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US General Domestic Politics (2023) # 23 (06/14/23)

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3 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

Trump is to be executed for having pieces of paper in his home while Joe Biden goes completely free even though Biden caused 13 members of the U.S.military to lose their lives in Afghanistan, gave $50 billion worth of military equipment to the Taliban, and has received $millions in bribes from foreign sources?:huh:


Du verstehst wie immer, NICHTS.   Es geht nicht um Zettel, auch wenn diese hochgeheim waren. Das beste kommt noch:  "Aufruhr", "Umsturzversuch" - und das ist nach US-Verfassung "Hochverrat" - und darauf steht "Höchststrafe", und das ist Todesstrafe oder lebenslängliche Haftstraße mit Kerker mit Glatze und in orange Overall.   Ich habe diese Gesetze nicht gemacht.

Afghanistan und 13 Leute. Wie oft noch ?? Dieser Versager von Trump hat mit den Taliban verhandelt und vereinbart das militärisches Material im Land bleibt. Das afghanische Truppen, von den USA ausgebildet und unmotiviert waren und diese US-Waffen den Taliban kampflos überlassen haben war erstaunlich. Biden konnte den Idioten-Vertrag nur noch ausführen. Schuld an dem Desaster hat allein Trump und seine Administration.     Höre auf mit Deinen Pro-Trump-Märchen. Finde Dich damit ab, das Dein Heiland ein Vollidiot ist der bis heute überheblich ist und Fehler über Fehler macht.   Der hat jede Strafe wohl verdient.   😁


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25 minutes ago, SPYING 1 said:


Rege Dich ab, Amerika ist schon lange im Arsch und kaputt.:biggrin:     Biden rettet was noch zu retten ist.


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4 hours ago, SPYING 1 said:

One worker said he is quitting his job due to the demands of unlocking shelves for...


One solution is that a shopper places and order, then the workers gather the order behind secure doors, then the shopper pays for the merchandise delivered to the front of the store at the check out counter. 

The only problem with that is there would be no impulse buying and most shoppers are not organized or educated enough to even make out a grocery list

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1 hour ago, SPYING 1 said:

According to the article, US Sanctions are causing the other countries to diversify and find alternate methods of currency trade.  It is Congress and not only Biden, but Trump as well as other Presidents who placed these sanctions on other countries. 

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37 minutes ago, happyone said:

Dem Artikel zufolge veranlassen die US-Sanktionen die anderen Länder, zu diversifizieren und alternative Methoden des Devisenhandels zu finden. Es ist der Kongress und nicht nur Biden, sondern auch Trump und andere Präsidenten, die diese Sanktionen gegen andere Länder verhängt haben. 


USA und EU müssen sich daran gewöhnen das sie zunehmend unwichtiger werden in der Welt. Kolonialstaaten und USA haben Jahrzehnte mit Macht versucht große "Entwicklungsländer" wie Brasilien oder Indien, Südafrika klein zu halten um diese Länder zu ihrem Vorteil ausbluten zu lassen. Inzwischen sind diese "Dritte-Welt-Staaten" erwachsen geworden und lehnen Bevormundung von England, Frankreich, Spanien, USA ... ab. Der EU-Raum ist jedoch für ihre Diversität für diese neuen Mächte interessanter als diese einseitig gestrickte USA mit Verboten, Strafzöllen, Sanktionen, Subventionen für Inländer und andere "Sozialistische Wirtschafts-Instrumente" welche mit "Freie Marktwirtschaft"  (Kapitalismus) nichts mehr zu tun hat und nur UNEHRLICH ist.

So wird diese USA mittelfristig an ihrer eigenen Überheblichkeit und Unehrlichkeit (da sie selbst oft nicht konkurrenzfähig sind) steil bergab stürzen. Völlig egal ob Demokraten oder Republikaner gerade das Ruder führen.  😁


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1 hour ago, StarLight28 said:


You understand, as always, NOTHING. It's not about notes, even if they were top secret. The best is yet to come: "riot", "attempted coup" - and that is "high treason" according to the US constitution - and it says "maximum penalty", and that is the death penalty or life imprisonment in a dungeon with bald heads and in orange overalls. I didn't make these laws.

Afghanistan and 13 people. How often ?? This Trump failure has negotiated with the Taliban and agreed to keep military material in the country. That Afghan troops, US-trained and unmotivated, surrendered those US weapons to the Taliban without a fight was amazing. Biden could only execute the idiot contract. Trump and his administration are solely to blame for the disaster. Quit your pro-Trump tales. Get used to the fact that your Savior is a complete idiot who is arrogant to this day and makes mistake after mistake. He deserved every punishment.   😁


Another lie by you. Trump wanted to remove all our military equipment from Afghanistan. It was Gen. Miley who wanted to leave the equipment there. Joe Biden agreed with Miley. And if anyone is guilty of treason, it is Joe Biden for selling out America to China for the personal gain of himself and his family.

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1 hour ago, happyone said:

One solution is that a shopper places and order, then the workers gather the order behind secure doors, then the shopper pays for the merchandise delivered to the front of the store at the check out counter. 

The only problem with that is there would be no impulse buying and most shoppers are not organized or educated enough to even make out a grocery list

No, a better solution is to put fucking shoplifters in prison so that stores can operate normally again. Why are Californians like you so willing to totally change their lives just to accommodate criminals?:sad:

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2 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


Calm down, America has been fucked up and broken for a long time. :biggrin:     Biden saves what can still be saved.


Biden is trying to save himself and the corrupt Washington, D.C. establishment while at the same time purposely destroying the American middle class.

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14 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

No, a better solution is to put fucking shoplifters in prison so that stores can operate normally again. Why are Californians like you so willing to totally change their lives just to accommodate criminals?:sad:

I am not willing to change anyone's lives to accommodate criminals.  Don't put me in the "Californians like you category".   I abhor the woke criminal leniency laws that the Calif legislature passed.   The bill that was written to increase the theft limit and decrease the penalty was just an encouragement to increase criminal activity in this State.  Then you have the woke prosecutors and judges with the soft on crime bullshit.  It is and will be a disaster until the laws, the sentences, and the penalties for crime is all increased and enforced.

Sometime ago, I wrote about when I was a store clerk and what happened to shoplifters and my position in crime.  Evidently you did not read it or your forgot.  So stop the accusations until you know the facts.

Furthermore, the retail establishments have to do what is best for them until the laws and the crime changes.  I just presented a case that might work until that happens.

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