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B4 - General Topic 2023 #83 (December)

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3 minutes ago, Noldus said:

Karmen und der Typ kuscheln in der Küche

Das geht schon über Kuscheln hinaus. Viel intensiver und Karmas Gesichtsausdruck zeigt ihre groß Liebe ? zu ihm. Sie ist heute einfach glücklich mit ihm zusammen zu sein. Vielleicht sind es sogar " Königskinder " die nie wirklich ganz zusammenfinden können und nur wenige Augenblicke des Glücks haben können. Wenn es stimmt daß der Mann verheiratet ist kann es schon so sein.

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9 minutes ago, Raddlesnake316 said:

That also surprised me, maybe she realized that she had treated Karma badly or realized through the Akrion with Max how important Karma is to her so that she doesn't do shit like that again, but as I said, we'll probably never find out as long as Karma and Sara talk about.

i still maintain that it is a setup to get karma and massimo in bed together

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8 minutes ago, Gerald Knauft said:

This goes beyond cuddling. Much more intense and Karma's facial expression shows her great love? to him. She is just happy to be with him today. Maybe it's even " Royal children " who can never really fully come together and can only have a few moments of happiness. If it's true that the man is married, it can be that way.

i think less and less of karma if the guy is truly married

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