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Hahaha!! Woman and technique.... ;)

Tu ne serais pas un peu sexiste par hasard ? Ca ne t'es jamais arrivé peut-être...


Wouldn't you be a bit sexist by any chance?  It's never happened to you maybe ...  :)

Each time she has to switch the light off she has the same problem. It been about  one month they are in the appartment. She should know how it works.

Bien sûr mais considérant qu'elle n'est pas là pour très longtemps (si j'en crois d'autres posts), son attention ne s'est pas focalisée sur ce détail qu'elle aura oublié bientôt, d'autant que ça n'est pas très important dans sa vie.


Yes indeed but considering that she lives in the flat for a short time (read on other posts), its attention is not focused on this detail that she will be forgotten soon, especially as it's not very important in her life.  :o

Weer zo'n azijnpisser die geen gevoel voor humor heeft.


Again such a azijnpisser who has no sense of humor.

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Et voila pour ces quelques photos , de nouveau BANNI , qu'ils sont con alors ! décidé a reprendre un compte

premium ! encore être obligé de changer d'adresse ....

A bientôt les amis...

I will never understand the uncompromising policy rlc !!! when they understand that it is thanks to shares on forums like CC, they get new subscribers ?? !!! rlc is totally unknown, without this free publicity !!!! in all other subscriptions before banishing a "client", it warned that he must respect the copyright, and publications will be removed, but it does everything to keep the subscriber pays !! ! with rlc is the contrary, we feel they are the ones that make you a favor by accepting you !!!! it's the world upside down !!!! how to stream live, couples who perform on the Internet and require no picture or video is shared worldwide ?? !!!

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