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si vraiment nous avons affaire à un demeuré mental ce qui semble se confirmer, l'absence de moralité de RLC n'est plus à démontrer. Faire de l'argent sur le dos de pauvres gens (locataires) ainsi que sur les abonnés est lamentable. Vive le capitalisme qui fait feu de tout bois.


If really we are dealing with a half-wit, which seems to be confirmed, the lack of morality of RLC is no more to demonstrate. Making money on the backs of poor people (tenants) as well as on subscribers is pathetic. Long live capitalism which fires on all cylinders.  >:(

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Watching this guy, he appears to have a mental disorder of some kind or possibly suffered some kind of head trauma. Very strong, very fit, but very immature, almost child like in his behaviour.

When he was born one of his mothers pubic hairs got tied around his neck starving him from oxygen.

Something about that boy that just ain't right.

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se la esta pelando en la cama el solo , este hombre no esta bien , no se si retrasado , pero le falta un tornillo seguro .

cuantos de ustedes en su vida REAL duermen con los pies en la pared y la cabeza en los pies?

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