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B7 - General Topic 2023 #35 (December)

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Il y a 4 heures, corvette08 a dit :

Maybe Neytiri told the annoying piece of shit to leave them alone.


Il y a 3 heures, corvette08 a dit :

Marilyn puffs on that thing every 5 seconds. That can't be healthy.....Fucking smokers!


Which of the two are you again, just to put a face to posts

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13 hours ago, Lasse said:

Plain and simple: K&W both want to, But they know what will happen with Ney

What should happen to Ney? She had fun with the young guest boy without wolf, and there will be no sex between wolf and Ney unless there is a second woman or a second guy. Because there won't be sex between the two, as you saw in the two shows with margo and the young guest guy, with margo she was the passive part and in the threesome with the young guest guy wolf was the passive part. If Wolf and Karma wanted to have sex they could have gone to Karma's room that night because Ney was talking to Marilyn the whole evening.

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7 hours ago, Raddlesnake316 said:

Cosa dovrebbe succedere a Ney? Si è divertita con il giovane ospite senza lupo, e non ci sarà sesso tra il lupo e Ney a meno che non ci sia una seconda donna o un secondo ragazzo. Perché non ci sarà sesso tra i due, come hai visto nei due spettacoli con margo e il giovane ospite, con margo lei era la parte passiva e nel trio con il giovane ospite lupo era la parte passiva. Se Wolf e Karma avessero voluto fare sesso sarebbero potuti andare nella stanza di Karma quella notte perché Ney aveva parlato con Marilyn tutta la sera.

One thing is certain: Wolf wants to take Karma to bed but I'm not sure Karma wants the same thing. Otherwise, last night she wouldn't have come home alone but she would have waited for Lupo to finish his computer game

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Some people complain because I gave them the nickname "the tick". Find a different one to indicate one that is always 10 cm away from you. Nothing offensive, I didn't express negative judgments on his sexual choice even if I considered him immature and unsuitable for the project

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