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B4 - General Topic 2023 #89 (December)

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26 minutes ago, Xarvaz said:

Slapping  it slowly and things will work out just fine between those two 🙄

Both Mass and Wolfy are aggressive....but in different ways.

Mass is during the warmup stage, while Wolf is during sex.....

Either way does not suit Karma....she's not falling for Wolf's tender/caring actions...she knows what he does, most likely from talking to Sara....

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1 hour ago, Rattlesnake316 said:

i don´t think so

To be honest I would love to see Karma do sex,

but if with Wolf, that would be very strange.

Maybe Karma is a sucker for trying of something new.

Wolf is into BSDM, so she could cuff him.

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7 minutes ago, Keen Observer said:

Both Mass and Wolfy are aggressive....but in different ways.

Mass is during the warmup stage, while Wolf is during sex.....

Either way does not suit Karma....she's not falling for Wolf's tender/caring actions...she knows what he does, most likely from talking to Sara....

You would be able to judge that better if you could understand what they said

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7 minutes ago, Keen Observer said:

Sowohl Mass als auch Wolfy sind aggressiv ... aber auf unterschiedliche Weise.

Die Messe findet während der Aufwärmphase statt, während Wolf beim Sex ist.....

So oder so passt Karma nicht ... sie fällt nicht auf Wolfs zärtliche/fürsorgliche Handlungen herein ... sie weiß, was er tut, höchstwahrscheinlich aus einem Gespräch mit Sara ...

Ja,sie weiss was er tut, sie war ja mit ihm schon in der Wanne

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5 minutes ago, northguy said:

To be honest I would love to see Karma do sex,

but if with Wolf, that would be very strange.

Maybe Karma is a sucker for trying of something new.

no plan would also like to see karma having sex but i wouldn't know with whom because she prefers the romantic sex rather than the harder kind of wolf and max

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