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Thank you Sanper58 for the photos,but geez that is one ugly ass girl monica smh ::)

So your so good looking are you? I suppose you can afford plastic surgery with your $3000 a week income!

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Thank you Sanper58 for the photos,but geez that is one ugly ass girl monica smh ::)

So your so good looking are you? I suppose you can afford plastic surgery with your $3000 a week income!

Lmaoo!!! Ozi my friend I missed you,for a minute I thought you forgot about me,I needed that laugh thank you sir :)

And the word is you're not your ok, you corrected me in your other post so I'm returning the favor ok Ozi,and speaking of looks why would you use the  actual photo of yourself as your avatar?Aren't you concerned about your privacy,and people knowing what you look like,I would take it down immediately if I were you.

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Thank you Sanper58 for the photos,but geez that is one ugly ass girl monica smh ::)

So your so good looking are you? I suppose you can afford plastic surgery with your $3000 a week income!

Lmaoo!!! Ozi my friend I missed you,for a minute I thought you forgot about me,I needed that laugh thank you sir :)

And the word is you're not your ok, you corrected me in your other post so I'm returning the favor ok Ozi,and speaking of looks why would you use the  actual photo of yourself as your avatar?Aren't you concerned about your privacy,and people knowing what you look like,I would take it down immediately if I were you.

Thank you for the spell check, however there is a difference between correcting a spelling mistake and pointing out a total lie

I should have remembered my last response to you and not waste my time with a complete wanker.

Anyway, I'm out of here as far as you are concerned, you can write all the bullshit you like to justify what I've just written, I'm sure you'll have some excuses. Just remember a good liar, which you are not, not only needs to have a good memory, but also some idea about the topic they are lying about.

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To answer your burning question I got my Masters degree in engineering and in Computer Science, I got them both from Yo Mama!! And I never answered your question because I know that it hurts you to know that you never accomplished anything in life and you hate others who have,so that's why you kept being so caught up with me these last couple of days,I knew that ignoring you actually bothered you more than anything I could ever say so I let you sweat,  you called me a liar and everything just to get me to react,but the whole time I was just laughing at you,I'm telling you right now it's never too late to go back to school and make something of yourself,I know you can make it if you try then maybe you'll be able to afford plastic surgery to look like me too  8) 8) 8) 

And missing an apostrophe and a letter altogether that is not a spelling error my friend,that's you not knowing the difference between "your and you're". hope I taught you something new today you're welcome!!

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fuck !! it is the photo section !!! not the "new headlock" section for 15 pages !!!!

Sorry about that but you have  guys like OZI and KOOLOOS that don't work and just sit at home all day and come on here and talk trash just to harass people,......I can say that they don't work because if you check the time-stamp on their comments they are always on CC all hours of the day and night seven days a week trolling and spamming the hell outta this website,they are not good at uploading any photos or videos on here just good at talking stupid shit....ahh well what you gonna do lol.
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fuck !! it is the photo section !!! not the "new headlock" section for 15 pages !!!!

That's all this Ozi chump does. It gets old very quickly.

Yeah, like I really give a fuck what you think. I suggest you take the same advice I gave your mate mike, check the facts before you comment on something you know nothing about.

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