RAME Posted December 7, 2023 Posted December 7, 2023 5 hours ago, Max Ragnar said: 7 heures et aucun commentaire. Ça en dit long, ça ne veut pas dire grand-chose, hein ? je pense que tout le monde a fait pareil la soirée hier leora se couche de bonne heure avec un paul allongée a côté avec un sourie a la con personne a envie de regardé sa dont tout le monde a fait une autre occupation. j'adore leora mes la sa devient de plus en plus chiant çi c'est pas paul c'est leora c'est l'éclairage tout les soir il y a quelques chose de négative. 2
Gregg Posted December 7, 2023 Posted December 7, 2023 58 minutes ago, RAME said: I think everyone did the same last night Leora goes to bed early with Paul lying next to her with a stupid smile, no one wants to look at her of which everyone has done another occupation. I love Leora but it's getting more and more boring that's not Paul it's Leora it's the lighting every evening there's something negative. It must be quiet if pulo nothing to say 1 1
pulo filipe Posted December 7, 2023 Posted December 7, 2023 Paul In bed with leora under the blanket on the laptop 1
pulo filipe Posted December 7, 2023 Posted December 7, 2023 Paul It's not cold All naked and in panties
pulo filipe Posted December 7, 2023 Posted December 7, 2023 Leora In the bathroom brushing teeth and beauty care Paul in the kitchen eating 1
RAME Posted December 7, 2023 Posted December 7, 2023 oui il ne c'est faire que sa. leora bosse et je te surveille les mains dans le dos.
RAME Posted December 7, 2023 Posted December 7, 2023 paul obliger de faire des bains de bouche pour désinfecteré tous sa 1
pulo filipe Posted December 7, 2023 Posted December 7, 2023 Leora In the kitchen making food Paul must still have problems with your teeth.
Gregg Posted December 7, 2023 Posted December 7, 2023 6 minutes ago, pulo filipe said: Leora In the kitchen making food Paul must still have problems with your teeth. Best cure take note Paul go down on leora when aunties here and lick all the gravy out of her that will take your mind off your teeth and give you nice breath honest 1 2
RAME Posted December 7, 2023 Posted December 7, 2023 leora devrait le perdre dans un grand magasin je suis sûr qui ne retrouverait pas son chemin pour rentrée a l'appartement tellement qui est dans son monde entre quatres murs. 1
Slipper Guyquad Posted December 7, 2023 Posted December 7, 2023 9 minutes ago, Gregg said: Best cure take note Paul go down on leora when aunties here and lick all the gravy out of her that will take your mind off your teeth and give you nice breath honest Pisterine. I'll see myself out. 1 1
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