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B4 - General Topic 2023 #26 (April)

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1 hour ago, kris66 said:

There's stil time. Remember last time he fucked herhe woke her up 😉 

but wasn't she waiting in his bed ??  this is a whole new challenge and I don't see her willingness at this point 

 hope to read on and find out what happened   . I was away an hour or more and see her alone in bed .. 

( read Azura crying ? was that the excuse lol )


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From a very quick glance at replays,  Aziza was over in B-7 visiting him, and they even spent some minutes on his bed, but no sex.

Then back to B-4,where he was hanging out with Wendy and Azura.  And he, Wendy, and Azura eventually go the the LR to watch television.  Aziza is up in her bed, on her phone and ultimately decodes to come down to the LR, and cuddle with Dylan.

I originally had thought that when Dylan and Aziza were cuddling, that Wendy was cock-blocking, by not leaving.  I was sure there would be no hard sex between Aziza and Dylan in the LR with Wendy and Azura there.  Now, if it was Ashley and Gloria on the couch with them, who knows?


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I will make a prediction that Tani, Tereza, and Timur all return today, at about the same time.

I recall that someone posted that Tereza sometimes does off-camera modeling assignments, photo shoots, so perhaps a photographer wanted to shoot Tani and Tereza together.  And it would not surprise me in the least that someone who fancies erotic photography might pay RLC for recordings of participants sharing private moments.

I will note that RLC has not shown Tereza, Timur, and Tani as being on vacation.  IMO, they wouldn't be on vacation if they were working for RLC off-camera at a photographic or modeling session.  This might also explain Tereza and Tani having private conversations in a corner of B-7 during the last party, and Tereza embracing Tani.  

This also could be wild-assed speculation on my part.  But there were also the days when Fior supposedly was driving a group of RLC girls to a distant beach, and they would leave at 08:00 - 09:00 and be gone the entire day.  IIRC, the departure time was particularly hard for Radi.

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