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Thoughts for the day

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You have to love it.

So the bullshit artist bloviates as usual and the real leadership in Washington, the New Congress, is simply going to ignore him and his crap.

Even Democrat Bob Menendez has turned on The Anointed One on the Iran sanctions issue that the ShoeShine Boy said he would veto.  LOL

Without Democrat support, his veto will not be sustained.  Sorry Charlie.

What's even better is the fact that the New Congress has invited Benjamin Netanyahu, the PM of Israel, to address a joint session of Congress.  They never even told His Holiness about it, nor the Lurch down at the State Department at Foggy Bottom.  They simply made the invitation and BeeBee will Be here to argue before Congress in support of sanctions against Iran's nuclear weapons program.  Thus, 0bama has now turned himself into a joke.... something his wife discovered years ago.

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1. Open a new file in your computer.

2. Name it ' Barack Obama'.

3. Send it to the Recycle Bin.

4. Empty the Recycle Bin.

5. Your PC will ask you: 'Do you really want to get rid of Barak Obama?'

6. Firmly Click 'Yes.'

7. Feel better?

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1. Open a new file in your computer.

2. Name it ' Barack Obama'.

3. Send it to the Recycle Bin.

4. Empty the Recycle Bin.

5. Your PC will ask you: 'Do you really want to get rid of Barak Obama?'

6. Firmly Click 'Yes.'

7. Feel better?

The government of Yemen, a major ally of the United States, from which the U.S. launches its drone attacks, fell today; the King of Saudi Arabia died today, and the ShoeShine Boy had nothing to say about these events.  Why?  Because he was too busy doing really important things for America.  See?  Here’s what was more important for the Asshat in chief:


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1. Open a new file in your computer.

2. Name it ' Barack Obama'.

3. Send it to the Recycle Bin.

4. Empty the Recycle Bin.

5. Your PC will ask you: 'Do you really want to get rid of Barak Obama?'

6. Firmly Click 'Yes.'

7. Feel better?

The government of Yemen, a major ally of the United States, from which the U.S. launches its drone attacks, fell today; the King of Saudi Arabia died today, and the ShoeShine Boy had nothing to say about these events.  Why?  Because he was too busy doing really important things for America.  See?  Here’s what was more important for the Asshat in chief:

I was going to reply but now I'm lost for words, except WTF?

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It is astounding how strong the United States is.  We will, most likely, have 8 years of an ant-American fraud at the helm.  He sailed the good ship America into every sandbar, onto every reef, luffed her mighty sails 'till they flapped furiously in distress, taunted the crew to see if they would mutiny and, laughing from on high in the bosun's chair, relieved himself all over her glorious teak decks.  And still, our economy and our military might will rebound better than ever.  The greatest economic boom in U.S. history is just around the corner -- once the trash has been taken out.


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I hope your right.  But I'm even more concerned over the level of stupidity that now permeates throughout this land.  The gullible young, and single woman voter.  With exceptions noted.

But as far as I'm concern, we have to abolish these institutions of higher indoctrination here in this country, and replace them with something a wee bit more patriotic than these despicable professors we currently now have, or else all else won't even matter anymore.

The moral relativism.  The celebration of the town idiot, through MTV.  And all that has led to a terrible decay within our country.  What these fools now clamor around and idolize, are the type of scum that when I was young would have been laughed out of town.

But now they are Stars, and celebrities.  Now they are college professors, and imbecilic news casters that down deep inside hate this country, and are doing all that they can within the liberal media, along with their good friends out there in the Golden Ghetto (Hollywood) to destroy it.   

It's those type of things that worries me.  Those type of things that makes for an ignorant, gullible society.


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No, This isn't Madonna or Lady Caca, or that Kardashian pig.  These were classy, conservative women that our culture use to embrace.  They were well spoken, intelligent, and were the type of women that many young girls used to admire and look up to.  In short, they were not liberals!

Fat chance on seeing their likes today, with the people now in control over the entertainment business.

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