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Where is Kiko?

Guest Miss Rowena Spade

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do we care where he is ,he was a prick before and he is a prick now

Sorry, I don't have that opinion of him. I didn't think he was very romantic. but he made sure his wife had her orgasm before he had his. He interacted well with his guests and they seemed like an old couple.

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Is anybody able to answer my question: Is he staying there overnight since he came back?

He came 6.12 at about 20.40 and left 8.12 at about 4.00.

I care.  I get tired of hearing about post photos, videos,  More sex, more nudity,

Also did Agent Dog get reassign? 

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Shut the fuck up with Kiko already. He ain't there. He just came over for the weekend. Don't you think he and Nora have their own place where they live before she came back? He is at home taking care of agent dog and doing whatever business he is doing.

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