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US General Domestic Politics (2023) # 16 (04/25/23)

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3 hours ago, SPYING 1 said:

Seems I have confused these two NAZIS 



And you are still confused as he is more a communist as he reveres the Chinese government totalitarian model. Unfortunately you are only using the term Nazi to inflame, 


By praising a totalitarian dictatorship, Klaus Schwab shows what he really intends to do if he can get his way.

Schwab and the WEF also want total control over society.

This is the group that has spent the last two years pushing a “great reset,” a plan to completely remake the global economy following the COVID pandemic. The promotion of the “great reset” had the infamous line “You will own nothing, and be happy.”

If this sounds like the implementation of global communism, you would be correct.

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1 hour ago, Ridgerunner said:

If Nazis were right-wing why did they call themselves the National Socialist German Workers' Party?:confused:


The terms "Nazi" and "fascist" feel like they belong in our history books, but they matter now, too. It's become necessary to know exactly what they mean.

Nazi is a shortened form of Nationalsozialist (the National Socialist German Worker Party). The actions of these groups during WWII caused their names to become synonymous with “ruthless authoritarianism and unjust brutality.” Adolf Hitler led this party to power in Germany in 1933, and his rule lasted until 1945.

✅ Nazism is described as one type of fascism. Both fascism and Nazism reject democracy and liberalism as ideologies, and instead embrace the concept of a nationalist state.

Fascism is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement, [1] [2] [3] characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual …

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1 hour ago, Nicholas said:

      Because that is all brainwashed indoctrinated radical leftists try to make everyone believe, although they are actually ass backwards since that is actually what they have tried to do.

Now read the above article I posted.  You really need to learn the political spectrum and the terms you just throw around to inflame others and intimidate them into silence.  You obviously either do not read ALL of my posts, or you would know that regardless of what is posted, if I disagree or find errors, I will post the rebuttal.  That does not make me a indoctrinated radical leftist, a leftist, or a socialist communist or any of the other terms you throw around.  However, indoctrination can happen in different scenarios .  I have never voted for a Democrat in my life--so you figure it out. 

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6 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

If Nazis were right-wing why did they call themselves the National Socialist German Workers' Party?:confused:

Das war purer Reklame-Trick damit Menschen (Wähler) auf eine falsche Spur gelockt werden:

National klingt gut.    So wie "Amerika first".

Deutschland und National nach dem schändlichen Friedensvertrag 1918/19 von Versailles noch mehr.

Sozial, als Verantwortung  gegenüber Schwachen klingt nach Weltwirtschaftskrise und Arbeitslosigkeit top.

Arbeiter-Partei, welche für uns "Arbeiterklasse" da ist - nichts besseres.

In Wahrheit war diese Partei und ihr Führer Faschist, welche kurz nach der Machtübernahme mit dem Ermächtigungsgesetz, Parteien und Parlament auflösten und eine Ein-Parteien-Macht mit dem Führer an der Spitze einführten. Alle Parteien im Reichstag welche mit Hitler eine Koalition bildeten, insbesondere "Rechte, konservative Parteien wie Zentrum" mit Herrn von Papen (nach 1945 als neue CDU auf dem Markt !) stimmten dem Gesetz zu - nur SPD als "Sozial-Demokratische-Partei-Deutschlands" stimmte geschlossen dagegen. Seine Rede von Otto Wels ist historisch: "Freiheit und Leben kann man uns nehmen, "die Ehre" nicht !  Dennoch konnte diese SPD das Unheil nicht mehr verhindern.

Trump hat in seiner Regentschaft doch auch bereits mit vielen Notverordnungen am Parlament vorbei regiert, oder nicht ??




Otto Wels war derjenige Reichstagsabgeordnete, der am 23. März 1933 gegen das Ermächtigungsgesetz der Nationalsozialisten argumentierte und die Ablehnung durch die SPD begründete.


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