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US General Domestic Politics (2023) # 19 (05/15/23)

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12 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


As a HUMAN I am fundamentally against "death penalty by the state". In the case of complete idiots like you and SPYING 1 I would sing a friendly hallelujah at the enforcement - "Hotdog-Eater" !!  😁

If you didn't choke on that crap first.  🤣 🤣 🤣


      AS A HUMAN ? Your mentally fucked up kinds should not even be referred to as being modern humans, since after all your kinds mentallity is and has obviously been obsessed with men's genitalia and feces as well as transgenders. Your kinds mentallity is more in line with that of the uncivilzed cro magnon era of so called human evolution you mentally fucked up kraut propagandist and is why the sooner your kind is gone from the earth, the better.  

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2 minutes ago, Nicholas said:

      ALS MENSCH? Ihre geistig beschissenen Typen sollten nicht einmal als moderne Menschen bezeichnet werden, da Ihre Mentalität offensichtlich von männlichen Genitalien und Kot sowie von Transgendern besessen ist und war. Deine Art-Mentalität entspricht eher der unzivilisierten Cro-Magnon-Ära der sogenannten menschlichen Evolution, du geistig verkorkster Kraut-Propagandist.  


@TBG 150  @fröhliches Wie soll ich auf solchen aggressiven Schwachsinn eines Idioten antworten ???  Nur ignorieren ??


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16 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:

Washington's economic policies seem like an old man's factory nostalgia. Yesterday's recipes are not enough.


       Yesterday's recipies are no where close to being enough when you have a no good for nothing, absolutely crooked and corrupt, career so called poltician installed as the top leader of the free world of so called countries of democracy around the world because of a virus known as covid19, that was intentionally released from a virology lab in wuhan, china because xi and the rest of the ccp hated having to forfeit hundreds of billions of dollars in tarrifs that was imposed on them by the former president, and it is more than peculiar or coincidental that the worthless excuse of humanity known as biden has done every he has to relax such tarrifs and even has gone as far as to veto a bill introduced by bipartisan members of the U.S. congress that would make sure that U.S. manufacturing companies of so called renewable green energy, would have a chance to catch up and challenge the manufacturing of renewable and so called green materials of the ccp controlled population of china, particularly since nearly a dozen members of his family has benefited from recieving over 10 million dollars that has been traced back to the ccp. So once again, you prove that you are nothing more than a mentally fucked up disgruntled propangandist kraut.

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4 minutes ago, Nicholas said:

       hätte eine Chance, aufzuholen und die Herstellung erneuerbarer und sogenannter grüner Materialien der von der KPCh kontrollierten Bevölkerung Chinas in Frage zu stellen. Sie beweisen also wieder einmal, dass Sie nichts weiter als ein geistig am Boden zerstörter, verärgerter Propagandisten-Kraut sind.


Dummes Gerede von einem geistesgestörten Idioten mit Wort-Salat.   Kack in Deine Hose pissender US-Hotdog-Fresser.   DU stinkst.   Keine sachliche Aussage - nur Beleidigungen neben der Spur.       Ersticke an primitiven Ami-Fraß, wertloses Individuum.  😁


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6 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


Stupid talk from a deranged idiot with word salad. Poop in your pants US hot dog eaters. You stink. No factual statement - just off-track insults. Choking on primitive Ami grub, worthless individual.  😁


        As mentioned previously, your mentally fucked up kind obviously has obsessions with male genitalia, transgenders, and feces no matter where it may come from. You are obviously one mentally fucked up kraut propagandist. Perhaps that is what makes your thinking that your kinds mentallities are somehow humurous when in all actuality, they are not at all so 🖕 as I have mentioned on multiple ocassions previously.

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2   kranke Rep- Idioten sind einer zu viel !!   😁       "Rechte - US- Demokraten" sind hoffentlich im Vorteil.     Bitte nicht noch einen geistesgestörten Faschisten von Trump    nach Hitler.      😁



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