StnCld316 Posted November 28, 2014 Posted November 28, 2014 I don't think there is something mentioned about sex and nudity in the agreement between the couples (or friends in this case) and RLC. They just have to act natural. As if there were no cams at all. But even that is the main problem in this apartment. They don't act natural. Maybe this will change in time, but I doubt it. Often you can see it in the beginning if they will change their attitude. With this girls that is not gonna happen. But I will watch them now and then. You never know 8) as is often the case, the girls let go gradually. the days pass and being naked bother them less and less. the brown long hair is regularly naked in front of the cam and no longer hides her pussy, as in the beginning !! brown short hair, also lets us see, more and more ... strongly tomorrow !!! Still not worth the price of premium membership.
Catmaster Posted November 28, 2014 Posted November 28, 2014 I have been watching these girls from the 1st day they got here ,but I keep asking myself where do they go at this late time of night so I thinking maybe not nora but the other 2 are they escorts doing out calls who knows Obviously to places, where they have very much fun & party! 8)
cortes43 Posted November 28, 2014 Posted November 28, 2014 por que cuando yo pongo una pregunta o una opinion en español , hay alguien siempre que abre un post en ingles con la misma pregunta y/O opinion , seamos un poco originales por favor . Sencillamente porque no son muchos los que nos leen,hay que traducir,hay que tomarse la molestia,para entendernos no hacen habitualmente el trabajo que a diario hacemos nosotros, yo creo que no se trate de que sean menos originales,creo que no nos han leido. de hecho, mi traductor automático en DC, se establece en Inglés. así que tengo que presionar "traducir" y pasar toda la página del Inglés al Francés. cuando usted no escribe Inglés, el traductor debe abrir en otra pestaña, y copiar / pegar cada frase para entender !! es molesto, ya veces no leo. Eso lo tengo que hacer yo en el 99,9% de los post de CC y efectivamente es molesto y laborioso de todas formas,es usted muy amable al intentarlo gracias
corboblanc Posted November 29, 2014 Posted November 29, 2014 it is not because you are a young woman and you get out the week in Barcelona, which is a whore, an escort girl or porn actress !!! stop fantasizing !!! nora has many relationship, VIP night life of Barcelona .....
Cam Freak! Posted November 29, 2014 Posted November 29, 2014 okay which is the one with the big tit and ugly mole but not the duck lips? I saw her for bit but is not on the cams any where? She keeps her back to the cam in the shower... I think she hiding in the missing room. :-( kick her off!!!
Mack Posted November 29, 2014 Posted November 29, 2014 NL mentioned that Nora seems more depressed than usual and it got me thinking. Now I hope to God this isn't true and I'm not trying to start a rumour just trying to find an explination that fits. We saw at the end of Nora and Kiko's time on RLC in May that their relationship seemed to be on the rocks from a lot of comments that were written here then we saw a lot of tummy rubbing like she may have been pregnant. If by accident or on purpose they may have thought it would save their marriage as many couples have in the past. So like Lora and Max they may have moved into a NON RLC apartment of their own then, and again I hope it isn't true, she may have miscarried. It can destroy the best of marriages and maybe theirs didn't survive. Just throwing it out there. Would possibly explain the evidence we saw in may and the possible depression now along with the slight weight gain, change of appearance and the missing Kiko.
snaky Posted November 29, 2014 Posted November 29, 2014 NL mentioned that Nora seems more depressed than usual and it got me thinking. Now I hope to God this isn't true and I'm not trying to start a rumour just trying to find an explination that fits. We saw at the end of Nora and Kiko's time on RLC in May that their relationship seemed to be on the rocks from a lot of comments that were written here then we saw a lot of tummy rubbing like she may have been pregnant. If by accident or on purpose they may have thought it would save their marriage as many couples have in the past. So like Lora and Max they may have moved into a NON RLC apartment of their own then, and again I hope it isn't true, she may have miscarried. It can destroy the best of marriages and maybe theirs didn't survive. Just throwing it out there. Would possibly explain the evidence we saw in may and the possible depression now along with the slight weight gain, change of appearance and the missing Kiko. Oh Holy Virgin Mary! How I love it when folks who are about to post an outtake of "Santa Barbara" precede it with the line: "i'm not trying to start a rumor" or "i don't want to start a big shit-kicking controversy". At least they admit from the get go, that what they are about to post is a big ass rumor bound to start a shit-kicking controversy 8)
Mack Posted November 29, 2014 Posted November 29, 2014 Well thanks Snaky. You just made me 20 bucks. I bet my wife that YOU would be the first person to comment because you can't resist attacking every post someone puts up here. So how is one supposed to offer their opinion of what might have happened without you attacking. Could have said " hmmm possible but I agree lets hope not" but it's not in you is it? Just HAVE to be an asshole everytime.
snaky Posted November 29, 2014 Posted November 29, 2014 Well thanks Snaky. You just made me 20 bucks. I bet my wife that YOU would be the first person to comment because you can't resist attacking every post someone puts up here. So how is one supposed to offer their opinion of what might have happened without you attacking. Could have said " hmmm possible but I agree lets hope not" but it's not in you is it? Just HAVE to be an asshole everytime. Well shit, I remember another genius recently betting his friends that he could start a shit wave on camcaps, and then laughing it out while reading all the responses. Guess what happened to him? 8)
Cho Posted November 29, 2014 Posted November 29, 2014 On peut tout supposer. Peut-être s'est elle faite avorter, ils ont divorcé, Kiko est peut-être mort ou encore elle n'est peut-être pas l'ancienne Nora mais un sosie. Désolé les gars mais Snaky n'a pas complètement tort. Nous ne saurons jamais rien de la suite entre Nora et Kiko alors n'est-il pas plus sage de ne rien dire ? -- We can all assume. Maybe she abort, they divorced, Kiko is dead or she is not Nora but a double. Sorry guys but Snaky is not completely wrong. We will never know anything about Nora & Kiko relation's rest, then isn't it wiser not saying anything ?
fkfk Posted November 29, 2014 Posted November 29, 2014 Tonight they going out to celebrate Lilu's birthday. A few days ago she said she is 28 years old, so will be 29? Ok, Happy Birthday, Lilu!!!
serg69 Posted November 29, 2014 Posted November 29, 2014 Like they need a reason to go out. They do that just about every night to get away from the difficult life of rent free appartment and to take a break from playing on their phones and laptops and watching TV.
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