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B4 - General Topic 2023 #31 (May)

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10 hours ago, moules said:

So where did Wendy and Fior disappear to for hours?

Somewhere that participants are not supposed to use as a hiding place, but which Fior would know about and have access to?  The existence of a balcony off of G&A's bedroom -- which is  on the supposed lowest level of the villa -- indicates there is another level below that  bedroom and which is off-cam . Similar to the fitness room space in B-4 which was off-cam before it was opened as a fitness room.


Wendy's petite size would make her sought after by guys who want to play Daddy.  And interesting that she was the dom with the woman on band night, but was more the sub with the girl she met in Barcelona on Tuesday night.

As for Tani,  she doesn't know Megan, and she doesn't hang out in B-7 chasing Dylan's cock, so maybe wasn't really invited. And if Tani indeed is Russian, that may have been a factor as well,.  U&H who know Megan were either not invited, or declined.  And as Tani returned to B-4 near the party's end, if she actually wasn't invited but had stayed in her room in B-4, then there would be half a thread on CC on why she wasn't at B-7. 

Wendy & Fior were in the B4 garage. You could hear them on camera 2-9.

Since getting together with the current bf, Tani skips every party in the apartments except for brief appearances at B5. She even skips the parties that happen in B4. I think she basically won't participate in much social without her bf being present, and he doesn't like being on camera. He'll only do the brief stop-ins at B5 since he's friends with T&T. I don't think it has anything to do with Russian/Ukrainian. T&T are Ukrainian and it's quite possible her bf is as well.

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All these hours that they guy is in the villa , it looks like nearly all of the girls know him somehow , who knows , maybe another off cameras RLC “ assistant “ like Fior ?? And he is also behaving quite comfortable on cameras like having full knowledge of this business . Let’s see how it ends and if he ends up in someone’s bed , it was mentioned much earlier that any male appearance could benefit the party as there weren’t any when we had female guests appearing ( Ashley’s friends ) . 

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6 hours ago, pajero said:

lequel des 3 mec va baiser la petite AZIZA???

She doesn't care as long as she gets drugs, even Ant can go on it  that's pretty normal for the drug villa and not worth looking at

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il y a 25 minutes, userlooser1234 a dit :

Hello guys, could you help with a song title which Tina listened to today at 11:15 after shower in her room ? It's rap or something similar with part of lyrics "You know why, You know why". Thank you in advance ! 

xavier gibson "don't let me go"

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47 minutes ago, corboblanc said:

xavier gibson "don't let me go"

That's not that song 😞 But it is also chilly like this one

EDIT: okay, i found it. If someone is interested in the song is called "Exsetty - know why"

Thank you for you effort Corboblanc!

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