Cho Posted October 24, 2014 Posted October 24, 2014 c'est encore la soupe a la grimace se soir chez les filles :-[ on peut pas dire que la communication soit leur truc, allez dans moins d'1 heure,elles dormiront,on les voit vraiment peu par jour, j'espere qu'on les verra un peu plus le week-end Pas du tout certain qu'on les voit beaucoup le dimanche également. En France par exemple, les communautés gay se réunissent souvent le WE pour faire la fête à l'extérieur. -- Not at all clear that we see them a lot on sunday. In France for example, the gay community often gather on weekends to party outside.
msieurdam Posted October 24, 2014 Posted October 24, 2014 Jamais vu ça en France, pourtant j'ai beaucoup d'amis gay. J'espère que dès lundi je pourrais en profiter en reprenant un abo :p (ce couple et la petite Dasha -surtout- m'intéressent... veux passer du temps avec :p) ---- Never see it in France, Cho2vant (et pourquoi c'est pas Cho'l'Derrière ?!?), and I have a lot of gay friends. I hope Monday, with my abonnement ( :p ), they show us todos we want to see !!!!! ---- Toutes les deux, desnudas y with sex !!!!!!
KarenKraft Posted October 24, 2014 Posted October 24, 2014 Pas du tout certain qu'on les voit beaucoup le dimanche également. En France par exemple, les communautés gay se réunissent souvent le WE pour faire la fête à l'extérieur. -- Not at all clear that we see them a lot on sunday. In France for example, the gay community often gather on weekends to party outside. Having spent some time in France, I've come to discover that a lot of people, gay and straight, rich and not-so-rich, tend to gather (weather permitting) outside on Sundays. Indeed, it seems that they spend the entire day eating (and drinking) in order to gain sufficient strength to play cards all night. Gay couples do so in France because they are French, not because they are gay. I might be wrong. - - - - - - - Правёўшы некаторы час у Францыі , я прыйшоў, каб выявіць, што шмат людзей , геяў і , багатых і не вельмі багатых, як правіла , збіраюцца (калі дазваляе надвор'е ) за межамі па нядзелях. Сапраўды, здаецца , што яны марнуюць ўвесь дзень ядуць ( і піць ), каб атрымаць дастатковую трываласць , каб гуляць у карты ўсю ноч. Гей пары зрабіць гэта ў Францыі, таму што яны французы , не таму, што яны геі . Я магу памыляцца . -- -- -- -- -- -- Nakon što je provela neko vrijeme u Francuskoj , došao sam otkrila da je mnogo ljudi , gej i bogate , a ne tako bogat , imaju tendenciju da se okupljaju ( vrijeme dozvoljava ) izvan nedjeljom . Doista , čini se da su oni provode cijeli dan jede ( i piće ) da se dovoljno jak da kartaju cijelu noć . Gay parovi to u Francuskoj , jer su Francuzi , ne zato što su gay . Ja mogu biti u pravu . _ _ _ . . . _ _ _ Пошто је провео неко време у Француској , дошао сам да откријете дамного људи, геј и стрејт , богатих и не - тако - богатих , имају тенденцију да се окупе ( временски услови дозволе ) напољу недељом . Заиста , чини се да проведу цео дан једе (и пиће) у циљу добијања довољно снаге да играмо карте целу ноћ . Геј парови учинити у Француској зато што су Французи, не зато што су геј . Можда сам погрешио .
Guest bobbyjoe Posted October 25, 2014 Posted October 25, 2014 the poor cat stay alone during all the journey and now all the night, it's not really a good life for this cat,he need a friend for play a little in this big place. too many empty appartment during the week and now the week-end.
snaky Posted October 25, 2014 Posted October 25, 2014 Listen buddy, nobody said this people have to stay in their apartments all the time. They are living their own lives, they go to work, shopping. They visit friends and family. And if they want to go out on the weekend they are free to do so
Guest observer1 Posted October 25, 2014 Posted October 25, 2014 the poor cat stay alone during all the journey and now all the night, it's not really a good life for this cat,he need a friend for play a little in this big place. too many empty appartment during the week and now the week-end. ...and just who is feeding the cat? Its bowl has been empty for nearly 36 hours now. I can't see if it has any water either.
Cho Posted October 25, 2014 Posted October 25, 2014 Jamais vu ça en France, pourtant j'ai beaucoup d'amis gay. J'espère que dès lundi je pourrais en profiter en reprenant un abo :p (ce couple et la petite Dasha -surtout- m'intéressent... veux passer du temps avec :p) ---- Never see it in France, Cho2vant (et pourquoi c'est pas Cho'l'Derrière ?!?), and I have a lot of gay friends. I hope Monday, with my abonnement ( :p ), they show us todos we want to see !!!!! ---- Toutes les deux, desnudas y with sex !!!!!! Je me rappelle qu'il y a quelques années, la communauté Gay faisait la fête le WE sur Dijon par exemple... Bien que n'en faisant pas partie, j'ai aussi quelques copains homos danseurs. Par ailleurs, dans mon métier j'ai financé 2 activités professionnelles un peu marginales (officiellement "sauna" et bar d'ambiance) et j'avais de très bons contacts avec mes clients propriétaires des lieux. Le samedi était leur meilleur jour en terme de chiffre d'affaires mais je te l'accorde c'était beaucoup plus calme le dimanche... Nos expériences respectives montrent peut-être aussi que c'est très différent d'une ville à l'autre ou que cela a évolué. Quant à Cho2vant et non ChoDerrière, c'est justement parceque je ne suis pas gay... -- I remember few years ago, Community Gay was partying on WE to Dijon for example... Although not forming part, I have a few gay friends dancers. Moreover, in my job I funded two professional activities a bit marginal (officially "sauna" and intimate atmospheric bar) and I kept very good contact with my clients sites owners. Saturday was the best day in terms of sales, but I admit it was much quieter on Sunday ... Our own experiences show that perhaps this is very different from one city to another or that situation changed. Why Cho2vant and not ChoDerrière, it is precisely because I am not gay ... ;D
serg69 Posted October 25, 2014 Posted October 25, 2014 Looks like another lesbian visiting on the sofa. Got 3 of them now. Maybe 3some in the making. NOT!
Glyder78 Posted October 25, 2014 Posted October 25, 2014 They are playing a weird game that has both Super Mario Bros. music and Contra music. My nerd brain is confused.
Cam Freak! Posted October 25, 2014 Posted October 25, 2014 so the got a friend over that they are playing on a old NES clone with a dark gray controler. Odd... I hope the friend jumps in the shower.
darkman Posted October 25, 2014 Posted October 25, 2014 so the got a friend over that they are playing on a old NES clone with a dark gray controler. Odd... I hope the friend jumps in the shower. yo cuando voy a casa de mis amigos lo primero que hago es meterme en la ducha .
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