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B4 - General Topic 2023 #48 (September)

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49 minutes ago, moules said:

But the artifacts remain.

The corporate name is not RealLife Inc., or a similar title.  The incorporation was done where there is a lot of Russian money, moved out of Russia and away from Putin.

I think there can be confusion if one uses WhoIs to try and find the corporate name.  WhoIs gives the name of the Domain Registrar, which in the case of RealLife.com, has an address in Denver, Colorado.

The IP addresses used to trace back to Moscow, but with Putin, these are now mostly in western Europe.


First, sorry, the joke was on the Panama channel drying out because of global warming.

Secondly, if true that the owner(s) are Russians, it makes very good sense,

that they are not Putin allies, because they weren't warned about

the closing of all the Russian apartments in 2019. Thanks moules.

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7 hours ago, Xarvaz said:

I can say something about this, as a former ring fighter and power lifter, like many others I have contracted Diabethes 2 (this is because foods that make you grow bigger are not always healthy) , the injections are normally used in the abdomen and upper leg  but do leave traces (dark spots), someone who does not want that (mister parade aka Wolf) and often shows off his body you can choose to have an injection in the buttocks but this works less well

That makes sense.  I take a shot in my belly and it will occasionally leave a bruise at the injection site.

But that was one hell of a needle that they used.  Just the site of it, made me a bit queasy.

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16:32, Aurora left.  From her and Sara's embrace in the penthouse, I don't think she is headed for Barcelona.  Further travels, maybe.  And maybe, she might return some day.

Wolf had already taken her suitcase to the villa gate.



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Nur mal so:

Bei Kriegsausbruch:

Mit einem gültigen Visum war es aber weiterhin möglich, über die Grenzen der vier Länder in den Schengen-Raum einzureisen.

Ab dem 19.09.2022

Dies ist künftig nicht mehr möglich:   Allen russischen Staatsbürgern mit Schengen-Visum wird nun die Einreise verweigert  – unabhängig davon, von welchem Mitgliedsland es ausgestellt wurde.

Russen können weiterhin ein VISA für den Schengen-Raum beantragen, es sind aber recht hohe Hürden zu überwinden, bis das VISA eventuell ausgestellt wird. Auf alle Fälle gibt es kein Touristen-VISA mehr.

Im Jahr 2022 leben insgesamt rund 679.028 russische Staatsbürger in einem Staat der Europäischen Union (EU).
In Deutschland leben 2022 rund 237.816 russische Staatsbürger, das war zu dem Zeitpunkt die höchste Zahl in der EU.

In Spanien leben derzeit 2023 rund 324.000 Menschen aus der ehemaligen Sowjetunion, von denen etwa 85.000 Russen sind, zumeist entlang der Mittelmeerküste, insbesondere in den Provinzen Alicante, hauptsächlich in Torrevieja und in Barcelona.

Leider fühlen sich die Russen pudelwohl in der EU. Sie fallen auch gerne mal unangenehm auf


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2 minutes ago, moules said:

16:32, Aurora left.  From her and Sara's embrace in the penthouse, I don't think she is headed for Barcelona.  Further travels, maybe.  And maybe, she might return some day.

Wolf had already taken her suitcase to the villa gate.



1832 🙂

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