ddhm Posted August 20, 2023 Posted August 20, 2023 7 hours ago, chuck206 said: Facts???? Still waiting to here a "fact". I read only your opinion on your questionable conclusions. Now you accuse Nelly and Bogdan of controlling who sleeps on the living room fold out couch / bed. I don't recall that many visitors using the LV couch/bed. A few times Alexandra and Lucian slept over, and I remember Shantal +Megan for a night, there may be others. I don't recall that many friends or family members of other tenants visiting B7 and staying overnight. A NON-ISSUE. As for Ashley's mom, you overlook the obvious. Maybe mom preferred a bedroom with a door, large bed to sleep on, and a private bathroom ....... rather than being on display in the living room sleeping on a fold-out couch/bed. It's called privacy! Needless to say that N&B prevent all fun from happening still waiting for proof of any interference from Nelly or Bogdan. ☺️ As always , great to have the back and forth and counter arguments . So , just bring yourself staying in a villa sharing place and YOU KNOWING that there’s a couple that it is more than the same tenants level like you , YOU KNOWING that they have been with the company you are working with for nearly 8 years , they have other roles there apart from being tenants . How would you feel and react ? Wouldn’t you be hesitant on doing more crazy things and whatever incidents , inviting people for endless marathon afternoon , evening , late night and morning booze , music and whatever sex might occur ( not important but quite possible when a party happens ) when YOU KNOW that there’s “ control “ over your actions ? As a tenant , you see people come and go but you see N&B occupying the best room , they can have friends ( no current tenants ) - Alexandra & Lucian - getting the couch in the LR easily while ( and sorry for saying this ) I would expect from N&B to respect that the villa ISN’T THEIR OWN PLACE and they need to SHARE the other common areas , the LR for example . So , do you honestly believe that N&B go to Lacrim , Dylan and Ashley and tell them “ guys , just to let you know , we are going to have guests sleeping in the LR , is it ok for you ? “ … Yes , Shantal and Megan have slept over but hey , they are current tenants at another apartment , they easily share the LR because they will get the same favor back when people go in B1 . TELL ME PLEASE , EVERYONE is hanging around occasionally at the other apartments , do you EVER see ( especially Nelly ) N&B being invited elsewhere ? B1 , B2 , Harley and Fiora’s .. some occasional visits to fellow Russians Karol and Kos ( very very rare ) and I don’t remember their last visit at their buddies T&T in B5 … Should I continue with more facts ?? Sometimes it isn’t the visual proof of what we see but the “ FEELING “ , the “ AURA “ , the “ ATMOSPHERE “ that we ( me ) get watching the B7 villa while N&B are around . Nelly gets saved and monitored / watched all the time by Bogdan so as not to go 😵💫😵💫 while she drinks , we saw 3 major events while they weren’t there and upon their return , the people living in B7 are hardly ever there .. This is what I have observed and my opinion of their presence . You have another one , i totally respect and accept . But , I honestly believe that N&B presence is KEEPING BOTH VILLAS away from any fun and craziness to simply exist without limits ..RLC can always monitor from distance if they see any stupidities .. having the “ police “ patrolling for any MADNESS , well , you can see the majority of negative posts from the majority of forum members who posts in the villas. 1
Gerald Knauft Posted August 20, 2023 Posted August 20, 2023 28 minutes ago, ddhm said: Wie immer ist es großartig, das Hin und Her und die Gegenargumente zu haben. Überlegen Sie sich also einfach, in einer Villa zu wohnen, in der Sie sich eine Wohngemeinschaft teilen, und SIE WISSEN, dass es ein Paar gibt, das mehr als das gleiche Mieterniveau wie Sie hat. SIE WISSEN, dass sie seit fast 8 Jahren bei der Firma sind, mit der Sie zusammenarbeiten Abgesehen davon, dass man Mieter ist, gibt es dort noch andere Rollen. Wie würden Sie sich fühlen und reagieren? Würden Sie nicht davor zurückschrecken, noch mehr verrückte Dinge zu tun und welche Vorfälle auch immer passieren mögen, Menschen zu einem endlosen Marathon nachmittags, abends, spätabends und morgens einzuladen, Alkohol, Musik und was auch immer Sex haben mag (nicht wichtig, aber durchaus möglich, wenn eine Party stattfindet), wenn SIE WISSEN dass es eine „Kontrolle“ über Ihre Handlungen gibt? Als Mieter sieht man, wie Leute kommen und gehen, aber man sieht, dass N&B das beste Zimmer belegt, sie können Freunde haben (keine aktuellen Mieter) – Alexandra und Lucian –, die problemlos die Couch im LR bekommen, während (und es tut mir leid, dass ich das sage) ich es tun würde Erwarten Sie von N&B, dass sie respektieren, dass die Villa NICHT IHRE EIGENE WOHNUNG IST und sie die anderen Gemeinschaftsbereiche, zum Beispiel das Erdgeschoss, TEILEN müssen. Glaubst du wirklich, dass N&B zu Lacrim, Dylan und Ashley geht und ihnen sagt: „Leute, nur um euch Bescheid zu sagen, wir werden Gäste haben, die im LR schlafen, ist das für euch in Ordnung?“ „… Ja, Shantal und Megan haben bei uns übernachtet, aber hey, sie sind derzeitige Mieter in einer anderen Wohnung, sie teilen sich problemlos die Wohnung, weil sie den gleichen Gefallen zurückbekommen, wenn die Leute in B1 gehen.“ SAG MIR BITTE, JEDER hängt ab und zu in den anderen Wohnungen herum, Haben Sie JEMALS gesehen (besonders Nelly), dass N&B woanders eingeladen wird? B1, B2, Harley und Fiora … ein paar gelegentliche Besuche bei den russischen Landsleuten Karol und Kos (sehr, sehr selten) und ich kann mich nicht an ihren letzten Besuch bei ihren Kumpels T&T in B5 erinnern … Soll ich mit weiteren Fakten fortfahren?? Manchmal ist es nicht der visuelle Beweis dessen, was wir sehen, sondern das „GEFÜHL“, die „AURA“, die „ATMOSPHÄRE“, die wir (ich) bekommen, wenn wir die B7-Villa betrachten, während N&B in der Nähe sind. Nelly wird von Bogdan ständig gerettet und überwacht/beobachtet, um nicht zu gehen 😵💫 😵💫Während sie trinkt, haben wir drei große Ereignisse gesehen, während sie nicht da waren, und nach ihrer Rückkehr sind die Menschen, die in B7 leben, kaum noch da. Das ist, was ich beobachtet habe und meine Meinung über ihre Anwesenheit. Du hast noch einen, den ich voll und ganz respektiere und akzeptiere. Aber ich bin ehrlich davon überzeugt, dass die N&B-Präsenz BEIDE VILLEN von jeglichem Spaß und Verrücktheit fernhält und einfach ohne Grenzen existiert. RLC kann immer aus der Ferne überwachen, wenn sie irgendwelche Dummheiten sehen. Die „Polizei“ patrouilliert auf Wahnsinn, nun ja. Sie können die meisten negativen Beiträge von der Mehrheit der Forummitglieder sehen, die in den Villen posten. Man kann zu Nelly und Bogdan stehen wie man will aber so lange wie von einigen Mietern und hier im Forum geglaubt wird dass N&B so etwas wie das dritte Auge von RLC sind, ist wenigstens ein Minimum von gebremster Anarchie und Disziplinlosigkeit der Insassen vor den Kameras zu verspüren. Manchmal geht das schief und Bewohner und Bewohnerinnen müssen wegen nicht mehr zu tolerierenden Vorkommnissen aus RLC entfernt werden. Aber es scheint so daß einige Foristen mehr Chaos und Gewalt, mehr Alkohol und Drogen als schon gegenwärtig wollen. Genau das würde aber passieren wenn jeder und jede der TeilnehmerInnen das Gefühl bekommen könnten alles und jedes folgenlos tun zu können um auch jeden der abartigsten Wünsche mancher Zuseher oder Insassen der Häuser befriedigen zu können. Ohne eine gewisse "Bremse" bei RLC wäre das Projekt schon lange tot. Ob diese Funktion der " Bremse " nun unbedingt N&B heißen sei dahingestellt . Es gibt auch andere Formen von subtiler Einflußnahme auf das Geschehen in den Häusern auch von außen. Und das wird auch gemacht.
Xarvaz Posted August 20, 2023 Posted August 20, 2023 5 hours ago, zone51 said: and why keep a guy like Lacrim who never fucked a rlc girl as far i remember exept Harley her ex gf, even Ashley don't want fuck with him he is useless it's time for Dylan mister 2 mn to leave also, like i said the other day rlc need a big clean in general like in last april Lacrim is cute, he has that gangster walk like a baby with a dirty diaper that pigs and cows also have ... he can stay, Dylan is just a rotten piece of meat and can leave but I don't think we will be better off become 1
alomagic14 Posted August 20, 2023 Posted August 20, 2023 Fucking Lacrim, you taught Dylan to sleep with men. Idol!
ddhm Posted August 20, 2023 Posted August 20, 2023 Louis celebrates his birthday in B2 … I guess neither of the villas was available to make it there 😂🤣😂😏 1
chuck206 Posted August 20, 2023 Posted August 20, 2023 5 hours ago, ddhm said: As always , great to have the back and forth and counter arguments . So , just bring yourself staying in a villa sharing place and YOU KNOWING that there’s a couple that it is more than the same tenants level like you , YOU KNOWING that they have been with the company you are working with for nearly 8 years , they have other roles there apart from being tenants . How would you feel and react ? Wouldn’t you be hesitant on doing more crazy things and whatever incidents , inviting people for endless marathon afternoon , evening , late night and morning booze , music and whatever sex might occur ( not important but quite possible when a party happens ) when YOU KNOW that there’s “ control “ over your actions ? Your saying people should be able to run a muck? No matter where you vacation there are people or company representatives who oversee the daily running of the property. They cater to your needs and security. There are always rules and expected behavior norms. Just because you are on vacation at the beach does not give you the right: 1 to take a piss on the beach in front of everyone. 2 to get blind drunk an puke on a family enjoying the sun. 3 to become drunk and obnoxious and a threat to people. 4 to disturb the sleep of other guests with loud party noise at 2am. There are always limits. You .... working in the tourist industry are well aware of the balance of vacationers freedoms vs responsibility. You keep harping that the tenants actions are inhibited by N+B. I see no evidence of this. What I do see is Nelly and Bogdan interacting with the tenants, conversations, attending a swim/cookout, a party ...... then back-off, spend time in the garage, return to their bedroom ..... leave the tenants to themselves. Tim did not seem inhibited when he played with Kimberly on the B7 couch, then went to Tani's bed. No inhibitions with the Ashley-Gloria-Dylan 3 sum. The night when Wendy got drunk, went wild, did something stupid, got hurt ...... N+B were tucked in bed ..... no interference at all. Nobody interfered when Dylan had female visitors .... believed to be hookers. I see no inhibitions at all. The tenants come and go as they please. 1
chuck206 Posted August 20, 2023 Posted August 20, 2023 6 hours ago, ddhm said: As a tenant , you see people come and go but you see N&B occupying the best room , they can have friends ( no current tenants ) - Alexandra & Lucian - getting the couch in the LR easily while ( and sorry for saying this ) I would expect from N&B to respect that the villa ISN’T THEIR OWN PLACE and they need to SHARE the other common areas , the LR for example . So , do you honestly believe that N&B go to Lacrim , Dylan and Ashley and tell them “ guys , just to let you know , we are going to have guests sleeping in the LR , is it ok for you ? “ … Yes , Shantal and Megan have slept over but hey , they are current tenants at another apartment , they easily share the LR because they will get the same favor back when people go in B1 . TELL ME PLEASE , EVERYONE is hanging around occasionally at the other apartments , do you EVER see ( especially Nelly ) N&B being invited elsewhere ? B1 , B2 , Harley and Fiora’s .. some occasional visits to fellow Russians Karol and Kos ( very very rare ) and I don’t remember their last visit at their buddies T&T in B5 … Should I continue with more facts ?? Best Room ? ..... I could argue which is the best room. N+B's efficiency apartment has a tiny bathroom, barely room for one. Ashley's spacious bedroom comes with a large bathroom ..... 2 sink vanity, jet tub, shower and private toilet. SHARE common areas I have never witnessed N+B restrict any of the tenants access to common areas. As i indicated previously ... a non-issue. N&B being invited elsewhere ????? what has this to do with anything? Just another distorted hyperbole. The same " fact " can be said of Martina and B1 and B2. Harley and Karol's. How many RLC tenants visited Carla? A meaningless tangent. 1 1
chuck206 Posted August 20, 2023 Posted August 20, 2023 6 hours ago, ddhm said: Sometimes it isn’t the visual proof of what we see but the “ FEELING “ , the “ AURA “ , the “ ATMOSPHERE “ that we ( me ) get watching the B7 villa while N&B are around . Nelly gets saved and monitored / watched all the time by Bogdan so as not to go 😵💫😵💫 while she drinks , we saw 3 major events while they weren’t there and upon their return , the people living in B7 are hardly ever there .. This is what I have observed and my opinion of their presence . You have another one , i totally respect and accept . But , I honestly believe that N&B presence is KEEPING BOTH VILLAS away from any fun and craziness to simply exist without limits ..RLC can always monitor from distance if they see any stupidities .. having the “ police “ patrolling for any MADNESS , well , you can see the majority of negative posts from the majority of forum members who posts in the villas. Nelly yes, Nelly can act crazy and weird when she drinks too much. ( But isn't that what you argue for? Drink, party, go crazy, uninhibited ) saw 3 major events while they weren’t there B7 has been open for 15 months, there have been many swim+ cookout parties, drinking parties with bands, all with N+B present. So what, a few people got together while N+B were on vacation. Maybe RLC's desperate attempt to generate something to view for its members. N&B presence is KEEPING BOTH VILLAS away from any fun and craziness to simply exist without limits addressed and answered in 1st response. RLC can always monitor from distance .... having the “ police “ patrolling We both know RLC's response to problems is ..... questionable. The cat burglar in B4, violent fights between tenants, possible assaults, ..... the last thing RLC wants to do is involve the police. Police involvement worked so well for B6. 1
ddhm Posted August 20, 2023 Posted August 20, 2023 25 minutes ago, chuck206 said: Nelly yes, Nelly can act crazy and weird when she drinks too much. ( But isn't that what you argue for? Drink, party, go crazy, uninhibited ) saw 3 major events while they weren’t there B7 has been open for 15 months, there have been many swim+ cookout parties, drinking parties with bands, all with N+B present. So what, a few people got together while N+B were on vacation. Maybe RLC's desperate attempt to generate something to view for its members. N&B presence is KEEPING BOTH VILLAS away from any fun and craziness to simply exist without limits addressed and answered in 1st response. RLC can always monitor from distance .... having the “ police “ patrolling We both know RLC's response to problems is ..... questionable. The cat burglar in B4, violent fights between tenants, possible assaults, ..... the last thing RLC wants to do is involve the police. Police involvement worked so well for B6. Where is Nelly and Bogdan tonight ? In B7 … Speculation 1 ; they were invited but they declined . Speculation 2 ; they weren’t invited ( unknown reasons ) Fact ; Apart from Megan , EVERYONE else is in B2 ( Karol / Kos / Martina / Alberto don’t count ) The rest of your thoughts I disagree as I see things differently , fair enough 😊
Noldus Posted August 21, 2023 Author Posted August 21, 2023 0630 Ashley and Lialia up early and out to the couch - maybe waiting for a car
Noldus Posted August 21, 2023 Author Posted August 21, 2023 2 minutes ago, Noldus said: 0630 Ashley and Lialia up early and out to the couch - maybe waiting for a car 0706 They left
Pete1960 Posted August 21, 2023 Posted August 21, 2023 20 hours ago, ddhm said: As always , great to have the back and forth and counter arguments . So , just bring yourself staying in a villa sharing place and YOU KNOWING that there’s a couple that it is more than the same tenants level like you , YOU KNOWING that they have been with the company you are working with for nearly 8 years , they have other roles there apart from being tenants . How would you feel and react ? Wouldn’t you be hesitant on doing more crazy things and whatever incidents , inviting people for endless marathon afternoon , evening , late night and morning booze , music and whatever sex might occur ( not important but quite possible when a party happens ) when YOU KNOW that there’s “ control “ over your actions ? As a tenant , you see people come and go but you see N&B occupying the best room , they can have friends ( no current tenants ) - Alexandra & Lucian - getting the couch in the LR easily while ( and sorry for saying this ) I would expect from N&B to respect that the villa ISN’T THEIR OWN PLACE and they need to SHARE the other common areas , the LR for example . So , do you honestly believe that N&B go to Lacrim , Dylan and Ashley and tell them “ guys , just to let you know , we are going to have guests sleeping in the LR , is it ok for you ? “ … Yes , Shantal and Megan have slept over but hey , they are current tenants at another apartment , they easily share the LR because they will get the same favor back when people go in B1 . TELL ME PLEASE , EVERYONE is hanging around occasionally at the other apartments , do you EVER see ( especially Nelly ) N&B being invited elsewhere ? B1 , B2 , Harley and Fiora’s .. some occasional visits to fellow Russians Karol and Kos ( very very rare ) and I don’t remember their last visit at their buddies T&T in B5 … Should I continue with more facts ?? Sometimes it isn’t the visual proof of what we see but the “ FEELING “ , the “ AURA “ , the “ ATMOSPHERE “ that we ( me ) get watching the B7 villa while N&B are around . Nelly gets saved and monitored / watched all the time by Bogdan so as not to go 😵💫😵💫 while she drinks , we saw 3 major events while they weren’t there and upon their return , the people living in B7 are hardly ever there .. This is what I have observed and my opinion of their presence . You have another one , i totally respect and accept . But , I honestly believe that N&B presence is KEEPING BOTH VILLAS away from any fun and craziness to simply exist without limits ..RLC can always monitor from distance if they see any stupidities .. having the “ police “ patrolling for any MADNESS , well , you can see the majority of negative posts from the majority of forum members who posts in the villas. BLAH! BLAH! BLAH! You lost me after "As always , great to have the back and forth and counter arguments" 17 hours ago, ddhm said: Louis celebrates his birthday in B2 … I guess neither of the villas was available to make it there 😂🤣😂😏 And what has that to do with B7???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
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