Anode Posted October 31, 2023 Posted October 31, 2023 il y a 11 minutes, Max Ragnar a dit : Après des années passées à regarder les 3 appartements et à lire les commentaires du forum, l'idée m'a traversé l'esprit que Leora devenant exhibitionniste aurait pu être le résultat de l'incapacité de Paul à la satisfaire comme elle en avait besoin. C'était une fille plutôt timide, avec de la nudité et des orgasmes inhibés et gênés. Sa première dans la baignoire alors qu'elle était très consciente de la caméra était très discrète. Au fur et à mesure qu’elle commençait à en faire de plus en plus, l’effet sur son désir de montrer et d’exposer se faisait sentir. Être surveillé était une nouvelle drogue. Je pense que si Paul l'avait satisfaite, elle ne serait pas devenue l'exhibitionniste qu'elle était ni celle qu'elle est aujourd'hui comme elle l'était autrefois. Ce qui était nouveau et audacieux ne lui procure plus le même enthousiasme. comme avec Malia, elle en a progressivement introduit de plus en plus jusqu'à ce que Malia parte. Je pense qu'elle est à court d'idées pour se faire plaisir à cause de la répétition et de la familiarité. La jupe d'écolière dans la salle de bain avec Paul de l'autre côté de la porte était un retour à la vilaine fille sournoise qui nous attirait tous tant. Les Bates à la table de la salle à manger me manquent, ou le fait qu'elle joue avec elle-même au téléphone avec sa petite amie russe, donnant un avant-goût d'elle-même ici et là. Elle a encore ce qu’il faut si elle sort de ses méthodes habituelles. Elle pourrait introduire des bates en gros plan, des bates sur le balcon, faire du Paul avec les rideaux ouverts sur le canapé, faire de la chicha ou du Jack Daniels et se saouler, ce qui éliminerait les petites inhibitions qu'elle a et produirait de superbes danses nues à la fenêtre la nuit, les rideaux sont ouverts. avec les lumières allumées. Elle pourrait s'exposer ivre comme avec Malia devant Paul. Peut-être a-t-elle peur de saouler Paul ou de se saouler devant lui ? Invitez Denis chez vous et ne portez pas de culotte et ne taquinez pas, puis baisez Paul avec la porte ouverte et avec Denis dans la chambre d'amis comme elle avait l'habitude de le faire. Je l'encourage simplement à faire des pitreries aventureuses comme nous l'avons vu à l'occasion... quand Paul n'était pas là et à faire devant lui ce qu'elle fait seule devant nous. Des commentaires ou des suggestions ? Bonsoir Max Ragnar ; Je comprends très bien tes suggestions et tu n'es certainement pas le seul a les rêvé , mais si cela doit se réaliser ce ne sera pas avec Paul les choses sont en train de changer dans ce couple . 1
pulo filipe Posted October 31, 2023 Posted October 31, 2023 Movie night on TV Leora Eva Paul On the living room sofa, watch TV 1
Anode Posted October 31, 2023 Posted October 31, 2023 il y a 4 minutes, pulo filipe a dit : Soirée cinéma à la télé Leora Eva Paul Sur le canapé du salon, regarde la télé Installé comme il est,il ne doit pas voir grand chose!
pulo filipe Posted October 31, 2023 Posted October 31, 2023 That one already sleeps on the sofa in the living room with two girls leora Eva Watch movies on TV 1
ddhm Posted October 31, 2023 Posted October 31, 2023 45 minutes ago, Max Ragnar said: After years of watching the 3 apartments and reading forum comments the thought crossed my mind that Leora becoming an exhibitionist might have been the result of Paul's inability to satisfy her in the way she needs. She was a pretty shy girl with nudity and with self conscious inhibited orgasms. Her first in the bathtub when she was very aware of the camera was very subdued. As she began to do more and more the effect on her desire to show and display was seen. Being watched was a new drug. I think if Paul had satisfied her she wouldn't have become the exhibitionist she was nor the one she now is as what once was. What was new and daring no longer gives her the same level of excitement. like with Malia she progressively introduced more and more until Malia left. I think she's run out of ideas to get her off due to repetition and familiarity. The school girl skirt bate in the bath room with Paul on the other side of the door was a trip back to the sneaky naughty girl we were all so attracted to. I miss the dining room table bates, or her playing with herself while on the phone to her Russian girl friend, sneaking a taste of herself here and there. She still has what it takes if she breaks out of her habitual methods. She could introduce close up bates, balcony bates, do Paul with the curtains open on the couch, do some shisha or Jack Daniels and get drunk which throws out what little inhibitions she has and produces some great nude dancing at the window at night curtains open with the lights on. She could expose herself drunk like with Malia in front of Paul. Maybe she's afraid to get Paul drunk or get drunk in front of him? Invite Denis over and not wear panties and tease, then fuck Paul with the door open and with Denis in the guestroom like she used to bate. I'm just encouraging her to do wild adventurous antics like we've seen on occasion...when Paul wasn't there and do in front of him what she does in front of us alone. Any comments or suggestions? If the money wasn’t coming more and more from RLC as she was gaining popularity , if the communication with private messages amongst her and her fans wasn’t happening and if in the end she was a girl that HAD A REAL LIFE outside with friends and socializing like ALL ( SANE ) PEOPLE in the world do , we could maybe rethink if all that developed by her inner self or it was a result of the previous things mentioned ( or a combination ) .. what matters is that it happened of course and was presented on cameras , but the life she leads is already a “ trip to nowhere “ as we are now watching two people that have ZERO clue for the future when the time comes to abandon the cameras world . Because they don’t know how to spend money for pleasure , they have ZERO experience interacting with other people and when the fame and exposure ends , WHO WILL LEORA have to read and feel praised and a QUEEN since nobody will be watching ( except the messages she will be receiving by her acolytes for a few time till they also disappear .. ) . 1 1
pulo filipe Posted October 31, 2023 Posted October 31, 2023 good night eva leora paul See you tomorrow and sweet drea Good night good morning good afternoon everyo See you tomorrow 2
Max Ragnar Posted October 31, 2023 Posted October 31, 2023 8 minutes ago, ddhm said: ...and when the fame and exposure ends , WHO WILL LEORA have to read and feel praised and a QUEEN since nobody will be watching Big wake up call looming whenever it happens. I wonder how she'll cum then if no one is watching? 1
Anode Posted October 31, 2023 Posted October 31, 2023 Paul regarde la télévision avec un cousin sur un œil !le con!
RAME Posted October 31, 2023 Posted October 31, 2023 c'est bien tout sa mes leora ne lit pas les mesages dont elle ne comprend pas se que nous voulons pour elle . je voudrais bien que leora se rendre compte avant qui soie trop tard que paul l'envoie tout droit dans une voie sans issue.
ddhm Posted October 31, 2023 Posted October 31, 2023 1 hour ago, Max Ragnar said: Big wake up call looming whenever it happens. I wonder how she'll cum then if no one is watching? My good friend Max , maybe then , when she truly needs to seek pleasure ( however , WE ALL KNOW she’s addicted to masturbate - who would have thought , I always considered that us men need it more or at least we do much more often than the girls - ) , she will discover what good sex is as she will need FOR SURE to find things to satisfy her woman desires and appetite ( a woman that is masturbation addicted will need time to escape of pleasuring herself ) , it might then be away of cameras that she WILL REALIZE how DISAPPOINTING her sex life is , she won’t be pleased , she will not feel desired because there won’t be “ LIVE FEED “ or people to praise her for her accomplishments , one possible flirting by someone ( since no one will be watching to know and she will be able to hide it ) that can make her feel “ desirable “ and “ wanted “ after whatever years sharing with the “ love of her life “ ( but not for sure the guy who covers the needs of her life ) , well , who knows , maybe a cheating is already to be happening , many times such incidents occur from real life disappointments . Imagine Paul continuing this life and Leora LOSING the life she currently has , she will need to find an interest as her REAL LOVE now are the cameras . It will take a little try by someone to give attention to her and MAKE HER FEEL THAT “ hey , i have a real life fan like the virtual thousands that I used to have “ , then a bit of nice bla bla , a bit of trusting , the excitement of the new , A NEW POSSIBLE SNEAKING experience , this time hiding from Paul not to masturbate but to GET PLEASED because if the love of her life can’t satisfy her now , imagine in 5-6 years or in 10 , well then ( and with her dog not being around for company ) , well then , LEORA MIGHT FIND OUT about life and what reality is ( even that is to cheat her love of her life / no matter that she has it done already 😂 )
RAME Posted October 31, 2023 Posted October 31, 2023 je ne connais pas grand chose dans les visa mes quand je pard aux états unis mon passeport me donne pas le droit de resté plus de 90 jours en touriste avec une date de retour paul est arrivée en juin 2022 il a quoie comme passeport pour resté si lontemps en république tchèque sans jamais retourner en russie .
Gregg Posted October 31, 2023 Posted October 31, 2023 1 minute ago, RAME said: I don't know much about visas but when I go to the United States my passport does not give me the right to stay more than 90 days as a tourist with a return date Paul arrived in June 2022, he has what he has as a passport for staying in the Czech Republic for so long without ever returning to Russia. They don't want him back he didn't want to fight in Ukraine he'd have to obey orders and he don't like that because he's the boss he is the most annoying cunt that I wish get man hands I hate man they way he struts about he knows he is taking the piss out of us because he fucking her and making money who's the fucking mugs not him 1
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