy to the camera we knew she was an exhibitionist STAR
costa049 Posted April 19, 2023 Posted April 19, 2023 I don't believe Harley stays for too long, since she has her boyfriend...
thinga69 Posted April 19, 2023 Posted April 19, 2023 51 minutes ago, costa049 said: I don't believe Harley stays for too long, since she has her boyfriend... Don't see a reason why because every time that she was in the project she had a BF. Too bad that first was in B1 were they were evicted and after on B6 were she lived in poor conditions. Now she have a brand new apartment, the only bad thing is the size of her room.
maxfactor Posted April 19, 2023 Posted April 19, 2023 3 minutes ago, thinga69 said: Don't see a reason why because every time that she was in the project she had a BF. Too bad that first was in B1 were they were evicted and after on B6 were she lived in poor conditions. Now she have a brand new apartment, the only bad thing is the size of her room. The controlling boyfriend will make the decision for her.
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