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1 hour ago, StarLight28 said:


Whatever you have with socialist/Marxist. USA is an arch-conservative reactionary country that only ever dreams of 1793. No thank you. All fled from Europe, hoping for gold and wealth and missed out on development in Europe. Stopped in a medieval state to regulate everything by force of arms. Live on in your retrograde world of cowboys. Europe has overtaken you left and right - and the US moon landing is German know-how - unfortunately, so is the construction of the atomic bomb. What should we Europeans buy from you - peanuts. And that's it. Jimmy Carter would be happy. 😁       German-European technology is now flying to Saturn to explore our solar system. USA is only the 3rd choice - China overtakes you technically every year. Kind of a shame. The scenario reminds me of the fall of the Roman Empire - death through hubris and intrigue. We still have 14 US military bases in Germany which we are paying and waiting to call home. Off to the Pacific. One-state theory Beijing is internationally recognized, what do you Americans want to achieve with Taiwan ????


I have a suggestion. Why don't you get on the next European space launch to Saturn and be the first German to visit that planet for the Fatherland? :tongue:

3 hours ago, StarLight28 said:

"Scrap" means, internationally not "competitive". Why do US citizens prefer to buy Mercedes, Porsche, VW premium cars than US cars - just one example. The Ambram is a great tank, but the German Leopard 2 is just more flexible and better for everyday use and doesn't need kerosene for its "turbine propulsion".

Made USA - is not always MADE USA, but Made China, Kore, Shanghai ........ Where is the advantage of buying expensive in the USA than half the price in China ???? After "America first" your USA is even less competitive and gnaws at the "starvation" - that means it goes under completely. Knowledge of economics and business administration can help to understand the system. 



So many products are made by U.S. businesses outside the U.S. because our politicians have put so many excessive taxes and regulations on our businesses that it is impossible for them to be competitive if they keep their factories in the U.S.  Trump reversed a lot of those non-competitive policies. If someone like Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren ever became president, they would cause even more factories and jobs to leave the U.S.

3 minutes ago, SPYING 1 said:

Hey Dreckskerl, wertloses Stück Scheiße, du bist eine Schande der Menschheit, du wirst zur Hölle fahren, NAZI


Das ist genau der Ton von Deinem Zwillingsbruder Nicholas. DU hast hier sicher 2 Accounts und segelst hier mit  mit 2 Flaggen. Das wurde mir zuletzt Klar als Du den Thread #13 verpasst hast und dann massiv auf mich eingeschlagen hast Ich bitte @StnCld316 Dich und Nicholas als offensichtliche Doubletten aus den Foren zu entfernen. Es ist verboten unter 2 Namen sich gegenseitig Bälle zu zu schieben. Du bist ein widerlicher Lügner. Egal wie auch immer, diesen Makel wirst Du nie mehr los, dreckige Ratte. 😁


3 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


Again, you are wrong. It's about criminal business practices with fraud, balance sheet falsification, tax evasion and and ..... As long as Trump has his company headquarters in NY, the State of NY is legally responsible for the prosecution of economic crimes. Why don't you understand? This has nothing to do with intrigue.

"Democrats" are more happy to fight against a criminal Trump than against a possible pure and blameless "Republican". Ultra-right Republicans have to find or invent it first.

I want to forget about the "bloated loudmouth" as an attack of helplessness for now. You shouldn't be angry with mistaken people, but forgive them as a human being - Christian teaching. Have you heard of this??? 😁


You are either a fool or totally dishonest. Almost everyone in the U.S. believes Trump is being prosecuted for political reasons. Even  Democrat voters who want him prosecuted admit he is being prosecuted for political motives.

1 minute ago, Ridgerunner said:

So many products are made by U.S. businesses outside the U.S. because our politicians have put so many excessive taxes and regulations on our businesses that it is impossible for them to be competitive if they keep their factories in the U.S.  Trump reversed a lot of those non-competitive policies. If someone like Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren ever became president, they would cause even more factories and jobs to leave the U.S.


Junge, schiebe nicht immer alles auf "die Politik". Das ist totaler Unsinn. USA hat ein kapitalistisches Wirtschafts-System. Das heißt jede Firma kämpft jeder gegen jeden - freie Marktwirtschaft = "Raubtier-Kapitalismus". Wer falsch agiert verliert. "Arbeiterklasse" sind da immer Dumme.  Der alte Scheiß: "Gewinne privat- Verluste der Staat". Ein absolut unehrliches System. In Deutschland gilt "Soziale Marktwirtschaft", das ist völlig anders. Das hat nichts mi Sozialismus oder Kommunismus zu tun. Der Staat gibt Regeln vor und Unternehmen können in dem Rahmen frei entscheiden. Eine andere Welt, moderne Marktwirtschaft.



1 hour ago, StarLight28 said:


Whatever you have with socialist/Marxist. USA is an arch-conservative reactionary country that only ever dreams of 1793. No thank you. All fled from Europe, hoping for gold and wealth and missed out on development in Europe. Stopped in a medieval state to regulate everything by force of arms. Live on in your retrograde world of cowboys. Europe has overtaken you left and right - and the US moon landing is German know-how - unfortunately, so is the construction of the atomic bomb. What should we Europeans buy from you - peanuts. And that's it. Jimmy Carter would be happy. 😁       German-European technology is now flying to Saturn to explore our solar system. USA is only the 3rd choice - China overtakes you technically every year. Kind of a shame. The scenario reminds me of the fall of the Roman Empire - death through hubris and intrigue. We still have 14 US military bases in Germany which we are paying and waiting to call home. Off to the Pacific. One-state theory Beijing is internationally recognized, what do you Americans want to achieve with Taiwan ????


We want the people of Taiwan to have the freedom to choose their own government and to be free of the Chinese Communist tyranny. I suppose a person like you who loves Marxist authoritarian governments similar to Cuba and Venezuela wouldn't understand the concept of individual freedom.

8 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

Sie sind entweder ein Narr oder völlig unehrlich. Fast jeder in den USA glaubt, dass Trump aus politischen Gründen verfolgt wird. Sogar demokratische Wähler, die ihn strafrechtlich verfolgen wollen, geben zu, dass er aus politischen Motiven strafrechtlich verfolgt wird.


Unsinn, Trump ist ein unehrlicher Mensch, ein Narr, ein Betrüger, ein Lügner, ein Bilanz-Fälscher - ob auch Sexualtäter ist doch fast egal mit seinem kleine Schwanz. Trump ist eine Nusche und unwürdig US-Präsident zu sein. Er spielt gerne Golf - er soll arbeiten da besser zu werden. Das wäre gut für ihn - US-Präsident ??? Dazu fehlen diesem Schwachkopf alle Eigenschaften.


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1 hour ago, StarLight28 said:


In contrast to FUCK-Trump, President Joe Biden is a circumspect and great US President who can speak freely without a teleprompter, as a fuzzy put it here. However, I would recommend that he not run for president again. Retire Joe and enjoy your retirement.

No matter which "Dem candidate" competes, he will win. Reps are at loggerheads and hate each other and this Trump with his scandals and scams is driving these reps further into the abyss.


Your description of Joe Biden is a joke that shows you don't have a clue. The American people now laugh at Biden's incompetence. Biden needs to have his wife, son or Easter Bunny at his side to prevent him from making some insane, embarrassing comment in front of the news media. Biden never held one news conference during his whole time in Ireland because his White House handlers know he is too cognitively impaired to conduct a coherent news conference.

4 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

Wir wollen, dass die Menschen in Taiwan die Freiheit haben, ihre eigene Regierung zu wählen und von der kommunistischen Tyrannei Chinas frei zu sein. Ich nehme an, eine Person wie Sie, die marxistische autoritäre Regierungen ähnlich wie Kuba und Venezuela liebt, würde das Konzept der individuellen Freiheit nicht verstehen.

Höre auf mit dem Unsinn. Taiwan wird nur von 10 Staaten in der Welt anerkannt, sie haben keine Mitgliedschaft in der UNO mehr. Es gilt anerkannt Ein-China- Doktrin. Jeder Staat der mit Rot-China Geschäfte machen will, der muß diese Charta unterschreiben - vermutlich auch USA. Im Herzen bin ich für ein pseudo-demokratisches National-China auf Taiwan. Auf Dauer ist das Land nicht zu halten. Warum beharren Amerikaner darauf ??? Als Anlaß China anzugreifen, zu zerstören und zu vernichten - auch mit Atombomben. Das ist unmenschlich und nicht im Interesse von Europa. Ami go home. 😁


24 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


Boy, don't always blame everything on "the politics". This is total nonsense. USA has a capitalistic economic system. That means every company fights everyone against everyone - free market economy = "predator capitalism". Who acts wrong loses. "Working class" are always stupid. The old shit: "Profits privately, losses the state". A totally dishonest system. In Germany, "social market economy" applies, which is completely different. It has nothing to do with socialism or communism. The state sets rules and companies are free to make decisions within this framework. Another world, modern market economy.



Spoken like a true Marxist.

1 hour ago, StarLight28 said:


Finally hold your stupid face, you dirty pig. No response to the ongoing report. Just agitation, with herb, socialist, Marxist, communist indoctrinaire, worthless, 2 world wars, ass destroyed, Hitler, propagandist ....

You are a poor miserable piece of shit, what do you want to say complete idiot here, you agitator pig, twin of SPYING 1, who sails here under various accounts. You hate me, you twins, because I'm smarter than you.

Speak specifically on the current topic You miserable fucker, then we can communicate like humans - so you are just an inferior dirty stupid asshole. No offense. Unworthy to be here in the forum @StnCld316

I've had enough of this unqualified idiot. Ignoring it doesn't help.

Then hold your cursor over the avatar of the person who you want to ignore and click ignore--you will no longer see their posts.

Just now, StarLight28 said:

Stop with the nonsense. Taiwan is only recognized by 10 countries in the world, they are no longer members of the UN. The recognized one-China doctrine applies. Every state that wants to do business with Red China has to sign this charter - presumably the USA too. At heart I am for a pseudo-democratic National China on Taiwan. The country cannot be held in the long term. Why do Americans insist on this ??? As a reason to attack, destroy and annihilate China - also with atomic bombs. That is inhumane and not in the interests of Europe. Ami go home. 😁


Taiwan is recognized by its own people and that is the only thing important to me. The people of Taiwan have a moral right to be ruled by a government of their choosing and not to have an undesired government forced upon them. I guess you want the Chinese Communists to suppress the freedoms of the people of Taiwan like they have suppressed the freedoms of the people of Hong Kong.:sad:

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